Lab5 - Slimbox2, by Lab5 - Joomla Extension Directory


Image magnifier, Image jQuery Slideshow, Image Scripts Slideshow, Image effects, Photos & Images

Integrates the famous "Slimbox 2" Lightbox / Slideshow script ( by digitalia.be ) into Joomla!.
Slimbox 2 itself again is a visual clone of the popular Lightbox 2 script by Lokesh Dhakar, written using the jQuery javascript library.

Integrations / Special Features :

[ Flickr Integration ] - Automatically integrates Flickr thumbnails with Slimbox.
[ Android Market Integration ] - Automatically integrates Android Market URLs with Slimbox.
[ Picasa Integration ] - Automatically integrates Picasa Web Albums thumbnails with Slimbox

Basic-Options :

[ Auto-Activation ] - Automatically adds Slimboxes/Lightboxes to links which point to images.
[ Fix URLs ] - Will Automatically fix URLs containing invalid characters.
[ NoConflict ] - jQuery no-conflict ( option to switch it on/off ).


Recomended Setting :

        Activate [ Auto-Activation ]. With [ Auto-Activation ] on, you only have to point a link directly to an image, and the result will be a link that opens the respective image in a lightbox.

Advanced Lightbox-Linkage - Several Slideshos on one page 

        Create several individual lightbox-slideshows by grouping.

                By default, you can slide through all images linked to lightboxes on a page from right within an open lightbox.But if you wish to group images to slideshows there is a way to do this, by modifying the "rel" attribute of the pointing link like this :

                from (standard): 
                to something like this:

                where "groupname" is optional and all lightbox-links with the same "groupname" will be connected in one lightbox-slideshow.

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Enjoy !
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Lab5 - Slimbox2

Last updated:
Aug 07 2023
1 year ago
Date added:
Jul 15 2017
GPLv2 or later
Free download

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