


By Roland Leicher
Articles Display
The ogDefaultPicture content plugin allows the category image to be used automatically when no introductory image has been defined in the article. It also allows you to display the introductory image when no full article image has been defined, when displaying the article. Just activate the plugin, or deactivate it, if you no longer want to display images....
VP Conversion Tracking for VirtueMart
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VP Conversion Tracking for VirtueMart

By Abhishek Das
VirtueMart extensions
Conversion tracking and thank you page plugin for VirtueMart 4 and VirtueMart 3. One plugin that helps you track your Ads' conversations from all advertising platforms like Google Ads, Facebook Ads, Shopper Approved Customer Survey, Bing Ads, ShareASale tracking, etc. Integrate Google Analytics Ecommerce Tracking with a click of a button. Customise your Thank You page just the way you want. Option...
Jinspector Site Inspector for Joomla

Jinspector Site Inspector for Joomla

By Realvision Internet
Site management tools
Jinspector Site Inspector for Joomla gathers information about your Joomla! installation, and reports to you via email at a pre defined interval. Reports can be sent to specified user groups, or a custom email address, or addresses, daily, weekly, two weekly or four weekly. This is very useful as it's no longer necessary to login to your site to check if your Joomla! version, or your Joomla! ext...
JT Popup Balloon

JT Popup Balloon

By JoomTut
Corner Banners
The Module JT Popup Balloon can display your image or module in popup ballon window on bottom-left or bottom-right corner of your website, even when you scroll your browser window. This module is suitable for displaying Ads, Banners, Menu, Socials Button, Contact Form, Login Form, Email Form, Module with custom code,... Free version features Displays your images link in popup ballon. Adjustable...
Joom Downloads

Joom Downloads

By Codextrous
Joom Downloads is a simple and effective download manager for product and release download system. Joom Downloads is 100% open source software distributed under GNU/GPL licensing. Joom Downloads fulfills all the basic desire for setting up product and document releases system in easiest way possible. **Joom Downloads Features ** Simple, Easy and Quick to setup : With this download manager you...
JExtBOX Page Navigation Plus

JExtBOX Page Navigation Plus

By Galaa
Content Links
This plugin improves Joomla's core "Next & Previous" functionality for linking to the other articles. This plugin includes all features of the core plugin and provides the following functionalities. Changes direction between the next and previous articles. Shows the parent page (home or category) instead of a missing next/previous article. Truncates long titles. The "Page Navigation" core plu...
PDF for K2
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PDF for K2

By CMExtension
K2 extensions
CMK2PDF is a Joomla! plugin for K2 component to give you and your site's visitors ability to view your K2 articles in PDF format, in this way we can not only print K2 articles but also can download them for offline reading. Conversion from HTML document to PDF document is powered by MPDF PHP library. Technical Requirements CMK2PDF is compatible with Joomla! 3.x.x. CMK2PDF is NOT compatible with...
Product Checkout Lock for VirtueMart
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Product Checkout Lock for VirtueMart

By GJC Web Design
VirtueMart extensions
Prevent one off and low stock items being added to multiple carts! The Product Checkout Lock for VirtueMart prevents single stock articles being added to more than one cart at a time. This extension DOES NOT WORK with stockable child products!!! Do not buy it if you want this lock for them - it will not work! With a standard Virtuemart 3 install it is quite possible for a single item (i.e. an ite...
BIT Closing Times for Virtuemart
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BIT Closing Times for Virtuemart

By Barg-IT
VirtueMart extensions
While most online shops are naturally available 24/7, this is not practicable for others where vacations or opening hours may require to restrict the shop functions. In some cases you may only wish to inform your customers (e.g. about a longer processing time), whereas in other cases you may want to deactivate orders. This plug-in supports you in modelling closing times in your shop. Features:...
My Albums - Music Collection for Community Builder
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My Albums - Music Collection for Community Builder

By JoomlaThat!
Community Builder extensions
A quick-installable plugin that lists all your albums on your CB profile page sort your albums by: addition date (ascendant or descendant), album chronology (ascendant or descendant), alphabeticaly (ascendant or descendant) add optional filters to your tab: filter by artist filter by format filter by album type filter by tag search by freetext keywords useful pagination featue included (you c...
Advanced Admin Menu

Advanced Admin Menu

By mortalis
Admin Navigation
The advanced menu for the Joomla 3 Admin side. Based on the default mod_menu module. Adds the following possibilities: open menu items on mouse hover action select existing components configurations from the menu view all the frontend menu items in the Menus item without entering the Menus component page direct acces to some of the Extension Manager views access to the Admin/Site modules compo...
Remote Loader
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Remote Loader

By Geraint Edwards
Articles Sharing
Ever wished you could display the content of one of your Joomla modules on another website - this php script and associated module makes this possible. This php script helps you display the content of one or more of your Joomla! modules on to another site. The other site doesn't even need to be running Joomla. Inject your modules content on other Joomla! sites. Use the module provided on one...
Shared House

Shared House

By Xav
Booking & Reservations
This extension displays a booking / availability calendar. The calendar is designed for vacation / holiday rental homes owners. It displays the following periods through a color code: available, booked, pending request. It is also possible (optional) to display in the calendar 4 different "seasons" (very high, high, medium and low) if needed. The administration (definition of periods) of the cale...
JoomFuse with JF Portal
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JoomFuse with JF Portal

By Dom Cassone, Zacaw Enterprises, Inc.
CRM bridges
JoomFuse with JF Portal integrates many native features of Keap and Joomla! to manage and control access to content in a self-hosted membership based Joomla! site. Support for Community Builder and JomSocial are included. The JF Portal interface includes the ability for the member to manage account information including subscriptions, invoices, and credit cards. Member permissions are fully conf...
First Automatic Friends for Jomsocial
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First Automatic Friends for Jomsocial

By Nordmograph
JomSocial Extensions
First Automatic friends plugin for Jomsocial . It can process confirmed friendships or Friendship requests with default or custom message . It can friend from one or more users, and also every users. It processes for each new registered user, registering from the front or backend....


By G S Chapman
Classified Ads
The Rialto component is a Classified Advertisements component. Wikipedia defines Classified advertising as a form of advertising which is particularly common in newspapers, online and other periodicals which may be sold or distributed free of charge. Advertisements in a newspaper are typically short, as they are charged for by the line, and one newspaper column wide. An advertisement as seen in a...
My User Groups

My User Groups

By abdul waheed
User Management
My User Groups Joomla Plugin is unique Joomla plugin which enables custom multiple user group registration. Once installed you have access to customer support and updates in order to ensure that you’re taking advantage of all of the features that “My User Groups Plugin” offers. Why should you get/buy “My User Groups Plugin”, check out its features:- • Easy configuration • Enables to...
Cuter Weblinks

Cuter Weblinks

By Stefan
Weblinks is an interesting component in Joomla that exists since its early age, once being an integral part of Joomla and since a while available as separate extension. Weblinks is a nice way to collect and categorize links to anywhere in the internet. The component itself is quite comprehensive and shows a nice overview of either categories and/or a category's entries. It also provides its own mo...