Vina Youtube Carousel Gallery

We are pleased to announce that we have released new video gallery module for Joomla 3.x: Vina Youtube Carousel Gallery. Vina Youtube Carousel Gallery is flexible module to load videos from Youtube and display in responsive carousel gallery. The gallery have 2 parts: Main Video Area - to play video, and Thumbnail Video Carousel - to display thumbnail image of video and when you click on thumbnail image, the video will play in Main Video Area. You can use module to load video from Youtube by: Keywords (search video on Youtube), Playlist, Username or Channel with maximum 50 videos.
Main Features:
- You can use module to load video from Youtube by: Keywords (search video on Youtube), Playlist, Username or Channel with maximum 50 videos
- Infinitely looping: Loop through your slides endlessly in both directions.
- Responsive: Vina Youtube Carousel Gallery can be scaled to any size at realtime.
- Unlimited Color: You can select module background image, background color to fit style if your website.
- AutoPlay, Auto Hide Player Bar, Show/hide Player Bar, Show/hide Video Information, Allow Fullscreen.
- Mobile Device Optimized: Vina Youtube Carousel Gallery works on any javascript enabled browser, including Windows Phone, iOS, Android and Opera Mobile etc.
- Cross Browser, All Browsers Supported: VVina Youtube Carousel Gallery is cross browser slider, all browsers are supported (IE 6+, Firefox 2+, Chrome 3+, Safari 3+, Opera 10+, iOS Safari, Opera Mobile, Android Browser, iPhone, iPad, Mac, Windows Surface etc.).
- Thumbnail Images Navigation: Vina Youtube Carousel Gallery will auto create thumbnail images and make it work as a navigation.
- Support Multi-Language; Support Multi-Module in the same page.
- It's very easy to setup and has several customization parameters to fit your needs.
- Totally customizable and skinnable using HTML and CSS. To manipulate almost everything!
Vina Youtube Carousel Gallery
- Version:
- 1.0
- Developer:
- Last updated:
Nov 15 2015
9 years ago - Date added:
- Nov 13 2015
- License:
- GPLv2 or later
- Type:
- Paid download
- Includes:
- m
- Compatibility:
- J3
This extension does NOT implement the Joomla! Update System