OSOLCaptcha, by Sreekanth Dayanand - Joomla Extension Directory


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Captcha, Site Security

Captcha for joomla core and custom forms.Inserts captcha in registration,contact,reset password, remind username forms on enabling this plugin.To add captcha in custom forms without changing any existing codes or admin settings, follow the steps mentioned below.
Just have to follow 3 steps for core forms.
1.install the plugin
2.publish the plugin .
3.Check the 5 forms(mentioned above).
OSOLCaptcha Version 2 and above developed for joomla 2.5 and 3 uses regexp and AJAX verification .if the captcha doesnt appear in any of the core forms, you need to edit osolCaptcha/coreForms.php and update the regexp for the particular form based on the template you are using.

---Important step for Custom forms/Non core Joomla forms---

If you are familiar with regexp ,you could add OSOLCaptcha for any forms.For this you need to add a file in 'osolCaptcha/nonCoreForms' folder.you can check 'virtuemart.php' to see how to set regexp for any non core form.

PS: Inorder to have this plugin insert captcha ,the form should have an id or name and a submit button inside 'form' tag.Though by default it usually will have,I am explicitly mentioning it because I have seen users developing custom forms and template overrides without name or id attribute and compalining that the captcha oesnt work there.

It is recommended that this be done by coders or with their help though installing and publishing the plugin could be done by anyone(which in turn will add the captcha to the core forms mentioned above)

Further there is a layer of backend spam protection with the help of botscout api which could prevent even human spams to an extend.We reccomend you to enable this as well.

Currently there are 2 limitations for this plugin

1.If the html part is customized for comuser,modlogin or com_contact,it may not work.Since this is aimed for non techy joomla users it wont affect them as they dont edit any files.However if there is a template override with form id/name change and submit button tag change you should edit
and change the 2 variables for that form properly

'formId' =>
'tagToPlaceCaptchaBefore' =>

Enabling auto add for modlogin(not available from version 2.0 onwards) is subject to conditions and is disabled by default.if you enable it, make sure that it is in a unique position ,position must be any of these('left','right','top','user2','user3') .The position occupied by modlogin should not contain any other modules

I have included a link to the download page of this plugin with the captcha image.You are free to remove it,though I will be happy to have that link with the captcha image :)

This is my first extension to JED.Any suggestions and help on improving this plugin will be much appreciated

PS:Please check the technical requirements section and FAQs section in the download page of the plugin,first if you are having any issues with the plugin

AJAX verification

It looks nice, but...

Posted on 24 August 2010
After I have installed this the number of spam registrations increase three times. It looks like my site with the OsolCaptcha is sucking-in every false new spam-member from the internet.
Owner's reply: Not sure how to reply this frivolous remark.If there is some genuine issue , you need to either contact us or post it in the forum http://forum.joomla.org/viewtopic.php?p=2072414#p2072414 prior deriving your own conclusions and pouncing hastily to write something like this.Anybody can make a remark here like this and there is no way to know what exactly is wrong unless you elaborate your issue with references.One thing I can say for sure is that after you enable second level security and botscout options,not bot spams will pass through it.Botsout protection will also protect human spam to an extend and is available for some components beyond core joomla forms with form field named 'email' for eg:virtuemart registration.

It is always recommended to read the documentation and forum completely as is the case of any piece of software.Don't put the blame on developers for your ignorance

Super easy

Posted on 04 August 2010
It could not be easier to have a captcha on your website. Finished in 30 seconds without any problem.

OSOL Captcha

Posted on 03 August 2010
This extension does exactly what it sets out to do and so simply :) I needed it only for the contacts page as I don't use registration or logins (but I see no reason why it shouldn't work there too).

The documentation is very good so no-one should have a problem getting up and running in seconds once the documentation has been read.

Thanks for the extension !
This extension is very easy to install and setup, I have tried others last year and I gave up for almost one year then I received spams so decided to try my luck and whoooolllaaaa got this and it just work.

One thing I would like this to extend further that it can have other languages as my site has three languages in it, when it comes to other language page this Captcha still display in English.

Anyway, thanks alot for this and well done KEEP IT UP

Excellent tool

Posted on 08 July 2010

that's what I missed in basic Joomla so thanks for doing the job and sharing it with us. Easy to install and easy to use.


Rudolf Aigner

Great extension!

Posted on 05 July 2010
I recommend this extension for all Joomla sites that allow user registration. It installed in seconds, and was setup on my user registration form with no further work on my part.

- Hank Castello / CompuSolver.com
I downloaded and installed the plugin in about five minutes.

I contacted the developers (Outsource-Online) for support and they answered me quickly and exhaustively, solving my problem.

They deserve definetly a five star rate.

Thanks for this useful plugin.


works well

Posted on 29 June 2010
I have a custom rockettheme template, I added the php snippet as provided and it works as intended. Thanks again!

Very nice

Posted on 21 June 2010
Very good plugin! Installed in a breeze, works fine, sets up by default for core forms.

Two comments to maybe make it excellent:

1- be able to tweak $fluctuation_amplitude and $ no_space parameters from the backend (I found the default settings for distorted letters a bit hard to read).

2- do not install by default at position 0 in the list of system plugins (I didn't check this at first, and it broke my joomfish setup temporarily by going before the router, such a problem could be hard to track for a newbie).

Otherwise, again, very very good. Keep up the good work!
Owner's reply: thanks for the review.Could you please explain item 2 about joomfish? please send the details through the contact us form of my site
Works as promised. Took about 1 minute to install and get it working on my contact form!



Sreekanth Dayanand
Last updated:
Sep 14 2017
7 years ago
Date added:
Mar 11 2010
GPLv2 or later
Free download

Uses Joomla! Update System


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