
Facebook integration, URL Canonicalization , Core Enhancements, SEF, SEO & Metadata

Beautiful SEF URLs, SEO content analysis by Yoast, Google Lighthouse/PageSpeed optimization, Facebook Instant Articles and XML Sitemaps for Joomla!

Flexible SEF URLs definition using patterns

Route 66 allows you to define your site SEF URLs using patterns and not be restricted by limited URL options! Patterns can include any URL friendly character along with some tokens for generating dynamic variables ( like the article's date for example ). Here are some examples of URL patterns you can use in Route 66:

  • blog/{articleYear}/{articleMonth}/{articleAlias}
  • {categoryAlias}/{articleAlias}
  • {articleAlias}
  • page-{articleId}
  • {categoryPath}/{articleAlias}

It's that simple to add SEF URLs to your site with Route 66. Check out the documentation to see a list of all available tokens for the extensions that Route 66 supports. Last but not least, Route 66 allows you to define different pattern per language when multiple languages are enabled to your site.

SEO Content Analysis Powered by Yoast

Route 66 can analyze your site's content and provide suggestions for improving the SEO score of individual articles right into the article edit form! The SEO analysis is powered by the famous Yoast SEO engine.

Exceptional performance

Unlike bulky SEF extensions that can store thousands of URLs to your site's database, Route 66 offers dynamic and high performance URL generation. In short, Route 66 will not impact your website’s performance.

Duplicate URLs handling - Canonical Links

If Route 66 detects any duplicate URLs it will redirect to the canonical URL automatically. Let's say for example that you have an article with ID 9 and alias "have-a-nice-day" . Let's also assume that you have set up Route 66 using the pattern story/{articleAlias}. The generated URL will be story/have-a-nice-day . URLs like the following which lead to the same article will get redirected to story/have-a-nice-day:

  • index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=9:have-a-nice-day
  • component/content/article/9-have-a-nice-day
  • menu-alias/article/9-have-a-nice-day

For optimal SEO, Route 66 automatically adds the canonical url to the page header. This is especially important when pages utilize query and/or anchor variables appended to the URL (story/have-a-nice-day?modal=welcome ).

Route 66 SEF URLs are implemented for the core Joomla! content extensions ( articles, categories and tags ).

Google Lighthouse/PageSpeed Optimization

Route 66 now can optimize your site to achieve a high score at Google Lighthouse/PageSpeed! Route 66 follows the Google Lighthouse/PageSpeed recommendations to make your Joomla site get ranked high by Google. Since version 1.7.0 Route 66 can lazy load images and iframes of your Joomla site!

Facebook Instant Articles

Route 66 now supports Facebook Instant Articles! It allows you to generate a feed of Facebook Instant Articles based on your site's content. You can also filter the feed articles based on categories. Finally, Route 66 comes with built-in integration for Google Analytics and Google DFP!

XML and Google News Sitemaps

Make it easier for Google and other search engines to discover your site content with XML sitemaps. Route 66 can generate those sitemaps for you! It allows you to filter the sitemap content based on categories. The sitemap can include entries from Joomla! articles and Menu items.

I like the idea where every article has their own SEO detailed setup recommendations that really helps you as a beginner. How cool is that?
Ease of use
Simple and just working perfectly natural, a well thought process flow and just fit all my article SEO needs
I used this to: To make my article to be SEO rich and easy to be picked up by Google SERP naturally.
Route 66 so far does what it says it will do. The installation and setup up is very straightforward. It does not require a lot of tuning.
Ease of use
Ease of use is an area of improvement. Some of the functionality is not as intuitive as perhaps it could be to facilitate taking full use.
No support has been utilized therefore. As a consequence there is a neutral ranking here but they do seem to provide support options.
This is the area requiring most attention. There is documentation but It could use an overhaul with more explanation around configuration.
I used this to: Site analysis, seo, sitemaps, social media integrations, and site performance measurement. So far, this seems like a likely candidate for a pro upgraded service.
Чудовий, зручний функціонал. В моєму випадку достатньо безкоштовної версії.
Ease of use
Все інтуїтивно зрозуміло. Легко розібратись навіть без документації.
I used this to: ???????? ???? ? joomla2.5 ?? ?????? 5 ???????? ?????? ?????? ??????????? ?????????? sh404sef. Route 66 ?????? ????????? ?? ????? ?????????.
The yoast portion of Route 66 works excellent. I'm very excited to have this.
Ease of use
So far this has been very easy to use. I'm looking forward to trying the rest of it.
I've not had to contact support yet. With the ease of use, I'm not sure I'll have to.
The documentation is brief but easy to follow. They also provide links to videos if you need them.
I used this to: a home builder's website. Currently I'm using the yoast features, the facebook feature, and the sitemap feature.

Does what it has to do

Posted on 14 November 2023
it has more features than I need, i use only 10% of this extension.
Ease of use
Yeas, it is easy. For SEO there are patterns already on place :)
I used this to: I use it only for my blog what shows featured articles. Joomla shows there very ugly URL (and i dont know why). But Route 66 is solution for
Choose the pattern for your url : mydomain-articlealias, add the category, the year, optimize , minimize css, js, excellent SEO guide
Ease of use
Very easy to use. Specify in the content plugin the pattern for your urls. In articles Use the SEO guide to adjust title, metadata, alias
Very reactive support, the developper answers within 24 hours to questions in the helpdesk. Follows up Joomla evolutions
Documentation is comprehensive and easy to use. It specifies the different parameters that can be used. It proposes tutorial videos
I used this to: I maintain the website of a small club. I use route 66 to have short and significant url, to have better SEO, better speed with optilmization and minification of CSS
Rewrites the default Joomla article URL with a human readable SEO friendly URL instead of having to create menu items for all your articles.
Ease of use
Very easy to set up, the default options work well for me so I don't need to change anything. It's pretty obvious how to amend these.
I used this to: Rewriting the default URL Joomla produces for an article that's not in a menu.
Essentiellement utilisé pour faire de belles urls, sans stockage dans la base de donnée, mais il y a d'autres fonctionnalités
Ease of use
Facile d'utilisation, il y a peu de paramètres à connaître d'ou son intérêt
Rapide et efficace même pour la version gratuite ce qui est assez rare
Elle est disponible en ligne pour tout le monde .elle est complète
I used this to: Différents sites associatifs dont j'ai besoin de contrôle les urls
Basic installation is great extension but unfortunately the software fromRoute 66 does not support LESS files. Crashed my template
Ease of use
Once the installation problems are completed, it is good but to no avail as it crashed my site due unsupported LESS files
Not supporting LESS files and not interested to support. Only through the Blog.
Not accurate with poor installation instructions giving difficulty with initial accurate installation
I used this to: Setting up my site to be SEO friendly This is a good feature although time intensive on a large site
Fa esattamente quello che ci si aspetta. Risolve veramente i problemi segnalati da Pagespeed.
Ease of use
Piccola difficoltà nel trovare le funzioni. Dopo, non è affatto difficile da usare. E' importante mettere i plugin per ultimi in elenco.
Eccezionale! Difficilmente ho trovato un supporto del genere. Consiglio Route 66 fosse solo per la sicurezza del Supporto.
L'ho consultata poco ma è sufficientemente chiara. La suddivisione in blocchi permette una chiara comprensione delle funzioni e di cosa fann
I used this to: ottimizzare il punteggio di Pagespeed. L'incremento è stato notevolissimo, da 27-30 di media a 80-83 sul mobile, con ancora possibilità di miglioramento.
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Route 66 PRO
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Route 66 PRO

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Beautiful SEF URLs, SEO content analysis by Yoast, Google Lighthouse/PageSpeed optimization, Facebook Instant Articles and XML Sitemaps for Joomla! Route 66 PRO supports Joomla! content, K2, Virtuemart, HikaShop and eShop. Flexible SEF URLs definition using patterns Route 66 allows you to define your site SEF URLs using patterns and not be restricted by limited URL options! Patterns can includ...
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Route 66

Last updated:
Feb 19 2025
2 weeks ago
Date added:
Jun 20 2016
GPLv2 or later
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Uses Joomla! Update System


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