VM AusPost Shipping Estimator for VirtueMart

1 review


Virtuemart Shipping, VirtueMart extensions

This is a VirtueMart 3 Joomla 3 Module that provides live domestic & international shipping estimates from the AusPost Server.

You need to apply to Australian Post for an api key to use the estimator. Simply enter it in the plugin configuration. CURL must be enabled on your web server (normally is - if not ask your host)

It can estimate International and Domestic shipping (set in module admin)
International country list taken from VM settings

Can be used as a Cart replacement or stand alone (set in module admin)

Ajax update when products added or quantities altered

Takes the client address postcode or country if set

Over-ridden by the postcode text input or country selector

Letter or parcel (set in module admin)

Cheapest shipping option or selected option (set in module admin)
Postcode validation by AusPost with returned errors.
Module can be cloned to provide International & Domestic.
Most texts editable (set in module admin).

extensive rewrite for better volume handling - v1.4

Great add on

Posted on 09 June 2016
I always had people asking what the freight was going to be for a particular list of items. This does all that for me and the customer.
Ease of use
So easy to use its not funny
Always fantastic
Value for money
I used this to: Saving time dealing with customers and relieving me of manually quoting freight.
Also give customers peace of mind.
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VM AusPost Shipping Estimator for VirtueMart

GJC Web Design
Last updated:
Jun 30 2015
9 years ago
Date added:
Nov 19 2014
GPLv2 or later
Paid download

This extension does NOT implement the Joomla! Update System


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