
Style & Design, Design Tools, Templating

You can create your own Responsive Joomla templates with few clicks with no need of high CSS knowledge.

Template Creator is a tool to constuct Joomla templates in few minutes. You can create your own HTML structure and add set your css (colors, dimensions, etc) without code knowledge.

By clicking on the menu you can have a preview and direct download the template package to install it on your Joomla website.

Included features :

  • Manager for Responsive Design layout (for mobiles)
  • joomla 1.5, 2.5, 3.x, 4.x compatiblity for the generated templates
  • drag and drop interface to create your layout
  • add, move, remove the modules positions how you want
  • give the name you want to the modules positions
  • instant preview
  • multiple HTML blocks (flexible modules, horizontal menu, row of modules, custom html, ...)
  • color pickers to select your colors on elements
  • custom background image for each element
  • CSS3 styles for rounded corners, shadows, and gradients (IE7-8 compatible with PIE)
  • unlimited exotic fonts from fontsquirrel or google fonts
  • CSS styles manager for modules, module titles and menus, buttons etc ...
  • CSS for horizontal menu compatible with Maximenu CK
  • compatible RTL
  • unlimited templates, no limitation

Choose your style in 1 click

Use the integrated theme to create your template in 1 click. Select the design that you want and customize it without limit.

SVG Icons

Select within more than 4000 SVG icons to add next to the module title

Responsive Design

Choose how to manage your modules and rows on every resolutions for computer, tablet and phones. You can stack them vertically, hide them, add a mobile menu ...

Fixed or fluid layout

You can set a width for the content or set it to be the whole page width. You decide how your website will be shown. You can choose how you want your page to display.

One page design

You can use Template Creator CK with other extensions like Scroll To CK to make your website one page with a smooth scroll animation. You can also add a Parallax effect, put a fullwidth slideshow, and add a megamenu to your page. You can do what you want, add any feature to your template to make your website really cool.

Manage your columns

You can easily manage your columns in the specific interface. Click on the columns and the modules to enable and disable them. For each column you can give it a width in percent and the template will adpat itself to all situations (1 column, 2 columns, 3 columns).

Manage your modules

Do you need a row of modules ? You can set them in the ergonomic interface to select the number of modules you need. For each module you can give a specific width and the template will adapt itself to all situations regarding the modules that you have published in your website.

Styles presets

Use the styles preset to give your page a very nice design in one click. Many presets that allow you to set the style of any block, but also some nice menus, and amazing shadows effects. You can also create your own preset and use it on any element with one click.

Custom code

If you need to do more and add some custom features to your template, you can write your own CSS rules, custom PHP code into the head

You can use the component to create your professional and commercial templates.

Integration of Pixabay

Use millions of free images directly in the creation interface of your template / theme thanks to the integration of Pixabay in the media manager. Search your images by keywords and browse the results endlessly. Just select your image to automatically download it and integrate it into your creations.

Dark mode

Use the Variant option to create a dark mode for your template. You will be able to offer the normal version and the dark version in the same template just by changing few colors

Templates für HD-, über Tablet- bis Smart-Phone-Auflösung, alles kann bedient werden!
Als Laie kann ich die Arbeit von Profis erledigen!
Ease of use
Man muß lernen damit umzugehen, aber wenn man's hat, ist alles da was man zur Erstellung und Wartung von Templates für Joomla braucht! Toll!
Ist hier A & O!
Reagiert per Forum sehr schnell und agiert direkt Lösungsorientiert.
Ich lese das Forum, - Problemlösung immer erfolgreich!
Die Dokumentation(en) von CK sind vorbildlich!
Wer sich leicht einarbeiten kann, wird die Doku nicht brauchen, - beim lesen aber was lernen!
Value for money
Template Creator CK ist ein großes Tool für sehr wenig Geld!
- Support und updates für 1 Jahr
- ~ monatliche updates, schnelle Enwicklung!
I used this to: - Aus Spaß
- Ich betreue 2 Websites mit nur 1 x Template Creator CK...
- Keine zeitliche Begrenzung für die Nutzung
- Keine Domainbeschränkung
...ich bin bestens bedient, auch mit meiner, längst abgelaufenen Version

Template Creator ist 100% deutsch übersetzt! (Sprachdatei
Great extension to create a design that fits your needs and the needs of your readers.
Ease of use
A first sight, it looks strange and tricky. But some templates are offered to start. I needed 5 hours to create my own template.
One of the best I have ever seen. I asked some questions and within hours I got the answer. very knowledgeable.
Great and very helpful. If you do not find what you are looking for ask to Cedric. You got the answer. Amazing.
Value for money
It worth it. After the migration to Joomla 4, I wanted to become independent from a commercial template. It was done in few hours.
I used this to: I wanted to create my own design: simple, minimalist, efficient, fast.
I have been to make it with the help of Cedric. I purchased the product on Monday morning. My template was ready on the evening. My customers enjoy it. It is fast, easy and minimalist.
Really a great extens
Template Creator works out of the box and has an intuitive interface, that enables also beginners to create own templates.
Ease of use
What you see is what you get. The editor makes it easy to create columns, rows, module positions and much much more.
The use of this tool is so intuitive and easy, that support is almost unnecessary. Otherwise CEd's support is outstanding.
Although it's almost self-explanatory - all questions that might arise will be answered in the documentation!
Value for money
Awesome. Nor more need to buy templates for each project. I gladly pay once a year, receive updates and can produce own templates as I need.
I used this to: Every single Project! No matter what: Onepager, Blog, Shop, Community or whatever I'm starting with JOOMLA!.

A Must-Have talent

Posted on 21 October 2022
This is complex because the task is complex, but making your own template is a talent you must have and will enjoy.
Ease of use
Easy to use the program. Being able to immediately preview the results of your changes will help you understand how the template deploys.
Very quick turn-around to questions. I've asked several and have had satisfactory results.
Very good and complete in most areas. No problems with the English version manual. Support fills in minor gaps.
Value for money
Excellent value. You can create multiple copies of a template, experiment, change and compare the results very quickly.
I used this to: Creating a fairly simple template for a client that I hope to replicate on several similar sites. More important, I've learned a lot more about modules and how they interact, which something I never understood well until developing my own template with this program.
Owner's reply: Thank you for your great review :)

No hesitation to recommend

Posted on 21 September 2022
It has worked flawlessly for me and it probably goes beyond more than most people will need - plenty of options to create new templates.
Ease of use
It really is quite logical and becomes quite natural. Can seem a little daunting at first but it but will help you with template design.
Not had reason to reach out. Now that has to be a good thing right? :)
Helped for the bits I needed to know - seems to cover everything
Value for money
Excellent value and helped no end with transition to Joomla 4. ....
I used this to: Used this to make new templates so sites would work with Joomla 4 .
Very functional, both visual and text editing with custom code options. Can work from a template base or start from scratch with a blank.
Ease of use
I would say this is not suitable for true beginners. It helps a lot if you understand how Joomla templates work. Then it's easy to use.
Cédric goes well above and beyond with support, giving holistic help that fits his component into the unified Joomla site. He's a star!
The information provided is clear and comprehensive, both in context and with external documentation, demos, and examples. Very thorough.
Value for money
This would be a bargain at twice the price. If you do any kind of work where you develop templates for customers, don't think twice.
I used this to: A professional website for a multinational corporation. We wanted a quick way to get a new J4 template up and running. This has been BY FAR the easiest and most straightforward part of the project.
Owner's reply: Hi
thank you for your great message :)


Posted on 11 April 2022
Template Creator CK allows me to create web sites that I would NEVER be able to create on my own. I am VERY pleased with results using it.
Ease of use
There is a definite learning curve, and it can be a tiny bit wonky, for example existing background color choices sometimes won't display.
Value for money
40 Euros a year to create great-looking Joomla sites that I simply could not create without Template Creator CK is a BARGAIN.
I used this to: Non-profit and charity web sites. I appreciate being able to have access to this software on a tight budget. THANK YOU Cédric!
Does everything you could want to custom design templates or roll out templates you have created in other sites
Ease of use
Bit of a learning curve but really easy once you get your head around it
Ced's support has always been excellent, both in the forum and through the support emails.
Documentation is a little patchy in places but you can always go to support if necessary
Value for money
Not free like some frameworks but worth every penny when you factor in the time you don't have to spend coding special layouts
I used this to: Personal and commercial sites, large and small, and a couple of full on Joomla platform builds
énormément de possibles, et un code vraiment "digeste" comme annoncé
Ease of use
il m'a fallu un peu de temps pour comprendre la logique mais le miracle a fonctionné grâce la faculté d'adaptation du template lui-même
le forum a pu répondre à toutes mes interrogations, et Cédric répond vite et avec beaucoup de bienveillance.
l'indispensable est très bien expliqué, détaillé et vraiment utile
Value for money
parfait, prix plus que correct pour une grande liberté créative et sa fiabilité
I used this to: toutes les pages de ma boutique en ligne (construite avec l'extension hikashop) et son blog
The templates are easy to build and they work right away. It has many functions and it it is easy to change whatever part of the theme
Ease of use
Since it is drag and drop and it is possible to change parameters on every object. I can work faster and have a template ready in minutes
One of the best support I ever contacted. Very fast and a great knowledge how to solve my problems.
Value for money
Best money I have spent on a template creator. Easy and complex at the same time. I can now make a template very fast with ease
I used this to: I make templates to my own sites. I have seven! And I do it for my friends companies.
Maxi Menu CK

Maxi Menu CK

Menu Systems
Make a responsive Megamenu, dropdown menu with multicolumns and multirows. You can also load some modules inside. iPhone, iPad, Android compatible. Virtuemart, Hikashop, Joomshopping, AdsManager compatible. This menu provides some advanced features : - Multicolumns AND multirows - Accessible megamenu : pass the WCAG tests - Themes are responsive design - Dropdown with nice effects - Description c...
Slideshow CK

Slideshow CK

Slideshow CK can display images or videos with links with nice effects. It is mobile compatible and responsive design, and you can add unlimited slides with a Drag & Drop admin interface. List of features : Unlimited slides Ergonomic admin interface with Drag & Drop Effect Kenburns available Can display images or videos Multiple options to congifure the slideshow Mobiles compatible, you can sli...
Page Builder CK

Page Builder CK

Content Construction
Create your content easily with drag and drop and many predefined elements without effort. You can create your custom pages using accordions, tabs, icons, and styles them like you want with the styling interface. Features Full Drag'n Drop interface Direct preview in the interface (Real preview) Columns styling without code Lightweight frontend page Front end edition Easy Google Font selection C...
Accordeon Menu CK

Accordeon Menu CK

Menu Systems
The menu Accordeon CK is an advanced accordion menu system that allows you to insert some descriptions for each menu link, to load any module in the menu structure, and display some image beside the text or just without any text. Menu manager Edit your menu items directly into the interface from the module to set the title, description of each menu item, and to load a module into a submenu Inst...
Image Effect CK

Image Effect CK

Image Effect CK adds some nice effects to your images. You can control which effect to show between "puff, fade, edaf (inverse of fade), shake, reflection". You can also animate the caption that is automatically created from the title tag of the image. Features On any image into your website you can add the effect you want. You can choose to have different effects in the same page, and you can a...
Multilanguages CK

Multilanguages CK

Multi-lingual Content
This is a plugin to manage your translations anywhere in your website. Put the tags for every language you want to manage and the plugin will only display the text for the current language in the page. Example of use : It is based on the language tag like en-GB that you can find using the debug function of the plugin (see options of the plugin). It is very useful if you are using multilingual...
Cookies CK

Cookies CK

Cookie Control
Cookies CK is a simple plugin that blocks the cookies and show the cookies information popup on your website, like the one that you can see on Blocks the cookies until the user click on the button to accept it Shows a small cookie icon to update the user choise Set an article ID for the read more link Compatible multilanguage for article association Write your own text by...
Tooltip GC

Tooltip GC

Article Elements
A plugin for making your tooltips really easy. It makes appear the tooltip with nice effects. It can contain pictures and link, the tooltip can be mouseovered. Styling customization Use the plugin options to set the styles of your tooltips : background, gradient, margin, color, opacity ... Can contain everything You can put what you want in the tooltip like images, links, or just text. You can...
Floating Module CK
Paid download

Floating Module CK

Modules Panel
Use Floating Module CK to choose any of your modules to make it float in the page. Just activate it in the module options and you can choose between multiple settings like float always or float on scroll, background color, distance with the page .... Features - One click activation - Apply to any module - Responsive behavior - Multiple float method : always float, or float only when the top of t...
Modules Manager CK
Paid download

Modules Manager CK

Modules Management
Modules Manager CK allows you to manage your modules directly into your Joomla! template. Imagine that you can add, remove, rename and move your modules into your website with drag & drop instantly ! You don't need to search your modules positions anymore ! With Modules Manager CK you can see where are your modules positions into your template and manage your modules directly into the template. Y...
Scroll To CK

Scroll To CK

Site Navigation
Add a nice effect to scroll the page to enhance the visitor experience with a smooth animation when using the navigation. Scroll you page where you want, and when you go down you can activate the Go To Top button to come back to the top nicely. ** Features :** * Scroll to any element in the page (using its ID) * Works on any link, even in any menu * Easy to use, just add a css class to the link...
Mediabox CK

Mediabox CK

Multimedia Display
Open any media (images, videos...) in a responsive popup compatible with touch devices . You can show any media (images, vidéos, flash, audio, html content, etc...). Multiple options to drive styles and effects : width, color, margin for slide effect, duration, transition, etc... It has been designed with the jQuery version included into Joomla! and uses a minified version of the script to reduc...
Slider CK

Slider CK

Slider CK displays your images and content in a nice responsive slider. It is compatible with mobiles, resonsive design and you can slide with your fingers on your touch devices. The module interface has been designed to give you a simple and efficient experience. List of features -Unlimited slides -Slides manager -Ergonomic admin interface -Can display images or any content (articles, videos, ....
Custom Canonical CK

Custom Canonical CK

SEO & Metadata
Multiple uses Use the Custom Canonical plugin to manage the canonical attribute and improve your SEO Woks in the menus articles categories tags Automatic tag It can manage automatically the tag for you and add it on every page of your website Need more ? Don't hesitate to contact us on the forum...
Custom Parallax CK

Custom Parallax CK

Create a multi-layers parallax effect with your animated custom content. You can write your content into an editor or load a module from the list of published modules into your website. Custom Parallax CK has an image manager with drag'n drop where you can select your image and order them easily. You can choose multiple backgrounds images and set the animation options for each one. Up to 3 back...
Beautiful CK
Paid download

Beautiful CK

Modules Styling
Beautiful CK is a module that displays any Joomla! module in a nice way with some banner, a custom text and lots of custom styles without any required CSS knowledge. Features Can load any Joomla! module published in your website Styles CSS : gradient, border-radius, shadow, borders, margins, background Custom text (color, size, etc) with any Google fonts No CSS knowledge required All elements c...
Table Of Contents CK

Table Of Contents CK

Article Elements
Compatible with Scroll To CK for a smooth scroll Create automatically your table of content within your article with a simple tag/shortcode. It wil get all your Hx tags, create the list and it will scroll automatically on click. How to use it Just add the shortcode {toc} in your article and it will automatically create the table. Each title tag (H1, H2, etc) will get a custom ID where you can s...
Custom Fields CK
Paid download

Custom Fields CK

Articles styling
Custom Fields CK is a field that displays any Joomla! field in a nice way with a lot of custom styles without any required CSS knowledge. Features - Can load any Joomla! field published in your website - Styles CSS : gradient, border-radius, shadow, borders, margins, background - Custom text (color, size, etc) with any Google fonts - No CSS knowledge required - Can be used with any template - Mo...
Carousel CK

Carousel CK

Carousel CK can display images or videos with links with nice effects. It is mobile compatible and responsive design, and you can add unlimited slides with a Drag & Drop admin interface. List of features : Unlimited slides Ergonomic admin interface with Drag & Drop Can display images or videos Multiple options to congifure the carousel Mobiles compatible Responsive design (adapts the image to t...
Mobile Menu CK

Mobile Menu CK

Mobile Display
Create an amazing responsive mobile menu that looks like a mobile application and give your users a great mobile experience. It is compatible with many menus and can be styled directly whithin the interface. Device detection Select if you want to show the mobile menu depending on a resolution value, or if you want to activate the device detection to show it only on tablet or phone. Multi compat...
Menu Manager CK
Paid download

Menu Manager CK

Admin Navigation
Menu Manager CK allows you to manage your menus items with drag and drop. You can add, remove, rename and move your menu items with drag & drop instantly anywhere in the menu structure ! With Menu Manager CK you can see your whole menu structure and change the items params directly in one click. You can create your megamenus very quickly ! You can also edit them quickly in a popup window directly...
Easy Image Caption CK

Easy Image Caption CK

Photos & Images
Easy Image Caption CK adds automatically some caption to your images. It will use the title tag of the image to create the caption, in all your images directly after enabled the plugin. You don't have to play with html, just use the title tag on the image with the editor in your articles. You can use the plugin options to choose to apply the Easy Image Caption CK only on the selected images, usin...
Captcha CK
Paid download

Captcha CK

Access & Security
Protect your forms with a captcha : easy to setup, it contains multiple checks to stop the robots Mathematical check Ask your visitor to make a small calculation. As this is a visual check rendered by an image, a basic robot will not be able to read it Use the option to set the text color Time check Setup the time you think your visitor shall spend before sending the form, if it is sent too fa...

Template Creator CK

Last updated:
Jan 20 2025
2 weeks ago
Date added:
May 11 2015
GPLv2 or later
Paid download
J3 J4 J5

Uses Joomla! Update System


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