
Social Channels display, Clients & Communities, Social Web, FAQ, Question & Answers

Through the No Boss FAQ extension you can choose ready-made layouts and display questions in two ways: registering directly in the extension or linking Joomla articles.


Create your faq in a few minutes by choosing one of the available layouts.


Modify any detail of the chosen layout using advanced customization parameters.


Create questions directly in the extension by linking to a category and faq on the site.


Use joomla articles as questions to be displayed in the faq. Simply select the desired article categories.


Provide filter options by keyword and categories to make it easier for the user to find their question.


Portuguese, english, german, spanish, italian, french, dutch, polish, turkish, catalan, ukrainian and russian.


Each faq is a joomla module and you can create as many modules as you want.


Each layout is personalized according to the device accessed by the user (desktop and mobile).


The extension has top marks on the Joomla Extensions website.


Html editor for responses
The answer to each faq question is filled in an editor that allows free use of html code. It is also possible to load other modules from your website in the editor using the loadmodule position feature.

Filter by url for a question
It is possible to create links that bring filtered questions from a specific faq. When the link is accessed, the website user is redirected to the location of the page where the faq is being displayed, highlighting the filtered question.

Filter by url for a category
It is also possible to create links that bring faq categories filtered in the search bar.

Ordering of questions
The questions displayed in the faq can be sorted manually or automatically in alphabetical order.

Admin layout in dark mode
The extension is compatible with the dark mode feature that joomla released as of version 5.1.0 for the admin area. Dark mode is a screen display format that replaces the default white background with black, reducing the eye strain that comes with prolonged screen time.

Displaying the extension as a module
All extension management is done in a website admin component that automatically generates joomla modules. The module is responsible for displaying the faq and can be called from any location that accepts module calls (template, article, page builder, etc.).

Display using embed
The extension also offers an alternative way to display the gallery on the website itself or even on other websites using embed options via iframe, jquery or xhr.

Css and javascript overwriting
If you need to add any style or js event that is not provided for in the extension parameters, there is an area to place your own css and javascript codes.


Questions and answers only
Layouts that only display questions and answers in a list format without any search filter options.

Filter by keywords and categories
Layouts that display a keyword search box at the top of the FAQ and a select box to select a category.

Filter by categories
Layouts that display at the top or on the left side of the FAQ a list of all categories to be used as a search filter.


  • Access to layouts: visit our demo page to see all available layouts.
  • Admin area of the extension: we also have access on our website to access the admin area of the extension.
  • Get your money back: if you regret your purchase, you have 14 days to request a refund.
  • Joomla 3, 4 and 5: the extension is compatible with Joomla 3,4 and 5. Migrating from 3 to 4 requires no action.
In frontend nothing to say, very good functionality - in backend sometime i would be good, if it was possible, to store / export settings.
Ease of use
Easy to use as categories match the fronend folders or tabs. All settings are useful.
Really good - appreciate direct contact and got a modified download directly, as a small fail was identified.
Value for money
Fair for the software with this functionality and the ver goos support.
I used this to: Making FAQ-Pages with different categories on a educational platform.

Exzellenter Support!

Posted on 13 December 2024
Die Funktionalitäten sind mehr als gut - die Komponente ist einfach zu installieren und die Bedienung ist intuitiv.
Ease of use
Sehr einfach zu handhaben - die Nutzung der Beiträge statt extra Einträge zu erstellen, ist extrem nützlich.
Der ist tiptop! Innerhalb weniger Stunden war die Lösung zum Problem gegeben. So macht es einfach Spaß!
Value for money
Der Preis ist für die Funktionen und den herausragenden Support mehr als angemessen.
I used this to: Die Komponente wird auf mehreren Webseiten zur Abbildung eines FAQ-Bereichs eingesetzt.

Top support

Posted on 10 July 2024
Top customizable extension for FAQs with a wide range of templates.
Ease of use
Good user-friendliness with a wide range of configuration options for the layout.
Support responded to our technical request very quickly and professionally
Value for money
The extension meets our requirements for the FAQ in all specified areas.
I used this to: We use the extension for the complete FAQ section for our customer.
Excelente! Funciona muy bien en mi website. Los recomiendo no solo por la extensión que es excelente, también porque mantienen actualizada.
Ease of use
Es muy fácil y cuando tienes preguntas son muy rápidos en contestar. Equipo excelente, lo recomiendo.
Uno de los mejores desarrolladores con su asistencia al cliente. Contestan rápido y ayudan en todo lo posible. Excelente.
Muy bien, es muy informativo y si tienes preguntas te ayudan de manera rápida y efectiva.
Value for money
Sí, es excelente esta extensión. La recomiendo a todos. Funciona muy bien y mantienen la extensión actualizada en todo momento.
I used this to: Lo uso para contestar preguntas frecuentes a mis clientes en mi web.
Various designs and styles within this module and I can see that this has been well thought out before development.
Ease of use
It's fairly easy to use. All you have to do is create your categories, then add your questions within these categories. Done!
I did not read the documentation since I am use to installing modules and finding my way around them!
Value for money
Various pricing but the pricing strategy here is to always get you to buy the most expensive one which has more support and access to udpate
I used this to: I small website where I have to use a FAQ module will Filterable categories. Does a very good job!
I needed to import a large FAQ from another system into the database. This one had fields very easy to to understand.
Ease of use
The backend styling system is very easy to use. Little to use css overrides, the template editor is VERY easy to understand.
Comes very quickly, within an hour or two. Great!
The responses are translated to English but that makes it easy for me.
Not a lot but this component doesn't need that much. What document there is will help get the job done.
Value for money
Especially the simplicity of the database saved me a lot of time.
For me, worth every penny.
I used this to: A group of websites to display medical FAQ.
Once I install it and set up basic categories, my clients can continue.


Posted on 17 August 2023
Fonctionne parfaitement, réponds à mon besoin. permet la réalisation de FAQ générales ou spécifique selon les articles
Ease of use
Simple à utiliser, ergonomique, le résultat est rapide en quelques clics de souris
Réactif, j'ai posé une question et le retour à eu lieu dans les 24 heures avec une réponse pertinente
La documentation sur le site de l'éditeur est suffisante pour une prise en main rapide
Value for money
Mériterait un tarif préférentiel pour un site non lucratif qui ne génère pas de revenus
I used this to: J'utilise ce composant pour valoriser des sites personnels de partage de passions
Sık Sorulan Sorular ve cevapları için oldukça kullanışlı bir uygulamadır. Web sitesinde kullanıma dönük gereksinimleri karşılamaktadır.
Ease of use
Kullanımı oldukça kolay. Ancak güncelleme işlevi biraz karmaşık ve zaman alıyor. Sürüm numarasının eksik olması zaman kaybına yol açıyor.
Destek ihtiyacı olduğunda ilgililer hızlı cevap veriyor ve karşılaşılan sorunun çözümünde yardımcı oluyorlar.
Yazılı metinlerle destek yeterli değil. Ayrıca geliştiricinin web sitesi çok kullanışlı değildir. Yeni bir sürümü indirme kolaylaştırılmalı.
Value for money
Uygulamanın ücreti makul düzeydedir. Ancak yenilemede ücret biraz daha uygun hale getirilmelidir.
I used this to: Web sitemde deneme amaçli olarak kullandim. Gereksinimmleri karsilayabilen bir eklentidir. Türkçe dil destegi vardir.
Owner's reply: İnceleme için çok teşekkür ederim. :)
Cumple perfectamente con la misión, muy fácil de configurar y de utilizar.
Ease of use
Muy fácil y práctica, es posible definir diferentes categorías y preguntas en cada una, con diferentes visualizaciones posibles.
Gran soporte con respuesta muy rápida . El sistema de tickets es muy sencillo de utilizar teniendo una licencia activa.
Muy buena documentación online para dar respuesta a la gran mayoría de preguntas.
Value for money
Muy buena, precio muy competitivo para un servicio muy bueno. Opciones muy amplias y fácil de configurar.
I used this to: Mostrar preguntas frecuentes en la web. Se visualiza una categoría única por defecto, y se puede cambiar fácilmente de una categoría a otra, mostrando las preguntas de cada una.
Owner's reply: Hola, muchas gracias por tu reseña. :)

Easy to use, easy to configure!

Posted on 25 December 2022
The settings of the extension were quit fine. It fulfilled my needs to configure the FAQ.
Ease of use
The extension has quit some templates to choice from. This speed up the work for configuring it.
Haven't explored the support up to now but judging on JED reviews it looks okay.
The extension is quit straight forward to configure. Nice explanations are given at configurable items. Documentation is under construction
Value for money
The basic version already fulfilled all my needs so it was worth my while.
I used this to: Implementing a frequently asked questions section on a content website.
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No Boss Faq

No Boss Technology
Last updated:
Dec 02 2024
3 months ago
Date added:
Apr 17 2018
GPLv2 or later
Paid download
c m
J3 J4 J5 (b/c plugin)

Uses Joomla! Update System


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