
Vertical scroll recent article

Vertical scroll recent article

By Gopi Ramasamy
Articles Display
Vertical scroll recent article module scroll the article title in the website, the article title will scroll from bottom to top vertically. This is the best and fashionable way to show all the latest articles to users. No coding knowledge is required to set up this module. in the admin, we have the option to select an article category. Vertical scroll recent article Joomla module scroll the artic...
Scroll article excerpt

Scroll article excerpt

By Gopi Ramasamy
Articles Display
Scroll article excerpt Joomla module will create the information reel in the website, this scroll contains the article title and article excerpt. It is scrolling like a reel. This plugin is very useful to show your promotion, important article to the user. Scroll article excerpt Joomla module will create the information reel in the website, this scroll contains the article title and article excer...
News xml rss feed scroll

News xml rss feed scroll

By Gopi Ramasamy
Social Display
News XML RSS feed scroll Joomla module will create the message scroll in the website. In the admin we have the option to enter the RSS link. the given RSS link title will scroll vertically in the website front end. with this module, we can create the vertical text scroll gallery on the website. Also, we have the option to customize text color and scroll speed, etc. News XML RSS feed scroll Joomla...
RSS Marquee

RSS Marquee

By Gopi Ramasamy
Social Display
RSS marquee is a simple module to scroll the RSS feed title on the Joomla website. Basically this module reads the given RSS feed and displays the title with a simple HTML marquee(scroll) in the selected location. we can use this to display the latest news feed from the other website. the module demo is available below. no coding knowledge is required to set up this module, just follow the article...
Skyline Scroll to Top

Skyline Scroll to Top

Site Navigation
Scroll to Top is a lightweight yet dynamic plugin for Joomla. It adds a linked button which appears when the users scroll down, and disappears when users reach the top of the page. This button quickly scrolls the page to the top once it is clicked. Scroll to Top gives your website better navigation and adds a more professional look to your current layout. This free plugin is a must-have extens...
Horizontal scrolling announcements

Horizontal scrolling announcements

By Gopi Ramasamy
Horizontal scrolling announcement Joomla module lets scroll the content from one end to another end like reel, it is using JQuery Marquee script for scrolling. This is the simple way to create scrolling text on your website. In the administrator section, we have the option to update scroll speed and direction. Horizontal scrolling announcement Joomla module lets scroll the content from one end to...
Continuous rss scrolling

Continuous rss scrolling

By Gopi Ramasamy
Social Display
Continuous RSS scrolling Joomla module will create the vertical scrolling reel gallery in the Joomla website using the given RSS feed. This will scroll the RSS feed title like reel. The title will scroll one by one in the selected position. Using this module we can show any RSS feed on our website. No coding knowledge is required to configure this module. The continuous RSS scrolling Joomla modul...
Table Of Contents CK

Table Of Contents CK

Article Elements
Compatible with Scroll To CK for a smooth scroll Create automatically your table of content within your article with a simple tag/shortcode. It wil get all your Hx tags, create the list and it will scroll automatically on click. How to use it Just add the shortcode {toc} in your article and it will automatically create the table. Each title tag (H1, H2, etc) will get a custom ID where you can s...
itcs Scroll to Top Button

itcs Scroll to Top Button

Site Navigation
"Scroll to Top" Button with Smooth-Scroll and Hover Effekt A small simple but chic plugin for a "scroll to top", with a smooth scroll effect and a hover effect, consisting of CSS3. The hover animations come without javascript, since the effects are made of CSS3. The style of the button and the CSS script is a free resource from I have modified it for a scroll to top button and added...
Vertical scrolling images

Vertical scrolling images

By Gopi Ramasamy
Vertical scrolling images Joomla module will create the vertical scroll slideshow on the website. This will create a slideshow-like reel. The images will scroll like reels from bottom to top. This Joomla module will create the vertical scroll image slideshow on your website. This slideshow scrolls the images like reel. Images will scroll like reel from bottom to top gradually. This is a simple Ja...
JT Scroll to Top

JT Scroll to Top

Site Navigation
JT Scroll to Top adds a linked button with or without a text which appears when the users scroll down, and disappears when users reach the top of the page. Scroll to Top button quickly scrolls the page to the top once it is clicked. joomla 2.5.x and 3.x Version Smoothy Scroll to top effect. Adjust Scrolling speed. Customize Scroll to top button (Show-Hide text, change scroll speed, text, Backgro...
Horizontal scrolling slideshow

Horizontal scrolling slideshow

By Gopi Ramasamy
Image horizontal reel scroll slideshow plugin lets you showcase images in a horizontal scroll style. The scroll will start automatically. The slideshow will pause on mouseover. see the demo in this post, In admin, we have the option to customize the slideshow. This module scrolls the images from right to left like a reel. Scroll start automatically and move the images gradually from right to left...
Information reel

Information reel

By Gopi Ramasamy
Articles Display
Information Reel Joomla Module creates the reel type scroll in the website. The scroll contains the entered title and description. This is the best way to announce your message to users. Information reel is the simple Joomla module to show the messages to users in the reel. This module shows the messages like a roller. Inside this roller, we can add our Title, Link, Image, and Description. This i...


By ThemeXpert
Content Construction
#1 TRUELY VISUAL DRAG & DROP Most Powerful Website & Page Builder for Joomla 5, Joomla 4 & Joomla 3 YOU can now create visually stunning, modern looking websites with Joomla Page Builder without needing any design or coding skills. Select any of our professionally designed layouts and start building with our Drag&Drop interface. Details here : Joomla Page Builder 40+ Powerful Elements 300+...
Scroll To CK

Scroll To CK

Site Navigation
Add a nice effect to scroll the page to enhance the visitor experience with a smooth animation when using the navigation. Scroll you page where you want, and when you go down you can activate the Go To Top button to come back to the top nicely. ** Features :** * Scroll to any element in the page (using its ID) * Works on any link, even in any menu * Easy to use, just add a css class to the link...
Joombig Gallery Images Flow

Joombig Gallery Images Flow

By Jonh Smith
1.- DESCRIPTION The Gallery images flow is a picture gallery, which allows an intuitive image handling. Image flow is inspired by Apple’s cover flow. The javascript renders the cover flow effect without any noticeable flaw. Keyboard navigation (arrow keys), mouse scroll is supported. Very cool script to use. 2.- FEATURES List of features : - Compatible with Joomla 2.5 and 3.x - jQuery based imag...
JO Slider Scroll

JO Slider Scroll

By Joomcore
The module JO slider scroll has a different transition effect specified for each slide. Also the thumbnail scroller is set in a vertical layout and the mouse scroll and mouse wheel features are enabled. It is very simple to use and adaptive to any Joomla 1.6, 1.7, 2.5 and 3.x website....
CG Scroll

CG Scroll

By conseilgouz
Articles Display
CG Scroll Module displays, using scrolling mode, RSS Feed/an article/an articles category/latest articles. From a AppNity idea ( ), and updated to work with latest Joomla/PHP versions....