AdvancedRedirect, by Tobias Zulauf - Joomla Extension Directory


Core Enhancements, URL Redirection

This plugin is based on the Joomla Core Redirect Plugin and acts as a so-called drop in replacement for the Core Plugin. In addition to the Joomla Core Plugin, it allows you to define your own derivation rules.

AdvancedRedirect Plugin


Initial setup the plugin

  • Download the latest version of the plugin
  • Install the plugin using Upload & Install
  • Disable the core System - Redirect plugin from the plugin manager
  • Enable the plugin System - AdvancedRedirect from the plugin manager

Now the initial setup is completed and you can start configure the plugin.

AdvancedRedirect Options

Plugin Mode

This plugin has three plugin modes:

| Plugin Mode | Description |
| Automatic | The plugin will try to get an URL to the category overview |
| URL Hopping | The plugin will try to remove the latest part of the URL. |
| Static redirect | The plugin will use a static redirect url |

Static redirect URL

When the plugin mode is in Static redirect mode this field holds the static redirect url.

Suggest redirection

With this option you can enable whether the plugin should suggest redirection to the 404

Status of the suggestion

With this option you can decide whether the suggested redirect is published or not.

Update Server

Please note that my update server only supports the latest version running the latest version of Joomla and atleast PHP 7.0.
Any other plugin version I may have added to the download section don't get updates using the update server.

Issues / Pull Requests

You have found an Issue, have a question or you would like to suggest changes regarding this extension?
Open an issue in this repo or submit a pull request with the proposed changes.


You want to translate this extension to your own language? Check out my Crowdin Page for my Extensions for more details. Feel free to open an issue here on any question that comes up.

With a few clicks we have our redirections configurated. It's simple and works very well.
Ease of use
The setup was trivial and very quick. No documentation was required for installation and configuration.
I used this to: I used it to improve the browsing experience and avoid the always unpleasant error pages
Owner's reply: Thanks :)
I wanted a plugin that redirected users to a sitemap instead of the 404 page not found and this does it perfectly.
Ease of use
Very easy to configure including creating a language override for the message that appears for the redirect.
The developer rocks. He is actively involved in the Joomla project which in my mind puts him in my category of 'trusted' developers.
Simple clear to understand instructions right on the JED page. Nice!
I used this to: I use this for a client site and will also be using it for future sites as well as my own personally websites
Owner's reply: Thanks for your kind words :)
The Plugin is a big help. It redirects someone the the right helping article for the OS the person is using.
Ease of use
Installation and go - nothing easier than that :-) I am happy ...
Really great and fast support! I appreciate it very much! :-) :-) :-)
I used this to: My clear my cache website which helps people to find how to clear the browser cache
Owner's reply: Thanks to you for the plugin idea :)


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Tobias Zulauf
Last updated:
Dec 22 2024
2 months ago
Date added:
Mar 29 2020
GPLv2 or later
Free download
J3 J4 J5

Uses Joomla! Update System


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