Order Awaiting Panel for Virtuemart, by Ivan Milic - Joomla Extension Directory

Order Awaiting Panel for Virtuemart


Optimized for touchscreens!!!

This joomla/virtiemart component can turn your restaurant delivery process or delivery process in any form of company that follows such steps into organised conveyor belt.

  • Monitor instant changes / new incoming orders

  • You can configure unlimited number of users to have terminal access (you don't need to give this users back-end access)

  • Each terminal can be configured to display orders of certain statuses

  • Each terminal can be configured to have capability of changing sertain or all statuses of order

  • On new order reception terminal can be configured to play sound

  • On new order reception terminal can be configured to blink.

  • Optimized for touchscreen

  • 'Full screen' button available

    React immediatly - you will get blinking and/or sound noficication

This is perfect tool to organise your production/delivery line.


BACKEND LINK: /administrator/index.php?option=com_vmorderawaitingpanel

FRONTEND LINK: /index.php?option=com_vmorderawaitingpanel

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Product excel-like manager for Virtuemart

By Ivan Milic
VirtueMart extensions
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VirtueMart extensions
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Login with email or phone for VirtueMart

By Ivan Milic
VirtueMart extensions
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Order/Shopper Internal Note for VirtueMart

By Ivan Milic
VirtueMart extensions
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Selling commander - Products/Orders/B2B for Virtuemart

By Ivan Milic
VirtueMart extensions
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Order Awaiting Panel for Virtuemart

Ivan Milic
Last updated:
Nov 03 2022
2 years ago
Date added:
Jan 26 2017
GPLv2 or later
Paid download
Related extension :
J3 J4

Uses Joomla! Update System