This Joomla extension let you download Google fonts automatically to your server and use it instead of remote one, which makes all google fonts DSGVO compliant.
Main Features
- 📥 Automatically download Google Fonts to your server
- 🔍 Detect Google Fonts inside CSS files and replace them with local fonts
- 🔄 Detect font links with spaces between attributes or with different attribute orders
- 🛠️ Detect fonts added by Joomla Document API and also fonts added manually to the template
- ❌ Automatically remove remote Google API fonts and use local ones
- ❌ Automatically remove remote Google static fonts and use local ones
- ❌ Automatically remove remote Google icon fonts and use local ones
- 🌐 Support font links without HTTP(S) portion
- 🔗 Relative URLs support
- 📦 Support any 3rd party extensions that use Google Fonts, like SP Page Builder
- 🧩 Support any template framework like Gantry, Helix Ultimate, Sparky Framework, T4, etc.
- 🧹 Clear local fonts cache (from plugin settings)
- 📏 Check local fonts folder path and size (from plugin settings)
- ⚙️ Ability to enable/disable fonts detection types
- ✅ DSGVO Compliant
- 🔄 Joomla update system support
How it Works
Once plugin activated our plugin will:
- Detect google fonts and remove them
- All fonts will be loaded locally from your server so no communication with Google Servers
What if Google Fonts are still loaded ?
Sometimes google fonts are loaded from an iFrame like "Google Map" or with JS Code, our plugin can't detect from this 2 cases.
Also sometimes google fonts are loaded with some complex ways where our plugin can't detect it, just contact us to check it and fix it for you.
- Changelog:
- Documentation:
Easy Local Google Fonts
- Version:
- 5.2.0
- Developer:
- JoomBoost
- Last updated:
Aug 20 2024
6 months ago - Date added:
- Sep 01 2022
- License:
- GPLv2 or later
- Type:
- Paid download
- Includes:
- p
- Compatibility:
- J4 J5