Koparent, by Koparent Team - Joomla Extension Directory


Booking, Vertical Markets, Booking & Reservations, Koparent extensions

Koparent is a full Booking & Reservations system for any type of business of renting real estates, vehicles, inventory or providing any type of service – hiring staff, making appointments and similar.
Reservations can be made by day, hour, minute, supported by different calendar or date-time layouts and day or date-time pickers.
Application Functions consist of many features, options and setting which allow the user to control and fully adapt the application to the needs of different business types. By simply turning off Reservation option, user can also get a component for selling products, real estates and services.
Main features:
- Automatic Booking and Reservation Management procedure (user log-in, booking, sending customizable e-mails, sending vouchers and payment calculations, confirming reservations, sending reminders…)
- Display full and detailed description of your product / service / real estate
- Search for listings by various parameters
- See picture gallery for every listing separately, add YouTube movies
- Find location via Google maps
- Choose, customize, add or remove additional services you offer for each Listing Type
- Add and customize additional costs – automatically calculated into the finish price!
- Day, Hour and Minute reservations
- Month, Week, Day, Hour or Minute prices
- Automatic calculation of Advance Price
- Fully customizable prices using Date ranges (different prices for different dates / times)
- Calendar which graphically shows current and updated availability
- Managing users, reservations, listings
- Making on-line booking by simply clicking on the calendar
- See all the costs before making the reservation
- Account creation directly on booking screen
- Manage reservations by login to user profile: see the info, print out reservation pamphlet (voucher), send the listing link to a friend…
- Get the calculation for reservation, calculate advance and pay using Pay Pal or other means of payment
- Making automatic Price lists
- User Log-in from front-end – submitting Listings from front-end, customizing profile, viewing listings and reservations
- E-mail templates
- organizing your Site through Listing Types, Categories and Sub-categories
- Translations for 18 languages
- Easy custom translations keys
- Overriding main Koparent Settings for different Listing Types
- Calculating days or nights (also visible on calendar)
- export your details on listings, reservations or users in XML format or CSV format
- manage comments and reviews on your listings
- over 10 modules, and 10 plugins
- PHP7 compatible
- and many more features…

With purchasing subscription of this Component you can use it for unlimited time, you also get the possibility of installing necessary modules and plug-ins, as well as customer support for the period you selected. Also, you will gain access to all upgrades which we will develop in the meantime, and they will be free for subscribers (new modules, plug-ins, languages, features and similar...).

Check out our full change log on: http://demo.koparent.com/administrator/

Users were completely frustrated and gave up trying to use reservation system and many DID NOT want to create an account!
Ease of use
FROM WHO'S perspective the USERS did not think it was easy to use!
Paid subscription and was ignored by the developer the entire time!
NEVER RESPONDED to my issues!
A JOKE! WHY should I read documentation to FIX their ISSUES!
Paid subscription and was ignored by the developer the entire time!
Value for money
FORGETABOUTIT! Paid subscription FEE for NOTHING!
NEVER RESPONDED to my issues!
Owner's reply: I am sorry that our extension did not meet you needs.
I have a record of replying to all of your emails with answers to your questions and even offered to help by fixing the issue directly on the client site free of charge. The issue was in third party extension that were causing javascript errors causing Koparent not to function as it should.

We did not received any mail for refund, if we did we would gladly returned the money if the extension was causing grief and unhappy customers.

Super component

Posted on 04 April 2015
Have all you need for booking ore sale.
Ease of use
Very easy to use. Very logic build.
Very good support and fast answering if any questions
Very good
Value for money
Very much. Got most for my money.
I used this to: Have tried different types of components for vacation houses rental and got the best solution with Koparent,

very good extention

Posted on 23 January 2015
this componant is very powerful for booking or reservation website . and the support from coparent is excellent
Ease of use
very simple tu use (admin or front end)
very good support !
Value for money
this is a good investment
Sometimes things don't go as planned. Even with the best systems. That's where the people behind the system can make the difference.

The developer proved that he is up to the job in resolving issues and he even went far beyond my expectations to make sure I was happy with the extension.

The extension met my expectations, the developer exceeded my expectations.

Well done.
I bought a subscription to Koparent to set up a car sharing site. Whilst not exactly what I was looking for it has proved customisable to make it usable for the site. The support from Kristijan is excellent.

Good product

Posted on 30 October 2013
I'm quite happy with what this extension done, but it should have features such as assessment and review in future
I recommend to all who are in tourism or sale. Excellent made ​​online booking. Very honest team , always prepair to help.
Owner's reply: Thank you all for your kind words of support. This is why we strive to build the best and reliable booking system as possible. Our subscribers are responsible for all new features and extensions that we build upon Koparent.

Once again thank you all for your support.


Posted on 18 March 2013
It's a very good component, almost fully configurable with an excellent support!

All I have to say is: "Bravo guys"!
I have been looking for a component to suite our needs for some time and then found Koparent. The component does exectly what we need it to do but what is the most amazing about this is the support of the team behind it. Every single time I raised a question or concern it was promptly contacted and the proble/concern was dealt with. From my experience each problem/concern was dealt with in a professional and timely manner. The team not once had a problem for customizing their already excellent component to fit our need. I will recommend this team to anyone who wants a component that works and a support team behind it that is willing to go the extra mile.

One to watch!

Posted on 14 January 2013
This component is one to watch on the bookings scene. I have just renewed my subscription and building my second site with this product. It works well out of the box and unlike others in its class it is not over engineeered, it is really simple to customise css, layouts, tabs, etc.

Above all, I've had great support and really do recommend this.
Koparent Quick Search
Paid download

Koparent Quick Search

By Koparent Team
Koparent extensions
Koparent QuickSearch is a native Joomla! 1.6.x/1.7.x/2.5.x/3.0.x module developed by Koparent Team. This module displays a search form with many fields that can be used to search through your Koparent data. Installation & Upgrading Download the last version of the module and install it using the default install procedure of Joomla! You can easily configure module with there parameters: Default C...
Koparent Category Menu
Paid download

Koparent Category Menu

By Koparent Team
Koparent extensions
Koparent Category Menu is a native Joomla! 1.5.x/1.6.x/1.7.x/2.5.x/3.0.x module developed for Koparent Booking and Reservation Manager Extension. This module displays a list of Koparent categories and / or sub-categories in a menu style. You can see live demo of this module on our demo site( installed on Joomla 1.5 ). Installation & Upgrading Download the last version of the module from the subs...
Koparent Tag Cloud
Paid download

Koparent Tag Cloud

By Koparent Team
Koparent extensions
Koparent Tag Cloud is a native Joomla! 1.6.x/1.7.x/2.5.x/3.0.x module developed by Koparent Team. It extends the Koparent component with added functinality. This module displays an automatically generated tag cloud from the content of your Koparent advert and category data. You can see live demo of this module on our demo site ( installed on Joomla 1.5 ). Installation & Upgrading Download the la...
sh404SEF for Koparent

sh404SEF for Koparent

By Koparent Team
Extension Specific
Short description sh404SEF - Koparent Plugin is a Joomla! 2.5.x/3.x plugin developed by Koparent Team. This extension allow you to integrate Koparent Booking and Reservation Manager Extension and sh404SEF (sh404SEF - SEO, analytics and security for Joomla). This plugin will generate URL friendly links on your Joomla web site for Koparent Extension (ex. http://www.yoursite.com/Categories/Real-estat...
Koparent Adverts
Paid download

Koparent Adverts

By Koparent Team
Koparent extensions
Koparent Adverts Module is a Joomla! 2.5.x, 3.0.x module developed by Koparent Team. It extends the Koparent component with added functionality. This module displays adverts with many different filtering and ordering. This module can be used to display featured, most popular, recent, random, cheapest, most expensive or adverts sorted by name. Adverts module have all standard display options and it...
Koparent Payment Gateway Paypal
Paid download

Koparent Payment Gateway Paypal

By Koparent Team
Koparent extensions
Koparent Plugin Payment Gateway Paypal is a Plugin for Joomla! 2.5.x, 3.0.x developed by Koparent Team. It extends the Koparent component with added functionality. This plugin enables Paypal payment gateway PER advert owner. When this plugin is enabled it shows number of paypal options in user details area if the user is permitted to add adverts. On reservation screen customer will get Paypal butt...


Koparent Team
Last updated:
Jul 18 2018
6 years ago
Date added:
Nov 19 2014
GPLv2 or later
Paid download
c m p

Uses Joomla! Update System


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