ExtraWatch, by CodeGravity.com - Joomla Extension Directory


Site Analytics, Visitors, Clients & Communities, Marketing, Analytics

See what’s going on on your website in real time. See who’s browsing which pages, information about his country, city, device. This is a great way how to see how your website is being used by the users.
See most recent visits on a map, most popular pages, and where your visitors came from. In this version, data are stored in the cloud, and script is loaded asynchronously, so there is no performance impact on your website.
If you’re using static plugins like WP Slimstat, this plugin will give you completely different real time experience.

See what’s going on on your website in real time. See who’s browsing which pages, information about his country, city, device. This is a great way how to see how your website is being used by the users.
See most recent visits on a map, most popular pages, and where your visitors came from. In this version, data are stored in the cloud, and script is loaded asynchronously, so there is no performance impact on your website.
If you’re using statistics plugins, this plugin will give you completely different real time experience.




Monitor User Activity

check who’s browsing your website in real time. Export visitors in CSV format.

Click Heatmap

see where your user click and which areas of your pages are most popular

Real time map

allows you to watch visits on a map in real time

Google Landing Pages

most popular pages visited from google


See which bots crawled your website and which pages


Unique visits and page load stats

Popular Pages

Most popular pages for selected day


Where most of the visits came from

For more information and demos please visit: http://www.extrawatch.com/demos

Please note that this extension has "Software as a Service" (SaaS) model and all data are stored on cloud servers.


5.0.1 - Added support for Joomla 5.x

4.2.12 - Fixed PHP8 problems

4.2.11 - Fixed PHP8 problems

4.0.51 - fixing problems with joomla extension installation

4.0.48 - added traffic sources section with charts (google, facebook, twitter, instagram, youtube, linkedin)

4.0.46 - changed script insertion, added click heatmap, badges

4.0.45 - automatic login, displaying bot notifications, playing click sound on each new visit

4.0.43 - added bots section, export as CSV, table with stats

4.0.32 - initial release

First minute LOVED it !

second minute bought the Pro version !

Support was VERY fast and very helpful !

I think there aren't any more features you may ask for !

very highly recommended !!!

Great Product

Posted on 20 March 2012
Have the pro version installed on 5 sites (will be 6 as I'm buying one more today) and the free running on several others. The developer has definitely put out a great product. Thanks!
An amazing component, in real time.

Soon I will buy the full version!
When I started using this just under a month ago I wasn't sure what it would be like but thought it would be worth a shot. My primary concern was and is keeping track of traffic and this extension does just that. Many of the other aspects seem quite useful and judging from what I've seen thus far they will be so. The only thing I would like to see as improvement (unless it's there and I've missed it) is the ability to go directly to WHOIS from an IP. Since that is hardly a problem, I say JoomlaWatch is just what I wanted and is as advertised!
Owner's reply: You can easily do that in your current version: just open Settings -> Appearance and change the default url: http://www.netip.de/search?query={ip} to: http://who.is/whois-ip/ip-address/{ip}/

{ip} will be replaced by the actual IP address, and the WHOIS detail will be open every time you click on the globe icon in Live Stats.
Great component, very convenient and multifunctional! And most importantly very fast support in solving the existing problems. I advise everyone to use!
For a Joomla website, the layout and functionality of the web site is dismal.

Forums seem restricted to paid users for, though I registered, never found a link to start a new topic. I can contribute to supporting others all I want but not seek support.

I can understand ticketed direct support restricted to paying users. But for those getting to learn the extension and needing assistance to debug installation the arrangement experienced does not follow the spirit of Open Source.

Online documentation is not legible due to an iframe or other container that is too wide for the width of a middle column on a 4:3 aspect ratio of 1280x1024. This screen dimension is still a standard in web design and should be respected.

Lastly, navigation system is horrible with transparency of the menu background so low text of middle column interferes with choosing sub-options of the menu fly-out
Owner's reply: Hi, first of all I must say that I'm quite sad. Not because of only one star, but because of fact that this review is very unfair.
I can cope with a constructive critics, but not in case that most things are simply untrue.

"For a Joomla website, the layout and functionality of the web site is dismal." - I rearranged it many times, removed unrelated articles, etc.
The whole website contains approximately 4 250 indexed pages! from which 2773 are the forum topics..
But ok, there is still a space for improvement and I'll do my best to make it most convenient for our users.

"Forums seem restricted to paid users for, though I registered, never found a link to start a new topic". - This is also untrue.
It's free for everyone and always will be. I'm of course paying more attention to tickets from customers, but you can check if
the forum topics are answered or not.. The "start new topic" link is the first one which appears
if hover over Forum link in menu. I can place it in more places so users can find it more easily.
I just wonder why didn't you contacted me directly. There is the "Contact Us" link on every page in heading..

"Online documentation is not legible due to an iframe or other container that is too wide for the width of a middle column on a 4:3 aspect ratio of 1280x1024."
- I found that it was caused by bad way how Joomla rendered the content of a category (2 columns). There is no "iframe".. and it has to do nothing with 4:3 aspect ratio.
But if we're talking about resolution, there were some users who complained that they were not able to view website in "1024x768", we have also some users with disabilities.
That's why it's optimized for this resolution.
Regarding the documentation - the truth is, that there are 12 professional articles to be completed on JoomlaWatch functionality at the end of this week.
There are also multiple instructional videos on JoomlaWatch functionality and there is more to come :)

"Lastly, navigation system is horrible with transparency of the menu background so low text of middle column interferes with choosing sub-options of the menu fly-out"
- please send me a screenshot how it interferes, no-one ever complained about that. If you or other users experience such a problem, please send me an email or submit it via contact form.
Joomla.org contains a menu too .. This menu system is very effective, because you simply cannot fit everything on one page and it allows you to find things in one click.

For all other users - if there's anything I can help you with, in case you have any problems, feel free to contact me via link in heading of the website.. Have a nice day
After having used Joomlawatch for several months, I had to reinstall it when upgrading to Joomla! 2.5 and Joomlawatch 1.2.18. Unfortunately I did not have a record of my license key.

I submitted a helpdesk ticket in this regard, expecting to wait at least a few hours for a reply. Lo and behold, literally four minutes later Matej responded with my license key and my site was fully functional again.

This goes beyond customer satisfaction. I'd call it customer delight.


Posted on 12 January 2012
Joomlawatch is a component every Joomla site builder and owner should install. JW gives you an advantage with your site by reporting and gauging pertinent site activities. We depend on this component and its accuracy daily, therefore give it 10 stars recommendation! Most importantly, the support that this company provides with the product is second to none!

extension with power

Posted on 05 January 2012
This extension gives you information about your visitors on your site. Whith some usefull functions, I can tell you the pro version is your money worth.

With great and fast support, thanks Codegravity!
Had JW installed and running to full satisfaction on one domain and decided to install it also on another one. That domain was hosted differently and there was a problem with the resolution of a variable returning an essential IP. Thanks to Matej (the developer) who put in an enormous effort this problem got solved and JW performs super.

Great tool with absolutely GREAT support


Last updated:
Jan 17 2024
1 year ago
Date added:
Jan 14 2008
GPLv2 or later
Free download
Related extension :
ExtraWatch PRO
c p
J4 J5

Uses Joomla! Update System


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