Joomla! Extensions Directory - Page 72


Rapi Website Compressor
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Rapi Website Compressor

By RapiCode
Minify HTML – Inline CSS – Inline JS On Fly - Minify HTML source code - Single line HTML Output - Minify inline CSS - Minify inline JavaScript - Minimize payload size - Easy To Use - Improve Site Loading Time - Improve SEO - Remove HTML comments. - No modification in your server files (template files) Changes Log Version 1.2.1 | Compatibility with Joomla 4 | 2021/03/10...
Articles canonical

Articles canonical

By Ahmad Balavipour
SEO & Metadata
Joomla Articles canonical is a plugin for solving joomla articles duplicate problem. this plugin ensure you each article just has one url and other url of article canonical to main and correct url....
Paid download


By Yannick Gaultier
4SEF offers customizable SEF URLs for Joomla 3 to 5 4SEF URLs are fixed, predictable and independent from the Joomla menu structure. Finally change your menu and navigation without all links being broken. SEF URLs are generated automatically but any single of them can be manually customized to exactly what you want and need. SEF URLS are based on content titles and categories, not menu items C...
R2H ImageManager
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R2H ImageManager

By R2H
File Management
ImageManager for Joomla! allows you to move and rename images without breaking the image-link in Articles and Custom HTML Modules. Simply drag & drop your images to restructure and clean-up your website. You can also view a list of all unused images and delete them. Currently avaliable in English, Dutch, French and German. KEY FEATURES - Move images easily (drag & drop) - Easily rename images -...
Magic Image Resize

Magic Image Resize

By Dirk Hoeschen: Feenders.de
Content Construction
Magic image resize is a content plugin for automatic scaling content images to a web friendly size. Magic image resize does not work destructive. It stores the resized images into .thumb folders inside your image directories. Only the source is replaced. You can still use responsive classes like img-fluid or img-responsive. Example img src="images/myLargeImg.jpg" class="img-flui...
4AI - Community Edition

4AI - Community Edition

By Yannick Gaultier
Authoring & Content
4AI is a state-of-the art Joomla extension that gives you an always-on AI-powered assistant to create and revise the content of your website. Powered by the API behind the well-known ChatGPT system, it's always available, backend or frontend, at the click of an icon or through a convenient keyboard shortcut. New All generated images are marked internally as AI-generated Now creating and modify...


By European Commission
Automatic translations
WEB-T for Joomla Unleash the Power of Effortless Translation for Joomla Websites WEB-T Joomla is the ideal solution for easy Joomla website translation. This translation plugin is both powerful and user-friendly. It automates new and existing content translations into multiple languages, eliminating the need for complex editing interfaces. The standout features Intuitive Editing: Say goodbye...
Twitter Summary Card for Articles

Twitter Summary Card for Articles

By Fernando Arturo Martínez Aguilar
Social Media
Twitter Summary Card can be used for many kinds of web content in this case for blog posts and news articles. It is designed to give the twitter users a preview of the content before clicking through to your website. This plugin adds Twitter Summary Card meta data to your Joomla Articles. Twitter Summary Card can be used for many kinds of web content in this case for blog posts and news articles...
eorisis: Verification
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eorisis: Verification

By eorisis
SEO & Metadata
Site Ownership Verification. Powerful and modern Joomla component that allows for the maintenance of any number of service verification metadata, on any part of websites, with special options for Google, Bing, Yandex, Facebook, Pinterest, Norton Safeweb and WOT (Web of Trust). Compatibility Joomla Compatibility: 6.x, 5.x, 4.x, 3.x PHP Compatibility: 8.x, 7.x Base Features - Compatible with Jooml...
Google Webmaster Tools Verification

Google Webmaster Tools Verification

By Daniele De Santis
SEO & Metadata
Google Webmaster Tools Verification is a Joomla! plugin which allows you to easily verify the ownership of a website on Google Webmaster Tools. It adds the required meta tag to the home page of your Joomla! website. Works with Joomla! 2.5 and Joomla! 3+...
Maniac SEO

Maniac SEO

By agora32
SEO & Metadata
Easily optimize your Joomla Website with one plugin for more efficient SEO results, it is the most complete SEO plugin available for Joomla. It offers everything you need to optimize your site. Tool: Backlink Checker, keyword suggest, Keywords density, Keyword Position, Social URL Analytics, Page Rank Checker, Plagiarism Checker, SEO Analyzer,... Maniac SEO tool check web site, blog is everyday us...
CW Redirect
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CW Redirect

By Cory Webb
Short URL
CW Redirect enables you to create a simple redirect by creating a Joomla menu item. Redirect the user from yoursite.com/menu-item-alias to any link you choose. This component makes it easier than ever to redirect users from a URL on your site to any URL on the internet. Simply create a CW Redirect menu item, and CW Redirect turns that menu item into a 301 redirect to whatever URL you choose....
BCS Open Graph Tags
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BCS Open Graph Tags

By BCS Website Solutions
SEO & Metadata
This plugin is designed to make social shares from your Joomla pages easy! Once installed, it adds all the necessary Opengraph and Twitter Card tags to make sharing on Facebook or Twitter easy. With the plugin installed and activated, your Joomla site will automatically have the necessary tags in place in your HTML code on all pages. There is no need to manually set tags on a per-page basis. The...
Gogodigital Essentials

Gogodigital Essentials

By Gogodigital Srls
SEO & Metadata
Gogodigital Essentials Plugin for Joomla is a System Plugin with Essentials Utilities for all Joomla sites like SEO and Template Optimization, Microdata, Security, ecc......
Zara 4

Zara 4

By Zara 4
Compress and optimize your images with Zara 4. By optimizing, resizing and compressing photographs on your website, you can dramatically reduce the amount of data visitors to your website download. Less data to download equals faster loading pages, reduced bandwidth usage and less storage space on your servers. Zara 4 combines intelligent image optimization and enhanced compression techniques t...
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By stackideas
SEO & Metadata
MetaMan simplifies your daily meta data, opengraph and twitter tag management. It allows a site administrator to be able to load up the respective forms on the front end without having the hassles to go through each of these metadata settings in the menu. You can even upload images for opengraph and twitter directly on the page too....


By Kyrill Poelmans
SEO & Metadata
Textmetrics is the easiest way to make your website content SEO proof, resulting in higher search engine rankings and more traffic to your website. With Textmetrics everyone can create great content and make sure it's SEO proof at the same time. We've put the knowledge and expertise of many many SEO experts in our SEO suggestions engine and made it very easy to use. You don't need to be an SEO ex...
Dublin Core Extended Metadata

Dublin Core Extended Metadata

By Dénes Székely (webGóbé)
SEO & Metadata
An integration of Dublin Core Extended metadata for Joomla! 1.7+. Loosely based on Dublin Core Extended plugin for Joomla 1.5 by Erwin Nindl Simply upload, add the required fields as part of the plugin parameters and publish for all pages. Dublin Core Extended covers the following metadata specifications for Joomla: the basic Dublin Core specification the Australian Goverment Locator Service (...