Gracenote Station Airings Reader, by Dénes Székely (webGóbé) - Joomla Extension Directory

Gracenote Station Airings Reader


News Display

Adding Gracenote station airings content inside your Joomla! website is now super-easy and simple with the Gracenote Station Airings Reader module. All you have to do is add required data to the module parameters, publish the module in some position and that's it! You can even publish multiple instances at the same time!

After you install the module, add a Gracenote Station ID as source in the related box under 'Fetch Options' and simply adjust the 'Feed Content Options' in the module parameters.

If you want more control, you can simply override both the generated HTML and CSS, using MVC template overrides within your Joomla! template.

Dropdown Tags

Dropdown Tags

By Dénes Székely (webGóbé)
Tags & Clouds
The Dropdown Tags Module displays all tags in the Joomla 3.6+ site in a dropdown menu linked to Joomla's tag specific page. Changelog: v 3.1.0 - Added Joomla 4/5 compatibility v 2.0.1 - Fixed routing issues 1.4 - Added the option to show only child tags for a parent tag, when parent tag is selected, only the child tags are shown in the dropdown...
Slim shopping cart for VirtueMart

Slim shopping cart for VirtueMart

By Dénes Székely (webGóbé)
VirtueMart extensions
The return of the very successful "Slim VirtueMart shopping cart" for Joomla 1.5 and Virtuemart 1.1.* (more, than 3000 downloads overall). Fully translatable, FaLang and core multilingual engine aware, bare-bones, one-line, text based cart module. The cart uses VirtueMart language files combined with his own language file. You can tweak it as you wish. The one-line text content is placed in the sa...
JAK2 Filter and Search extension for sh404SEF

JAK2 Filter and Search extension for sh404SEF

By Dénes Székely (webGóbé)
sh404SEF extensions
To use it: 1. Install and activate sh404sef 4.1.x component for Joomla 2.5+ 2. Copy the file found in the package inside folder Joomla 2.5.x in your joomla installation in /components/comsh404sef/sefext/ directory. 3. Be sure that K2 component and JomlArt K2 plugin is enabled in the sh404sef configuration (Use sh404SEF plugin if available is choosen in the Configuration>By Component tab) 4. Purge...
Simple Meta Refresh Redirect

Simple Meta Refresh Redirect

By Dénes Székely (webGóbé)
URL Redirection
Simple Meta Refresh Redirect is a Content type Plugin that helps to simply redirect Joomla article pages to URL's of your choice. Useful if you need to redirect only individual articles articles in a safe way, and to transfer to the new URL the page's Google ranking. The plugin inserts HTML meta refresh tag redirection in the otput of the article. Even if this technique does not return 301 permane...


By Dénes Székely (webGóbé)
Simple Joomla component to submit, distribute and display prayer requests. The component uses Joomla's mailer to distribute the prayer requests submitted. There are couple of operating modes for distribution: development mode - prayers are sent to the site's default address only administrators - prayers are sent to site super administrators subscribers - users who actively subscribed using the...
Tags Simple Cloud

Tags Simple Cloud

By Dénes Székely (webGóbé)
Tags & Clouds
This Module displays tags used on the site in a simple cloud layout. Tags can be ordered by title or by the number of tagged items or random, and limited to a specific time period. Number of displayed tags, colors of links and background color of the module can be set from the parameters. Recommended for webmasters who want simple, fast loading sites. Based on Popular Tags core module. Changelog:...
YouTube Importer

YouTube Importer

By Dénes Székely (webGóbé)
Social Display
This plugin periodically checks for the availability of new videos in the YouTube channel(s) and playlist(s) configured, and imports them as new content items in the associated category(es), adds the title and description, and publishes it according to your settings. The plugin action is triggered by front-end user activity. More visitors you have, more precise the timing is. You can add up to 5...
PhocaDownloads for sh404SEF

PhocaDownloads for sh404SEF

By Dénes Székely (webGóbé)
sh404SEF extensions
sh404SEF plugin for PhocaDownloads. Based on code by Branislav Maksin (www.maksin.ms) and Johan Lindh (www.linkdata.se). Beta version - works on the downloads site. Tested on Joomla 2.5.8, sh404SEF and PhocaDownloads 2.1.8. Don't expect any kind of warranties, use it on your own risk....
TorTags extension for sh404SEF

TorTags extension for sh404SEF

By Dénes Székely (webGóbé)
sh404SEF extensions
To use it: Install and activate sh404sef 3.4.x..x or newer component for Joomla 1.7+ Copy the file found in the package to your Joomla installation in /components/com_sh404sef/sef_ext/ directory. Be sure that TorTags component is enabled in the sh404sef configuration (Use sh404SEF plugin if available is choosen in the Configuration>By Component tab) Be sure to have a menu item (can be in a hi...
eXtroForms Content elements for FaLang

eXtroForms Content elements for FaLang

By Dénes Székely (webGóbé)
Extensions Specific Non-sorted
Content elements for translating eXtromedia.de's eXtroForms form building component for Joomla 1.7+. Install them by using FaLan'gs own content element installer. For this go to Content Elements menu in FaLang component, and click on "Install" button on the top right. Happy translating!...
JomHoliday content elements for FaLang

JomHoliday content elements for FaLang

By Dénes Székely (webGóbé)
Extensions Specific Non-sorted
Content elements for translating comdev.eu's "JomHoliday! Total Solution For Holiday Needs" rental component Joomla 1.7+. Install them by using FaLan'gs own content element installer. For this go to Content Elements menu in FaLang component, and click on 'Install' button on the top right. Happy translating!...
Simple Ooyala Player

Simple Ooyala Player

By Dénes Székely (webGóbé)
Multimedia Players
Ooyala Player is a Content type Plugin that helps to display Ooyala videos in the articles and other Joomla areas which can handle plugins easily. The output of the plugin is Responsive. To use the plugin, you only need to copy the video id (Content ID) and the unique PlayerID from the Ooyala for the video you want to see. Main Features: Show Ooyala video easily. Only Needs Video id (Content ID) a...
Dublin Core Extended Metadata

Dublin Core Extended Metadata

By Dénes Székely (webGóbé)
SEO & Metadata
An integration of Dublin Core Extended metadata for Joomla! 1.7+. Loosely based on Dublin Core Extended plugin for Joomla 1.5 by Erwin Nindl Simply upload, add the required fields as part of the plugin parameters and publish for all pages. Dublin Core Extended covers the following metadata specifications for Joomla: the basic Dublin Core specification the Australian Goverment Locator Service (...
Domain Locked Custom Content

Domain Locked Custom Content

By Dénes Székely (webGóbé)
This module allows you to create your own Module using a WYSIWYG editor. The content will be shown only when your site is accessed via a given domain name/list of valid domains set in the parameters. Useful on sites with multiple parked/addon domains. This version supports only Joomla 4, the older - unsupported - version, compatible with Joomla 3 is available for download on author page....
Bulk Related Product Manager for VirtueMart

Bulk Related Product Manager for VirtueMart

By Dénes Székely (webGóbé)
VirtueMart extensions
A little component to manage related products in bulk easily for the current branch of VirtueMart. You can filter for Category and manufacturer to select the target products, then select from the list the products you want to manage in the first step. In the second step you can select the related products, and you can save the obtained combination to be reused. On the third and last step you can...
Constant Contact integration for J2Store

Constant Contact integration for J2Store

By Dénes Székely (webGóbé)
J2Store extensions
A J2Store application to collect client email and name to be automatically added to a selected Constant contact list during checkout in a J2Store powered Joomla shop. The plugin is a standard J2Store application, installs as any other Joomla plugin and can be managed both from usual plugin area or from the Apps section in the J2Store setup. If correctly configured, collects and passes to the sel...
Conditional discounts for VirtueMart

Conditional discounts for VirtueMart

By Dénes Székely (webGóbé)
VirtueMart extensions
Conditional Discounts for VirtueMart is a package containing a backend component, a module and a plugin to manage conditional discounts - discounts which are available when you buy together two or more products. The component controls the relationships between products. You can define master products by selecting individual VirtueMart products and categories, associate with them slave products, i...
Google Analytics V4 E-commerce tracking for J2store

Google Analytics V4 E-commerce tracking for J2store

By Dénes Székely (webGóbé)
J2Store extensions
Plugin to integrate in J2Store eCommerce tracking via Google Analytics V4/Google Tag Manager. The plugin sends to a properly set up GTM/Analytics V4 account the "purchase" event related data to be used for generate eCommerce reports for the j2Store powered Joomla site....
Auto Check In

Auto Check In

By Dénes Székely (webGóbé)
Site management tools
This plugin automatically check in the checked out items after the number of hours set in the plugin parameters. The execution is initiated by the user activity. A setting allows to deny the triggering of the plugin by the activity in the backend.The last execution time is recorded and the minimum time interval between successive runs can be set in parameters. Plugin is triggered on user activity...
Clean Temp Directory

Clean Temp Directory

By Dénes Székely (webGóbé)
Joomla has a temporary directory where Joomla itself and third party extensions can store files needed only for a short period of time, typically for the lifetime of a request. Normally, these files are deleted automatically when they are no longer needed. Sometimes, however, a number of server, network or programming issues may result in the premature termination of the page working on this data,...

Gracenote Station Airings Reader

Dénes Székely (webGóbé)
Last updated:
Apr 03 2024
11 months ago
Date added:
Dec 04 2015
GPLv2 or later
Free download

Uses Joomla! Update System