OSOLCaptcha, by Sreekanth Dayanand - Joomla Extension Directory


Captcha, Site Security

Captcha for joomla core and custom forms.Inserts captcha in registration,contact,reset password, remind username forms on enabling this plugin.To add captcha in custom forms without changing any existing codes or admin settings, follow the steps mentioned below.
Just have to follow 3 steps for core forms.
1.install the plugin
2.publish the plugin .
3.Check the 5 forms(mentioned above).
OSOLCaptcha Version 2 and above developed for joomla 2.5 and 3 uses regexp and AJAX verification .if the captcha doesnt appear in any of the core forms, you need to edit osolCaptcha/coreForms.php and update the regexp for the particular form based on the template you are using.

---Important step for Custom forms/Non core Joomla forms---

If you are familiar with regexp ,you could add OSOLCaptcha for any forms.For this you need to add a file in 'osolCaptcha/nonCoreForms' folder.you can check 'virtuemart.php' to see how to set regexp for any non core form.

PS: Inorder to have this plugin insert captcha ,the form should have an id or name and a submit button inside 'form' tag.Though by default it usually will have,I am explicitly mentioning it because I have seen users developing custom forms and template overrides without name or id attribute and compalining that the captcha oesnt work there.

It is recommended that this be done by coders or with their help though installing and publishing the plugin could be done by anyone(which in turn will add the captcha to the core forms mentioned above)

Further there is a layer of backend spam protection with the help of botscout api which could prevent even human spams to an extend.We reccomend you to enable this as well.

Currently there are 2 limitations for this plugin

1.If the html part is customized for comuser,modlogin or com_contact,it may not work.Since this is aimed for non techy joomla users it wont affect them as they dont edit any files.However if there is a template override with form id/name change and submit button tag change you should edit
and change the 2 variables for that form properly

'formId' =>
'tagToPlaceCaptchaBefore' =>

Enabling auto add for modlogin(not available from version 2.0 onwards) is subject to conditions and is disabled by default.if you enable it, make sure that it is in a unique position ,position must be any of these('left','right','top','user2','user3') .The position occupied by modlogin should not contain any other modules

I have included a link to the download page of this plugin with the captcha image.You are free to remove it,though I will be happy to have that link with the captcha image :)

This is my first extension to JED.Any suggestions and help on improving this plugin will be much appreciated

PS:Please check the technical requirements section and FAQs section in the download page of the plugin,first if you are having any issues with the plugin

AJAX verification

Within your technical documentation, you make reference to the GD Library.

We have an issue with the words not being displayed within the module and are getting an internal error "Resource interpreted as Image but transferred with MIME type text/html.".

We are using PHP 5.3.3. Is there a version of OSOL that works with PHP 5.3.3?
This looked good at first. After install seemed to work okay until I got the API for the BotScout function after which I could no longer access the administrator. Each attempt I was just redirected back to the main site's home page.

Only way I could get back in was to FTP and delete the file for this plugin. Just removed and looking for another Captcha.
Owner's reply: A simple advice.'DONT USE ANY SOFTWARE (LET ALONE THIS PLUGIN),IF YOU CAN'T READ ITS DOCUMENTATION'.The issue you mentioned is not of botscout protection feature but admin passphrase feature and is clearly mentioned in the last item in FAQ's section in the download/documentation page.if you had spend half the time (for manually uninstalling this via FTP and putting up this review ),to read the documentation and FAQs ,you would have solved the issue mentioned.Atleast if you had googled for 'osolcaptcha admin pass phrase' you could have seen that there are a few other places including joomla forums where this is mentioned.
The extension works great..however one big issue.

On the contact us & registration page..if the user enters the wrong captcha code, the form resets. Then the user must retype his/her entire message. This is very frustrating for users.

Other than that, the extension have rec'd 5 stars from me.
I just installed this with no problems. I went and tested my "contact me" form and it worked as expected. Now to see if I stop getting spammed.

Used to work

Posted on 04 May 2011
Great app, but after some time it just stopped. Went to the website and surprise, theirs too isn't working. I don't know if they have a bug or not but it would be great that they get it working again.

This is not a negative review, I live their plugin, I find it more than useful and it is great (when it works).

-Easy to install and configure

-Easy to understand instructions

-I like the color setting to combine the captcha with your template colors


-sometimes is very difficult to understand it (even in plain letter mode-they are very little)

-we need to be able to publish on same position than other modules. It's insane you can't use it that way. It's almost useless since you can't insert it on the most used positions for signing in like left and right.

Thanks for the plugin, hope these issues can be addressed on next release.


Posted on 29 April 2011
Great plugin, works straight off the bat.
The plugin is working but has some bugs, which hopefully will be fixed soon. This plugin has messed up with my site. Errors while opening some pages (i.e. CONTACTS), also my template setting got messed up after activating, showing ugly large fonts on some pages.
Owner's reply: There will be no such issues if you have gone through the documentation well espescially FAQs section.

I mean the issues you reported are not issues of my plugin.This is misconception for you as you are technically naive about joomla and still didnt read the documentation.
It's just like the author promissed: download it, publish it and it works!! Much easier than I ever expected!

Great plugin

Posted on 05 February 2011
This is simple and quick to install and implement. A GREAT free plugin that does exactly what it says.

Thank you.


Sreekanth Dayanand
Last updated:
Sep 14 2017
7 years ago
Date added:
Mar 11 2010
GPLv2 or later
Free download

Uses Joomla! Update System


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