JFBConnect, by SourceCoast Extensions - Joomla Extension Directory


Authentication, Social Profiles, Social Auto publish, Facebook integration, Open Graph

Social network integration for Facebook, Twitter, Google, LinkedIn, Yahoo, Instagram, VK, Github, Amazon, Meetup, Windows Live and more for Joomla! Post content to Facebook Pages and Facebook Groups and Twitter Streams. Use Open Graph tag and Twitter Card tags to manage the looks of all content shared from your site. Show your Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn streams easily on your site. And much more!

Simple Social Network Authentication

One-click registration and login from Facebook and 10 major social networks. Let your users access your site quickly and easily with no forms, passwords, and usernames to remember.

Over 10 Social Network Providers

Supports integration with over 10 social network providers. Core JFBConnect package comes with Facebook Consumer, Facebook Business, LinkedIn, Twitter and Google. Paid add-ons include Amazon, Azure AD, Battle.net, Discord, EventBrite, Github, Instagram, Meetup, Pinterest, Twitch, VK, WindowsLive and Yahoo

Automatic Social Sharing Buttons

Add Facebook Comments & Likes/Shares, Twitter Share, LinkedIn Share and Pinterest Pin buttons automatically to your content.

Social Streams

Show the news feeds from Facebook Pages, LinkedIn Company feeds and Twitter feeds. Streams are fully customizable and can chose posts from multiple providers merged into one feed.

Social Posting

Easily 'push' your content along with a custom comment and URL to Facebook Pages & Groups or Twitter streams. Works with all extensions!

Auto Posting

Automatically post new Joomla or K2 items, JomSocial Events and more to Facebook Pages, LinkedIn Company feeds or Twitter streams. Works with user or admin generated content to get news into your social feeds!

Facebook Open Graph and Twitter Cards Tags

Describe your pages to Facebook, Google and LinkedIn using Open Graph tags, which are used to set your thumbnail preview in users' Timelines. Twitter Cards are a similar set of meta tags specific to that social network.

3rd Party Profile Integration

Import user Facebook and other social network profile information including avatar and cover photo. Fully control your site's fields and what social network data should be imported into each one. Works with the User - Profile plugin, JomSocial, EasySocial, Community Builder, Kunena, K2, Virtuemart and more.

Over 50 Social Widgets

Easily setup and configure social widgets from any of the social networks we support. Includes:
Over 10 Facebook widgets, including Likes, Shares, Comments and Page Plugin.
LinkedIn Follow widgets and Share buttons
Pinterest Share
Twitter Follow, Hashtag, Mention and Share buttons
See full list below

Auto-Configuration Tool

Don't mess with Facebook App settings yourself; JFBConnect can configure your Application automatically and check for common mistakes and errors.


Includes translations for nearly a dozen front-end languages.

Fully Documented

Detailed configuration guides take you step-by-step through all social network integration features available for Facebook, Twitter, Google, LinkedIn, Instagram, VK, Github, Amazon, Meetup and Windows Live.

All Social Widgets

Login buttons for all Social Network Providers

  • Login - A social login button can be added anywhere to your site for any of our social network providers, using any image or text you want


  • Login - A Facebook login can be added anywhere to your site using any image or text you want
  • Comments - Show the Facebook Comment box in articles or any other Joomla content
  • Comments Count - Show the Facebook Comment count for an article, great for a blog listing
  • Embedded Post - Have a favorite Facebook post? Show it anywhere
  • Embedded Videos - Embed a Facebook video anywhere
  • Like - Add Facebook Like buttons to any page
  • Page Plugin - Show your Facebook Page's activity stream, information and a Like button
  • Share - Have your users post your content to their Facebook Timeline


  • Login - A LinkedIn login can be added anywhere to your site using any image or text you want
  • Share - The standard share button from LinkedIn
  • Follow Company - Show profile information along with a follow button for any LinkedIn Company


  • Login - An Instagram login can be added anywhere to your site using any image or text you want
  • Embedded Picture - Display any picture from your personal profile or any public Instagram image
  • Embedded Video - Display any video from your personal profile or any public Instagram image


  • Login - A Meetup login can be added anywhere to your site using any image or text you want
  • Group Stats - Show member count and activity statistics from any Meetup group
  • OEmbed - Fully customizable HTML layout for display Meetup group information


  • Share Button - Show the standard Pinterest sharing button


  • Login - A Twitter login can be added anywhere to your site using any image or text you want
  • Share - Show the standard Twitter share/Tweet button
  • Follow - Display a Twitter Follow button to increase your followers
  • Hashtag - Show a list of Tweets with the specified hashtag
  • Mention - Show a list of Tweets that mention the specified user
  • Embedded Tweet - Embed your favorite Tweet wherever you want
  • Timeline - show a collection of tweets
Very good functionality for a social login component.
New features are added every year, it doesn't always happen quickly, but it happens.
Ease of use
Very easy to set up and easy to use. I got a lot of new users thanks to this component.
Excellent support for the component. They don’t always answer quickly, but they always answer and resolve the issue with possible problems.
Fairly good documentation, which is updated if it becomes outdated.
Value for money
It's 100% worth the price. Sure, I wish it was a little cheaper, but you're unlikely to find a better alternative.
I used this to: register users on my website via social media and to display the correct article image in social media links.
2 years ago it took me a while to get it to work.
Today - it doesn't work with FB.
Ease of use
Not easy. It does not support templates overrides for some file, where we need it.
Very slow support. You can wait for days, sometime for weeks. Usually you'll get answers like "it doesn't work the way you think it does."
Absolutely outdated. По всем провайдерам. The screenshots are not true at all.
Value for money
If you need Facebook authorization - not worth the money because it doesn't work.
I used this to: I've left Google authorization alone. All other providers operate unreliably.
This component is simply great it works and covers all aspects of social logins and registrations. Plus offers great addons.
Ease of use
Yes it is easy to use. It has great workflow and control over its functions.
Support is great and it is somewhat unreal. Few times I thought how is it possible for them to be so polite and assistive.
Documentation is great and QA are well explained with examples. Also it tells you how much is possible to do with component itself.
Value for money
Yes price is good and to be honest it deserves to be priced more.
I used this to: Enable social logins and registrations on my website for my review website.


Posted on 18 March 2021
Great extension component. All works like a charm and had no problem.
Ease of use
Easy to use this extension. You need to used to it and then it is easy to use.
Good documentation. Easy to learn that´s for sure and not complicated.
Value for money
Great value for the money u pay! Great money invest in this for sure.
I used this to: I use this for social media like Facebook,Instagram,VK, Github, Amazon, Meetup, Windows.


Posted on 09 February 2018
Extensive, and nice bundle to get you up and running. It all makes sense when you get to know the ins/outs.
Ease of use
Steep learning curve (for me), especially dealing with the Facebook backend. But it soon became apparent once I'd been through the process.
First Class! Above and often beyond the call of duty.
Explanatory, but Facebook appears to be a moving target. Other Socials as described.
Value for money
Absolutely. But like all things, what do you compare this to? If you're looking for something free, good luck with that.
I used this to: https://simplyaviate.com (beta)

JFB Connect

Posted on 31 July 2017
This will grab from facebook inc pages and as well as post to them . Very powerful in fact so powerful I had to disable it until I am ready.
Ease of use
The support made it easy.
Ok with the support
Value for money
Worth every penny.
I used this to: An sports website where social media and sponsorship is everything.
worked like advertised
Ease of use
user will have to be methodical and follow. no cutting in line. I follow instructions, this worked great. documentation had many form images
the best, I like to forum question format, I can get questions answered and first learn of user issues and bugs
unbelievably upto date and complete. I did not miss a step. I bet it is updated as the social networks change their requirements
Value for money
60 bucks is a good deal, signed up 3 members within a day on facebook alone
I used this to: a rv camping club

Worth it

Posted on 04 May 2017
Works great
Ease of use
Takes a bit of getting used to (like any powerful extension) once you understand it you can do complicated things with a few simple clicks.
Received prompt and good reply to the one question I had.
There was a lot of documentation but I found it a bit confusing for what I was looking for. Eventually figured it out.
Value for money
Definitely worth it.
I used this to: Social share buttons on every page except one. (requires a Facebook app ID which also took a bit of getting used to).

A lot of power behind this

Posted on 26 February 2017
This just always amazes me. It does exactly what the developers say it will, let you create social logins, facebook canvas etc it does it al
Ease of use
It is easy to use, any complications come from the API developers, google etc. Some are easier than others to work out
You can't get better support,the only other extension with support as good is jreviews.
Everything is covered you need to work through and you will find the answers
Value for money
Nothing good is cheap but I think this extension is pretty reasonable considering what you get and you do get a lot for your buck
I used this to: I use it for multiple logins from various providers and connection to my facebook page, via tabs, comments etc


Posted on 10 July 2016
100% functions as it should. If there is an issue support is prompt and best quality until fixed.
Ease of use
Sometimes difficult to understand because of unique functions but a great deal of effort has been made to make it easy to understand.
Excellent and focused support. Works with you until issues completely resolved. Knows his work and understands the quirks of this industry..
Clear and to the point. May require a re-reading to better understand.
Value for money
Yes. Absolutely!
I used this to: Website.
SCLogin Enhanced Login

SCLogin Enhanced Login

By SourceCoast Extensions
Site Access
SCLogin is a free and fully supported enhanced login module for Joomla 4.x and Joomla 5.x. This module is based off the Joomla 4.x login module, with improvements like: * A horizontal mode * An easy template system * Improved two-factor authentication that asks for a separate password only from those users who have it configured * Streamlined looks * Modal popup view for login * Customizable user...


SourceCoast Extensions
Last updated:
Dec 13 2024
3 months ago
Date added:
Feb 02 2009
GPLv2 or later
Paid download
c m p
J4 J5

Uses Joomla! Update System


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