OSOLCaptcha, by Sreekanth Dayanand - Joomla Extension Directory


Captcha, Site Security

Captcha for joomla core and custom forms.Inserts captcha in registration,contact,reset password, remind username forms on enabling this plugin.To add captcha in custom forms without changing any existing codes or admin settings, follow the steps mentioned below.
Just have to follow 3 steps for core forms.
1.install the plugin
2.publish the plugin .
3.Check the 5 forms(mentioned above).
OSOLCaptcha Version 2 and above developed for joomla 2.5 and 3 uses regexp and AJAX verification .if the captcha doesnt appear in any of the core forms, you need to edit osolCaptcha/coreForms.php and update the regexp for the particular form based on the template you are using.

---Important step for Custom forms/Non core Joomla forms---

If you are familiar with regexp ,you could add OSOLCaptcha for any forms.For this you need to add a file in 'osolCaptcha/nonCoreForms' folder.you can check 'virtuemart.php' to see how to set regexp for any non core form.

PS: Inorder to have this plugin insert captcha ,the form should have an id or name and a submit button inside 'form' tag.Though by default it usually will have,I am explicitly mentioning it because I have seen users developing custom forms and template overrides without name or id attribute and compalining that the captcha oesnt work there.

It is recommended that this be done by coders or with their help though installing and publishing the plugin could be done by anyone(which in turn will add the captcha to the core forms mentioned above)

Further there is a layer of backend spam protection with the help of botscout api which could prevent even human spams to an extend.We reccomend you to enable this as well.

Currently there are 2 limitations for this plugin

1.If the html part is customized for comuser,modlogin or com_contact,it may not work.Since this is aimed for non techy joomla users it wont affect them as they dont edit any files.However if there is a template override with form id/name change and submit button tag change you should edit
and change the 2 variables for that form properly

'formId' =>
'tagToPlaceCaptchaBefore' =>

Enabling auto add for modlogin(not available from version 2.0 onwards) is subject to conditions and is disabled by default.if you enable it, make sure that it is in a unique position ,position must be any of these('left','right','top','user2','user3') .The position occupied by modlogin should not contain any other modules

I have included a link to the download page of this plugin with the captcha image.You are free to remove it,though I will be happy to have that link with the captcha image :)

This is my first extension to JED.Any suggestions and help on improving this plugin will be much appreciated

PS:Please check the technical requirements section and FAQs section in the download page of the plugin,first if you are having any issues with the plugin

AJAX verification

It just works...what more can I say? I'm non-technical and had it up and working like a charm in 2 minutes.

I tried another addon, and could make it work for the life of me. I simply installed this, enabled it, and whalla!

Well done!!!
works well and quickly which is unlike most of the other captcha extensions. some of the negative reviews here don't make sense- remember, the developer can't QA this FREE plugin with every other extension out there.

Very easy

Posted on 16 January 2011
Very easy to install and get working. Only had one minor issue and that was solved by reading the faq. (the "message" include was missing in my template)

The reason that I dont rate the extension excellent is that the form loses content and has to be filled in from start if a wrong capcha is typed in.

But overall a very good and usable extension.

OSOLCaptcha Review

Posted on 10 January 2011
Very easy to download and install, the hardest part was finding the download link (don't click on the big blue download button with the flashing arrow pointing to it. Click just above that on the text: plg_osolcaptchav1.0.6.zip). One suggestion would be to warn the user that if they enter the incorrect captcha statement they will lose all of the information they entered into the form. Other than that, everything worked well.

Excelent Catpcha

Posted on 03 January 2011
After trying a lot of extensions on catpcha...

I decided on this extension: easy to install, easy to set up and two points that I consider important:

1.- W3C validation => Ok.

2.- Supports most internet browsers. Above all: INTERNET EXPLORER V.6. Other extensions (including payment) do not support IE6.

Thank you very much for your work. A great extension.

Good Plug-in

Posted on 02 January 2011
It is a verry good Plug-in. I make a little modification, size down to 4 characters en a little bigger. I Also integrated with some other components and it work perfect. I have active the BotScout protection, no more bots for me. The Plug-in is user friendly!!

Thanks for sharing.


Posted on 10 December 2010
I was looking for a solution that is easy and fast to add captcha into the native contact form.

And this makes the job ! no code to add, just a few minutes to install and publish the plugin.


Lovely extension

Posted on 30 November 2010
Does its job with less than a minute of installation and configuration.
Had this installed on my site and out of 100 users 99 send me complaints of not being able to log in!! both was due to conflict with other extension and also because they enter the wrong characters!!

It's not the users' fault though since even i have problem making out the characters sometimes unless i move closer to the screen!!

after receiving a lot of complaints i removed the thing and get something more simple and more users friendly!!!

for those who don't know there are better OPTIONS!!!

ok extension

Posted on 22 November 2010
easy install and works after enabled ..but the tex is difficult to see at times--- like # 5 that looks like #6 etc...

and there's a conflict with 1 of of the extensions i have on the site as well

overall it's ok. but if you want something is easier for the users --- there are other options available
Owner's reply: Your review is quite funny since you yourself are using this plugin and advising others against it.

The numbers are made difficult to read in order to bypass optical character recognition(OCR) by advanced spam bots.But its still its easily decipherable for people with normal vision for whom this plugin is aimed for.

You should have mentioned the extension name which is having conflict.Even if there is some real conflict you should have contacted me first instead of trying to show that you are an expert while you are actually not


Sreekanth Dayanand
Last updated:
Sep 14 2017
7 years ago
Date added:
Mar 11 2010
GPLv2 or later
Free download

Uses Joomla! Update System


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