Easy Articles Carousel let you build and display Joomla! articles in an elegant and customizable grid or carousel layout.
✨ Main Features
- Select articles from multiple Joomla categories
- Support 2 layouts mode (Grid and Carousel)
- Grid Mode support last Bootstrap version
- Ability to force frontend framework files loading from CDN
- Ability to set items columns in Desktop, Tablet and phone (for carousel layout)
- Choose the total number of articles to display
- Show or hide image block
- Change image position (left, top, bottom, right)
- Set default image if no picture found in article
- Image Extracting mode: auto, from intro image or full image
- Show or hide title
- Show or hide description
- Ability to limit the number of characters in title and description
- Show or hide read more button, hits, date and author name
- Show or hide article marked as featured
- Change articles order (last added, last modified, last touched, last modified or random)
- Filter by author (anyone, added or modified by me or inverse)
- Filter by specific selected authors
🎠 Carousel Features
- Change margin in items
- Infinity loop slides
- Center Item feature
- Auto Width
- Padding left and right on stage
- Fit merged items if screen smaller than items value
- Pause on mouse hover
- Animate In and Out
- Lazy images and content loading
- Smart speed calculation
- Enable or disable autoplay
- Define autoplay timeout
- Pause autoplay on mouse hover
- Show or hide Next/Prev buttons
- Change Next/Prev buttons text
- Show or hide dots navigation
- Support mouse drag, touch drag and pull drag
🖼️ Thumbnails Features
- Download external images
- Creating thumbnails using PHP GD library
- Image auto-scaling
- Ability to keep aspect-ration of image
- Set Thumbnail width and height
- Set thumbnail background color
- Ability to stretch thumbnail
- Define thumbnail quality
- Support caching for speed improvements
- Apply Image filters (grayscale, sepia, blur, brightness, smooth, pixelate, contrast)
🎨 Item Styling Features
- Change item background color
- Change item padding
- Define title font size
- Change description color
- Change title color
- Change button style by adding class or custom CSS change
- Ability to select button icon and change button icon style
- Change navigation color text and background
➕ Others
- Responsive and Touch Friendly Slides
- Ability to change read more type (Article links support)
- Strong Administrator Settings
- Excellent CSS3 Transitions
- Valid HTML SEO friendly
- Supports all the modern browsers
- And more ...
Easy Articles Carousel
- Version:
- 5.0
- Developer:
- JoomBoost
- Last updated:
Nov 07 2024
4 months ago - Date added:
- Jan 01 2018
- License:
- GPLv2 or later
- Type:
- Paid download
- Includes:
- m
- Compatibility:
- J3 J4 J5