Easy Jobs Manager is an awesome Joomla component that let you build a website for publishing and finding jobs.
🔥 Main Features
- Jobs management
- Companies, candidates, replies management
- Partners, locations and job sectors management for Jobs
- Currencies, contract types, time types and length employments management
- Lightweight and very fast
- Joomla Custom fields support
- Email / SMS notifications
- ACL support
- Assign candidate or company user to a specified Joomla group
- Support last Bootstrap version
- Import Jobs quickly from CareerJet
💼 Job Listing Features
- Attach job to a company from backend
- Add job title and description
- Ability to add salary information (amount range, currency and period)
- Choose job location (ability to attach 3 locations)
- Choose job fields (ability to attach 3 fields)
- Choose job listing publishing period
- Attach a company contact to job
- Set job starting time
- Choose job time type (Full-time, Flexi-time, Fixed-term contract, Casual workers)
- Choose length of employment (Indefinite period, Length C, Length D)
- Choose contract (Employment contract, Business License, Fixed-term Contract)
- Extend job with custom fields (example: Responsibilities, Requirements ....)
- Control job listing activation (manual or auto activation after creation)
- Global publish day count for each job listing
- Control company info how to be displayed in job listing (Full, Basic or None)
- Email / SMS notification when new job created and published with ability to customize email message and subject
- Set job address or latitude/longitude and display location with google map
🗃️ Jobs List Features
- Easy jobs management from backend
- Jobs list view with filter (you can filter by location, field )
- Ability to display jobs in horizontal list or table view
- Ability to display custom fields in horizontal list or table view
- Ability to change company logo size
- Display distance for every job when search radius enabled
👨💼 Candidate Features
- Can filter jobs quickly by recommended, field, location, contract, replied to, Favorited
- Can add personal information like name, surname, picture, gender ....
- Ability to extend personal information by custom fields (example: skills, website, phone, fb profile ....
- Ability to manage experiences, educations, certifications, files (cv, cover letter ...) and languages
- Ability to choose preferred jobs (by choosing locations and fields)
- Reply to a job
- Add job to favorite list
- Application history
- Change profile visibility to public or private
- Share a job to a friend
- Subscribe to a newsletter
- Receiving alerts about new job offers with Joomla custom fields integration
- Ability to download CV as PDF
- Email notification when new candidate registered with ability to customize email message and subject
- Email notification when new candidate replied to a job with ability to customize email message and subject
- Auto thumbnails generation for candidate picture
- Attach a new user candidate to Joomla group during registration
🏢 Companies List Features
- Easy companies management from backend
- Companies list view Ability to display companies in horizontal list or table view
🏢 Company Features
- Submit new jobs
- Manage own jobs easily (edit, unpublish, copy)
- Check candidates database
- Add candidate to favorite list
- Ability to download candidate CV as PDF
- Add company logo
- Extend company information by custom fields (example: company form, employees number, activity, contact info, address ...)
- Ability to attach more contacts
- Email notification when new company registered with ability to customize email message and subject
- Subscribe to a newsletter
- Receiving email and SMS notifications of events related to the company
- Auto thumbnails generation for company picture
- Attach a new user company to Joomla group during registration
- User can contact company profile
- Control who can contact company
🔎 Search and Filter Jobs
- Geolocation support
- Filter by job location or user position
- Filter by company, keyword, time type and more !!
➕ More Features
- Guest reply support
- Joomla captcha registration
- Address autocompletion using Google Map API
🧱 Modules
- Jobs search form
- Jobs list
- Companies list
- Login/Register based on role (candidate or company)
⚙️ 3rd party Integrations
- AcyMailing Integration (create subscribers & subscribe to lists based on preferences in Easy Jobs user profile)
- CiviCRM Integration (create contacts & their relations)
- JoomSMS Integration (to send SMS notifications)
🤖 SEO Features
- Automatic or manual Metadata (title, description, keywords ...) generation
- Support Opengraph
- Support Twitter Cards
- Support Google rich snippets for jobs and companies (using JSON-LD format)
- Ability to map Joomla custom fields with job and company schema
🔄 Last updates
Check full change log here:
Easy Jobs Manager
- Version:
- 5.6.0
- Developer:
- JoomBoost
- Last updated:
Nov 14 2024
4 months ago - Date added:
- Aug 09 2018
- License:
- GPLv2 or later
- Type:
- Paid download
- Includes:
- c m p
- Compatibility:
- J3 J4 J5