One Page Checkout for Virtuemart 4 and Virtuemart 3 - fully responsive and compatible with all Joomla Templates. No hacks, no manual installation. Just install the plugin using Joomla Extensions Installer, enable it, and you are ready to go.
- Joomla! 5, Joomla! 4, Joomla! 3 and Joomla! 2.5 system plugin for Virtuemart 4/3/2.6/2.0.20b+
- Mobile compatible Responsive One Page Checkout.
- Light in weight and easy to customize.
- Works with all Joomla Templates.
- Extremely easy to set up. It will run within 5 minutes.
- Fully Ajax-based system. Complete checkout within 1 minute.
- Ajax-based email and username verification during user registration. Saves time.
- Comes with two different checkout layout styles. Choose the one which suits you best.
- Comes in both light and dark colour styles.
- Ajax-based quantity update in the cart.
- Encourage your customers to register by showing them the advantages of registration.
- Enable/disable guest checkout
- Set/unset billing address and shipping address by default
- Ajax checkout displays the running process. This increases conversion
- Show/hide checkout steps
- Additional module position on the cart page (cart-promo)
- Compatible with Park Beach Systems UPS Shipment Plugin
- Compatible with Park Beach Systems USPS Shipment Plugin
- Compatible with Alatak USPS Shipment Plugin
- Compatible with Advanced Shipping by Rules Plugin
- Compatible with AwoCoupon Pro
- Compatible with all VirtueMart payment gateways, including PayPal Pro, Authorize.net and Klarna
- Compatible with Daycounts VirtueMart Bonus Products
- Auto fixes the User Activation problem of VirtueMart after registration
- Full SSL support
- Fully Bot Protected Ajax System
- You can override the plugin layouts through your Joomla Template.
- You can override the CSS and JavaScript plugins in your Joomla Template.
- Optionally reload payment methods when selecting a shipment method.
- Ajax EU VAT Check.
- Shopper Group Change based on EU VAT.
- Hide Prices feature. You can now hide prices from guests or all users.
- Hide Ship-To Address Form.
- Hide Shipment Methods.
- One Click Social Login + Social Registration option (with Facebook, Google, Twitter, Yahoo etc.) of VP Advanced User have been integrated since version 4.0. This option is only available in Joomla! 3.5+. We will soon extend this feature to Joomla! 4. The VP One Page Checkout plugin does not contain the VP Advanced User component. You may purchase and install it separately on your site.
- Auto Generate Username during Registration.
- Hide Name Field in Registration Form.
- Use Email as Username for Login.
- Version 4.0 of the plugin contains a complete overhauling of JavaScript, CSS and Layout files.
- Added option to show page preloader while checkout page is fully loaded and prepared for checkout.
- An option to show the shopper field tooltip was added.
- Added an option to show shopper field descriptions as placeholders.
- Added an option to show guest users the email confirmation field in the registration and billing address forms.
- Added support to the GJC TaxCloud plugin for Virtuemart.
- Two new single screens or all-in-one checkout layouts were added.
- A new Händlerbund Compliant Layout option was added to the plugin settings.
- Added ability to receive live updates through Joomla Update Installer.
VP One Page Checkout for VirtueMart
- Version:
- 7.19
- Developer:
- Abhishek Das
- Last updated:
Mar 19 2024
11 months ago - Date added:
- Nov 19 2014
- License:
- GPLv2 or later
- Type:
- Paid download
- Includes:
- p e
- Compatibility:
- J3 J4 J5 (b/c plugin)