Search & Indexing

Universal AJAX Live Search
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Universal AJAX Live Search

By Offlajn
Site Search
This search extension will dramatically change your conception about search modules. Professional design, real-time working and much more performance than you have ever seen on any website. Searching for an article or product was never so easy with this search module. Impress your visitors with the clean design and increase your site usability! The Live Search has 4 fully customizable themes withi...


By BlueCoder
Site Search
Filter your Joomla Articles and Contacts using Custom Fields, Categories, Tags and native fields OR create pages, based on preset criteria. Combine it with the Smart Search to filter the search results, Lightweight and SEO friendly. Try the Pro version for AJAX based requests and additional features. Filters Fully customizable, blazing fast filters, from Custom Fields, Categories, Tags and nativ...
EB Ajax Search
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EB Ajax Search

By Extnbakers
Search & Indexing
EB Ajax Search is an AJAX powered LIVE search (Hikashop, Virtuemart, SP Page Builder, and K2 Compatible) module that will boost user experience by providing a user-friendly ajax powered search form. It works like an Auto-suggest Google search. It's very flexible as every element is fully configurable. ⚡ DJ-Events support is now added ⚡ Phoca cart support is now added ⚡ SP page builder is su...
Geek Elasticsearch
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Geek Elasticsearch

By JoomlaGeek
Site Search
HIGH PERFORMANCE SEARCH FOR JOOMLA! Geek ElasticSearch is the most powerful, extremely fast, highly relevant and flexible search and filter system for your Joomla site. Our extension uses the Elasticsearch engine - a highly scalable open-source full-text search and analytics engine to index data and perform the search. Hence, it is possible to index, search, and analyze large volumes of data quick...
Articles Good Search
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Articles Good Search

By Andrey Miasoedov
Site Search
Filter and Search module for Joomla Articles content, Joomla Contacts, J2Store, SP Page Builder pages. You will be able to search your content from any page and use specific fields for make search more accurate. Multi templates module with ability to show it as table style filter or sidebar style single column search module. This module can filter and search your Joomla content by custom fields,...
Custom Properties
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Custom Properties

By Andrea Forghieri
Tags & Clouds
Custom Properties is a Joomla! Extension for creating and assigning custom properties to articles and other content items. Your custom properties can be displayed under the article as tags, or all together as a tag cloud or as a menu. You can even make menu items out of tags. Your custom-defined properties also become an advanced search module, to filter articles combining more criteria. A dedicat...
Tag Transform
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Tag Transform

By JoomUnited
Tags & Clouds
Tag transform is a unique extension to display your Joomla native tags in a nice way. Since Joomla 3.1, the tagging system enhance the content management in Joomla. All your articles can have tags and then create a semantic link with all tagged content. But how about automatically adding your tag in a module and display tags in various way? Tag transform module allows you to display your tag as a...
J Domain Search
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J Domain Search

By Md. Shaon Bahadur
Domain Search
You can search any domain name with combination of up to 65 different TLDS. This extension comes with a plugin and module to show domain search bar on any page or module position on you site. Module/Plugin settings page has option to turn on/off different TLDs, it also has option to change color, text and placeholder text. You can turn on/off GoDaddy, Google, Namecheap and Bluehost checkout links...
Similar Tags with Introtext and Images

Similar Tags with Introtext and Images

By Dénes Székely (webGóbé)
Tags & Clouds
Similar Tags with intro-text and images module displays on a Joomla 3.1+ powered site the title, intro-text and intro-text image (if exist) of other content elements with similar tags. The closeness of the match, the intro image width and alignment can be set, and the markup have proper hooks to be styled as you need. As an added feature over the core similar tags module, this one uses the current...


By Denis Mokhin
Tags & Clouds
MyCloud generates a Cloud or a List of meta keywords of your content. Features Shows cloud of meta-keywords of your articles Shows different size of your keywords Shows different opacity of your keywords Shows rank of keyword in brackets or as a power You can select categories of articles, where module takes keywords from You can choose "Search" or "Smart Search" component to use You can select...
Tags - Filter

Tags - Filter

By Rene Kreijveld
Tags & Clouds
This Joomla 3.x module allows you to filter your category blog on a chosen tag. When you click on one of the tags, the category blog is updated and only show the articles that have the chosen tag....
Dropdown Tags

Dropdown Tags

By Dénes Székely (webGóbé)
Tags & Clouds
The Dropdown Tags Module displays all tags in the Joomla 3.6+ site in a dropdown menu linked to Joomla's tag specific page. Changelog: v 3.1.0 - Added Joomla 4/5 compatibility v 2.0.1 - Fixed routing issues 1.4 - Added the option to show only child tags for a parent tag, when parent tag is selected, only the child tags are shown in the dropdown...
CW Tags
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CW Tags

By CW Joomla
Tags & Clouds
Complex Tagging system for Joomla content! Unique system for IMAGE or TEXT tags!! - based on rich settings. AJAX & jQuery powered - for fast and interactive management. Autocomplete suggestions for search tag input and add tag input! Own search engine. FEATURES - Text or image tags, under or above article content - Displaying related articles in article detail - configurable parameters - Display...
OS PDF Indexer
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OS PDF Indexer

By Ossolution Team
Site Search
Documents Indexer is a Joomla extension to allow indexing and searching base on content of online documents of your Joomla site. Features : Indexing documents (pdf, doc, docx, xls, xlsx... etc) and save content of these documents into database for searching. These documents can be uploaded to different directories . Indexing all documents stored in a folder and all it's sub-folders within one c...


By Denis Mokhin
Tags & Clouds
MyTags plug-in will take meta-keywords of your article and put them after title or after article as tags-links. Easy to use and easy to configure. Usage: Download latest version of plug-in. Install plug-in, using Extensions - Extension Manager. Make base settings of plug-in, using Extensions - Plug-in Manager. Activate plug-in...
Minitek Live Search
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Minitek Live Search

By Minitek
Site Search
An advanced search engine for Joomla. Based on the Joomla core component Smart Search, Minitek Live Search allows you to incorporate more advanced search features into your website. Smart Search Plugins Smart Search plugins enable the scanning and indexing of content from Joomla core or 3rd party components. Content Indexer Scans the content of your website and builds an index that enables fast...


By Roberto Segura
Tags & Clouds
Content Tags for Joomla Showtags is a Joomla content plugin to show article tags in category or article views. Plugin is based on article meta-keywords. Features: * Show tags before and/or after articles * Parent tag selectable div/nav * Format tags in unordered list / wordlist * Show tags in category, featured or article view * You can add a custom CSS selector to customize it * Languages: Eng...
AJAX Search

AJAX Search

By Emir Sakic
Site Search
AJAX Search is live search module for Joomla to filter and display top search results as you type. A click on the result takes you directly to the result page which makes it much quicker to search and find content on your site. It will search through all searchable content getting top results from the main search component with AJAX. It features parameter options for size, button, number of result...