
Code Snippets, Content Construction, ContentBuilder extensions, Landing pages, OnePage Design extensions

Quix Page Builder for Joomla 5, is a powerful no-code drag-and-drop page builder for Joomla 5, designed with ReactJS. Create custom pages effortlessly with a user-friendly interface, predefined elements, and advanced styling options. Ideal for content construction, landing pages, and one-page designs.

Quix Overview

Most Powerful Website & Page Builder for Joomla 5, Joomla 4 & Joomla 3

You can now create visually stunning, modern-looking websites with the Joomla Page Builder without needing any design or coding skills. Select any of our professionally designed layouts and start building with our intuitive drag-and-drop interface. Discover more details here.

Key Features:

  • 40+ Powerful Elements
  • 300+ Ready Blocks
  • 100+ Designed Layouts
  • Header & Footer Builder

Top Features

  1. Visual Site Builder
  2. Header & Footer Builder
  3. Pop-Up Builder
  4. SEO & Performance
  5. Seamless Integration

Free Joomla Page Builder with Instant SEO

Take control of your page layout with the most advanced page builder in the market. Manage everything from one place with a simple drag-and-drop interface. Build and optimize your website's SEO instantly with Quix's live builder.

Built for Professionals from Freelancers to Agencies

Learn more about our Joomla Page Builder.


Pixel-Perfect Design in Joomla! Visually

Create visually impressive and professional-looking websites without writing any code using Quix Joomla Page Builder. Experience the new visual builder—it's like nothing you have seen before.


Rank Your Page Faster Than Others

With QuixRank, our unrivaled SEO feature, you'll make search engine-friendly pages without needing an SEO expert using Quix Joomla Page Builder.


Extendable & Developer-Friendly

We follow the latest coding standards, and everything you see in Quix Joomla Page Builder is extendable.

Create Any Website You Can Imagine

Replace a dozen Joomla! extensions with our powerful Quix elements.


Media Manager for Joomla!

A simple yet powerful first-of-its-kind media manager for Joomla! allows you to manage all your media in one place. You can upload SVGs and manage them through filters and search. The powerful media search helps you find your files instantly.


The Largest Stock Photo Collection

Access the biggest free stock photo collection directly in the Media Manager. Search and insert any stock image without having to leave Quix.


Supports All Joomla Template Frameworks

Quix is the must-have Joomla Page Builder, supporting the most popular Joomla Frameworks and extensions. K2, EasyBlog, J2Store—you name it, Quix can handle them all.


Show Specific Content to Specific Groups

Show specific sections, rows, or elements to specific groups with one click using Quix's built-in Joomla Access Control.


Load Websites Faster with Optimized Images

Rank your website better than your competitors because Google loves fast-loading websites. Enjoy built-in image optimization services without extra fees.

More details on Joomla Page Builder.


Customizable Shape Dividers

Elegantly divide sections with shape dividers. Choose your preferred shape from more than 22 options, then customize and apply them as you like.

600+ Google Fonts

Choose from hundreds of different Google Fonts. The list updates automatically.

2000+ SVG Icons

Handcrafted vector icons that are infinitely scalable and customizable.

30+ Elements to Rock

Elements are built specifically to help you build websites faster and easier.

100+ Premium Layout Blocks & Page Templates

Get started with our premium layout blocks and page templates, then tweak them as much as you want. Combined with our elements, you can create any website, simple or complex, in no time.

Additional Features:

  • Responsive Joomla Page Builder
  • Boosts Page Load Speeds by Up to 300%
  • Works with Every Framework & Template Out-of-the-Box
  • Intuitive Content Options Allow You to Customize Everything
  • Load Any Joomla Module Inside an Element

Wait, There's More

  • Unique Responsive Controls
  • Drag & Drop Layout Builder
  • Add Columns on the Fly
  • Resize Column Grid Sizes
  • Works with Every Framework and Template
  • Section-Based Organizing System
  • 50+ Elements
  • Load Joomla Module
  • Quix Loads Inside Any Joomla Components
  • Undo/Redo
  • Instant Reload
  • Keyboard Shortcuts
  • Built-In Animation
  • Parallax Background Effect
  • Entry Animation
  • Box Shadow Control
  • Confetti Effect for Page
  • Keyboard Shortcuts
  • Collapsible Section
  • Google Fonts
  • Font Awesome 4.6
  • Multilingual
  • +100 More Features...

More details on Joomla Page Builder.

No-Code Joomla-paginabuilder - Quix

De krachtigste en SEO-gerichte Joomla Page Builder
Maak verbluffende webpagina's in enkele minuten zonder ook maar één regel code te schrijven of professionals in te huren. Breng productiviteit en bespaar tijd met de zeer intuïtieve volgende generatie Joomla Page Builder.

Visuele Site Builder
Quix tilt Joomla naar een geheel nieuw niveau met zijn ongelooflijk geavanceerde visuele Joomla Page Builder-technologie. Geniet van de ultieme kracht binnen Quix om spectaculaire ontwerpen te maken en websites visueel te bouwen zonder snelheid te verliezen.

Header & Footer Builder
Ontwerp de headers en footers van uw website zonder dat u een template framework of programmeerkennis nodig hebt. Quix geeft u alle benodigde elementen en instellingen om een ​​perfecte header en footer te maken, ongeacht uw ontwerpvereisten.

Vooraf gebouwde headers/footer om aan de slag te gaan
Weergave lay-outconditie
Drag & Drop alles
Het menu-element

SEO & prestaties
Bouw sites met Quix en krijg geautomatiseerde 90+ PageSpeed. Geniet van prestaties zonder compromissen en word een ster voor zowel Google als uw klanten. Optimaliseer uw website met Joomla page builder om de conversie te verhogen en hoger te scoren dan uw concurrenten.

Geavanceerde SEO Analyzer
Image Lazy Loading
On-Demand Asset Loading
Atom boilerplate template

Sluit u aan bij meer dan 113.292+ mensen die elke dag een prachtige website bouwen met onze Joomla Page Builder

منشئ صفحات Joomla بدون أكواد - Quix

أقوى أداة لبناء الصفحات على Joomla وأكثرها تركيزًا على تحسين محركات البحث
قم بإنشاء صفحات ويب مذهلة في دقائق دون كتابة سطر واحد من التعليمات البرمجية أو توظيف محترفين. حقق الإنتاجية ووفر الوقت باستخدام أداة بناء الصفحات على Joomla من الجيل التالي التي تتميز بسهولة الاستخدام.

أداة بناء المواقع المرئية
تأخذ Quix Joomla إلى مستوى جديد تمامًا بفضل تقنية بناء الصفحات المرئية المتقدمة بشكل لا يصدق على Joomla. استمتع بأقصى قدر من القوة داخل Quix لإنشاء تصميمات مذهلة وبناء مواقع ويب بصريًا دون فقدان السرعة.

أداة بناء الرأس والتذييل
قم بتصميم رؤوس وتذييلات موقعك على الويب دون الحاجة إلى أي إطار عمل قالب أو معرفة بالترميز. توفر لك Quix جميع العناصر والإعدادات اللازمة لإنشاء رأس وتذييل مثاليين، بغض النظر عن متطلبات التصميم الخاصة بك.

رؤوس وتذييلات مُصممة مسبقًا للبدء
حالة تخطيط العرض
اسحب وأفلِت كل شيء
عنصر القائمة

تحسين محركات البحث والأداء
قم ببناء مواقع باستخدام Quix واحصل على سرعة PageSpeed ​​تلقائية تزيد عن 90. استمتع بالأداء دون أي تنازلات وكن نجمًا لكل من Google وعملائك. قم بتحسين موقعك الإلكتروني باستخدام أداة إنشاء الصفحات Joomla لتعزيز معدل التحويل والحصول على مرتبة أعلى من منافسيك.

محلل متقدم لتحسين محركات البحث
تحميل الصور ببطء
تحميل الأصول عند الطلب
قالب Atom

انضم إلى أكثر من 113292 شخصًا يقومون ببناء موقع ويب جميل كل يوم باستخدام أداة إنشاء الصفحات Joomla الخاصة بنا

Générateur de pages Joomla sans code - Quix

Le générateur de pages Joomla le plus puissant et le plus axé sur le référencement
Créez des pages Web époustouflantes en quelques minutes sans écrire une seule ligne de code ni embaucher de professionnels. Améliorez votre productivité et gagnez du temps avec le générateur de pages Joomla de nouvelle génération très intuitif.

Générateur de sites visuels
Quix élève Joomla à un tout autre niveau avec sa technologie de générateur de pages Joomla visuelle incroyablement avancée. Profitez de la puissance maximale de Quix pour créer des designs spectaculaires et créer des sites Web visuellement sans perdre en vitesse.

Générateur d'en-têtes et de pieds de page
Concevez les en-têtes et les pieds de page de votre site Web sans avoir besoin d'un cadre de modèle ou de connaissances en codage. Quix vous offre tous les éléments et paramètres nécessaires pour créer un en-tête et un pied de page parfaits, quelles que soient vos exigences de conception.

En-têtes/pieds de page prédéfinis pour commencer
Condition de mise en page d'affichage
Glissez et déposez tout
L'élément de menu

SEO et performances
Créez des sites avec Quix et obtenez une vitesse de page automatisée de plus de 90 PageSpeed. Profitez de performances sans compromis et devenez une star pour Google et vos clients. Optimisez votre site Web avec le générateur de pages Joomla pour augmenter sa conversion et vous classer plus haut que vos concurrents.

Analyseur SEO avancé
Chargement paresseux des images
Chargement d'actifs à la demande
Modèle de référencement Atom

Rejoignez plus de 113 292 personnes qui créent chaque jour de magnifiques sites Web à l'aide de notre générateur de pages Joomla

No-Code Joomla Page Builder - Quix

Nejvýkonnější Joomla Page Builder zaměřený na SEO
Vytvářejte úžasné webové stránky během několika minut, aniž byste museli psát jediný řádek kódu nebo najímat profesionály. Zvyšte produktivitu a ušetřete čas s vysoce intuitivním tvůrcem stránek Joomla nové generace.

Visual Site Builder
Quix posouvá Joomlu na zcela novou úroveň díky své neuvěřitelně pokročilé vizuální technologii tvorby stránek joomla. Užijte si maximální výkon v Quix k vytváření velkolepých návrhů a vytváření webových stránek vizuálně bez ztráty rychlosti.

Tvůrce záhlaví a zápatí
Navrhněte záhlaví a zápatí svých webových stránek, aniž byste potřebovali jakýkoli šablonový rámec nebo znalosti kódování. Quix vám poskytuje všechny potřebné prvky a nastavení k vytvoření záhlaví a zápatí s perfektním roztečem, bez ohledu na to, jaké jsou vaše požadavky na design.

Předem připravená záhlaví/zápatí pro začátek
Podmínka rozvržení zobrazení
Drag & Drop vše
Prvek menu

SEO a výkon
Vytvářejte stránky pomocí Quix a získejte automatizovanou rychlost PageSpeed ​​90+. Užívejte si výkon bez kompromisů a staňte se hvězdou pro Google i své zákazníky. Optimalizujte svůj web pomocí nástroje pro tvorbu stránek Joomla, abyste zvýšili jeho konverzi a umístili se výše než vaši konkurenti.

Pokročilý SEO analyzátor
Líné načítání obrázku
Načítání aktiv na vyžádání
Typová šablona atomu

Připojte se k více než 113 292+ lidem, kteří každý den vytvářejí krásné webové stránky pomocí našeho nástroje pro tvorbu stránek Joomla

Creador de páginas Joomla sin código - Quix

El generador de páginas Joomla más potente y enfocado en SEO
Cree páginas web impresionantes en minutos sin escribir una sola línea de código ni contratar profesionales. Aumente la productividad y ahorre tiempo con el generador de páginas Joomla de última generación altamente intuitivo.

Generador de sitios visual
Quix lleva a Joomla a un nivel completamente nuevo con su tecnología de generador de páginas Joomla visual increíblemente avanzada. Disfrute de la máxima potencia de Quix para crear diseños espectaculares y crear sitios web visualmente sin perder velocidad.

Generador de encabezados y pies de página
Diseñe los encabezados y pies de página de su sitio web sin necesidad de ningún marco de plantillas ni conocimientos de codificación. Quix le brinda todos los elementos y configuraciones necesarios para crear un encabezado y pie de página perfectos, sin importar cuáles sean sus requisitos de diseño.

Encabezados y pies de página prediseñados para comenzar
Condición de diseño de visualización
Arrastre y suelte todo
El elemento de menú

SEO y rendimiento
Cree sitios con Quix y obtenga una velocidad de página automatizada de más de 90. Disfrute del rendimiento sin concesiones y conviértase en una estrella tanto para Google como para sus clientes. Optimice su sitio web con el generador de páginas Joomla para aumentar su conversión y posicionarse mejor que sus competidores.

Analizador SEO avanzado
Carga diferida de imágenes
Carga de activos a pedido
Plantilla Atom repetitiva

Únase a más de 113 292 personas que crean hermosos sitios web todos los días con nuestro generador de páginas Joomla

Rien ne fonctionne correctement sur Joomla5.
Malheureusement, malgré mes nombreux tests et modifications.
Ease of use
Ca a l'air simple,c'est pour cela que je l'ai acheté.
Dans les faits, ça ne fonctionne pas, c'est donc très décevant.
Aucune réponse après 7 jours. On est abandonné, malgré l'achat de la version payante.
J'ai tenté de relancer, pour l'instant en vain.
Trop pauvre. Quelques vidéos pas très utiles puis on est renvoyé vers un support Facebook ou rien n'est référencé correctement.
I used this to: Personnaliser un site et construire aisément quelque chose qui apparait comme professionnel.
The Functionality is great. Quix allows to add Features for which you otherwise would need serveral extensions or php-knowledge.
Ease of use
Pretty easy to use if you know a little bit of Joomla. The GUI is quite intuitive, although it´s complexity.
The support is answering very quick and is competent and friendly.
The Documentations is pretty old and could need some rework. Quix provides a written and video documentation, but both relate to Joomla 3.
I used this to: Adding features to my website for which I otherwise would need several extensions.

Very good page builder

Posted on 06 October 2024
One of the best page builders for Joomla CMS, has almost all needed features to build modern pages
Ease of use
Good looking UI/UX interface when building/designing page, and also easy to use.
I used this to: we use it to design pages for some of our Joomla client websites,


Posted on 14 July 2024
Functionality is good compared to other page builders that I have used.
Ease of use
Quix is a little complicated compared to some page builders but can be easily learned.
Prompt customer support. However, their office time is from Sunday to Thursday only.
I find the documentation simple but you can always ask for support for any concern.
I used this to: I use Quix page builder to create and maintain our company website.
Works inside Joomla articles or independently

Start by creating a Joomla Article and enhance it by clicking on the Quix Editor button
Ease of use
Create Quix pages directly and hang them on Joomla menus using the Quix menu type
I used this to: All types of websites including Niche businesses, Blogs and eCommerce sites
Immersive WYSIWYG with a huge amount of configuration options. An integrateg SEO Ranking Analyzer helps you to optimize pages in details.
Ease of use
Suitable for coding ignorant but you can write CSS manually. The SEO ranking analyzer generates a bulleted TODO list for page optimizing.
Fast support. The replies are in 24-48 h or less. Very kind and professional, if needed they can fix issues directly in your backend.
They have an extensive documentation section in their web site. But you can use this extension without documentation for most of the time.
I used this to: Our non-profit association web site. This extension saved us a lot of headaches in building all the pages on the site. Extensions integration: example Google Structured Data. This extension makes us sleep peacefully. For these reasons we decided to buy a lifetime subscriptions.

The best ever

Posted on 20 August 2023
After a short time everything is possible. Can't be beat in terms of functionality.
Ease of use
The operation of the program can be learned in a short time. This is ensured by the logical structure and routine sequence of commands.
What is not possible is explained by super support. Even if the fault lies with oneself.
Anything that cannot be found in the documentation is explained in a film. Great!
I used this to: I've been using the program for more than two years and have designed many websites with it.

Really Good

Posted on 17 April 2023
What can I say about this, other than it offers everything you could possibly need and it just works as expected
Ease of use
There is a bit of a learning curve to using Quix, but once you know how it works, nothing could be easier to use.
Support is amazing, you raise a query and it is replied to quickly, and if the initial solution does not work they are happy to try more
This could be a bit easier, but there are lots of helpful videos which make this much easier to understand
I used this to: Most of the websites I am building at the moment, as the ability to create custom blocks and use them wherever needed is amazing.

Muy buena extension

Posted on 09 April 2023
Quix acelera y mejora significativamente el diseño del sitio web. Ofrece herramientas creativas que dominará rápidamente y será productivo.
Ease of use
Su control es intuitivo. No necesitaba leer la documentación en absoluto. Tal vez se echa de menos el idioma español en el.
I used this to: Mis sitios web para familia y pasatiempos nunca lo cambiará otro programa.
A page builder with many capabilities, but sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't work without obvious reasons.
Ease of use
The use is very easy and you hardly need to go back to the documents, but you will encounter problems that the support team has no answers.
I using a paid version, the support gets back after days or than a week, and their answer is like they are not the developer of the tool.
Despite working in the format stipulated in the documentation, the tool often does not work according to the explanation. Which means that.
I used this to: I bought a paid version and tested it on a demo site thinking I would use it for a wide range of sites. But the Quix page builder issues and really bad support made me drop it and I don't think I'll ever come back to try the tool.


By ThemeXpert
jBar is a powerful web toolbar for Joomla catch your visitors attentions and promote your website’s most important content. Our visual style editor makes creating a jBar dead simple. You just need to add your message and call-to-action. Then make it unique by changing colors, font and style and give it a new appearance. Check our next generation Joomla Page Builder for faster page building. jBa...


By ThemeXpert
XScrollbar is a Joomla! plugin for custom browser Scrollbars. It gives a consistent look browser scrollbar. XScrollbar based on most popular NiceScroll jQuery plugin. You can customize your browser Scrollbar without writing a single line of code. Features: > Easy Installation & Use > Extensive Options > Unlimited Colors > Smooth Scrolling Effect > Responsive & Touch Friendly > Cross Browser Supp...
Xpert Scroller

Xpert Scroller

By ThemeXpert
Articles Display
XpertScroller is our next generation extensions based on the GNU General Public License V2. Basing on experiences gathered, we created probably the best tool to present articles for Joomla! Huge amount of options and possibilities of formatting causes XpertScroller is a complex tool in making www pages content attractive. Check our next generation Joomla Page Builder for faster page building. Sup...
Xpert MP3 Gallery

Xpert MP3 Gallery

By ThemeXpert
Multimedia Players
Xpert Mp3 Gallery is a superb mp3 gallery plug-in for Joomla! Built using the MediaElement.js and works with every device and browser. It is very easy to use and comes with a editor button. Just clik the button and select folder you want....


By ThemeXpert
Mailing & Newsletter bridges
XChimp is a plugin that automatically adds users to your MailChimp list account when they register to your site. No more exporting those lists and then importing them! We make the work of capturing your users data easy to help you re-engage with them in your e-mail marketing campaigns. MailChimp is the best email marketing and email list manager out on the market today. MailChimp has the easiest...
Xpert Captions

Xpert Captions

By ThemeXpert
Articles Display
To allow presenting contents in a dazzling way, Themexpert brings a brand new module Xpert Caption. It’s a box and caption plug-in offering numerous effects and sliding options. It adds fade/slide effect and also allows caption and image sliding in multidimensional style. With its unlimited possibilities and options of displaying a product or an image and its caption, another module like this on...
Xpert Tweets

Xpert Tweets

By ThemeXpert
Social Display
XpertTweets is a module that integrates Twitter stream into your Joomla site. Display tweets of any username, or even by search terms, as well as your profile information and various other elements from Twitter itself. XpertTweets is the perfect module to any Social site, or Business site that uses Twitter. The extension is highly configurable and easy to use. Only show what you want, whether that...


By ThemeXpert
Paid Downloads
From display to download DigiCom handles everything. Say hello to world's easiest digital download selling software for Joomla! and its 100% open source and free. All the key features you need to get started Single and Bundle Selling Selling a single product is simple, but selling bundle of products is now even more simpler Download Management Drag and Drop file manager gives you smooth exper...
Xpert Contents

Xpert Contents

By ThemeXpert
Articles Display
Xpert Contents is a great module to display your content in a beautiful way.The module itself is facilitated by jQuery to transition between images and articles seamlessly. Perfect for showcasing articles or image on your site. Based on the experiences we have gathered from Xpert Scroller module and through hard practice, finally we able to release a complete articles showcase module. As it suppo...
Xpert Contact

Xpert Contact

By ThemeXpert
Contact forms
Most module ajax based contact for Joomla. You can create as many fields as possible from XML and create different forms for different pages. Features Ajax Based Validation Ajax based submission Google NoCaptcha Implementation Add as many fields you want from XML...
2Checkout for DigiCom
Paid download

2Checkout for DigiCom

By ThemeXpert
Extension Specific
2Checkout Standard is a plugin that allowing you to take payments via 2Checkout. 2Checkout’s international payment services are available to merchants and consumers in over 200 countries. 2CO lets customers make purchases in 15 languages and 30 currencies. When the order goes through, the user is taken to 2CO to make a secure payment. No SSL certificate is required on your site. After payment th...
2Checkout Inline for DigiCom
Paid download

2Checkout Inline for DigiCom

By ThemeXpert
Extension Specific
> A valid SSL certificate is required to ensure your customer credit card details are safe, however, this addons also uses 2CO JS to tokenize credit card numbers to make payments keeping card data secure. Certified by 2Checkout, Inline Checkout creates an iframe checkout option which displays a secure payment form inside your DigiCom store. You are able to receive transactions from over 200 count...
Stripe for DigiCom
Paid download

Stripe for DigiCom

By ThemeXpert
Extension Specific
> A valid SSL certificate is required to ensure your customer credit card details are safe, however, this addons also uses Stripe JS to tokenize credit card numbers to make payments keeping card data secure. The Stripe plugin extends DigiCom allowing you to take payments directly on your store via Stripe’s API. Stripe is available in the Australia, Canada, Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Norway, Swe...
Sendy for DigiCom
Paid download

Sendy for DigiCom

By ThemeXpert
Extension Specific
Sendy - Email Integration for DigiCom Sendy is a self hosted email newsletter application that lets you send trackable emails via Amazon Simple Email Service (SES). This makes it possible for you to send authenticated bulk emails at an insanely low price without sacrificing deliverability. Check details about sendy
Xpert Google Map

Xpert Google Map

By ThemeXpert
Maps & Locations
Hey site owners! Are you searching for the most simple way to integrate Google Map on your site? Have been got stuck trying to find an approach that you can rely on? Since you badly know that, how much important to have Google map location tracker on a site. It helps to make a website complete in its every surface hence it let you focus on another works. Our Xpert Google Map smartly take the re...


By ThemeXpert
Joomla InstantPage Prefetch Preload Prerender Extension to Pre-fetch Content Before You Visit The Page Invest less than 1 minute to make your website’s pages instant ready and boost your conversion easily. Why You Use Joomla Instant Page? Reduce Waiting Time No customer wants to wait for a page load. Make your website extra fast and scalable with Joomla Instant Page. Increase Conversion Rat...

Quix Page Builder for Joomla

Last updated:
Oct 29 2024
3 months ago
Date added:
Feb 23 2016
GPLv2 or later
Free download
c m p
J3 J4 J5

Uses Joomla! Update System


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