Content Statistics for EasyBlog
EasyBlog Statistics with any TIMEFRAME. Go beyond the simple "number of hits" feature and add a time variable to your reports and lists. You can make statistics on anything on your EasyBlog site. Top viewed/commented articles, top blog posters, articles rankings, categories, tags...
Complete user activity log streams for admins to know everything: WHO did WHAT and WHEN on EasyBlog
Make rankings of:
-Top viewed entries
-Top viewed categories
-Top viewed tag pages
-Top viewed autor pages (bloggers)
-Top commented entries
-Most voted entries (optional: define a rating)
-Top bloggers (most new entries created)
Combine the list above with any of the possible filters:
-Current category articles
-Current category (and its children categories) articles
-Current tag articles
-Current autor articles
-Specific category articles
-Specific category (and its children categories) articles
-Specific tag articles
-Specific autor articles
-All category/entry/tag/autor (equivalent to no filter)
Additionally, optionaly filter by user options:
-Current vieweing user (actions done only by that user)
-Specific user (actions done only by that user)
And, of course, combine the two lists above selecting your desired timeframe, in the "relative time" mode:
-Last hour
-Last 6 hours
-Last 12 hours
-Last day
-Last 3 days
-Last 5 days
-Last week
-Last 2 weeks
-Last month
-Last 6 months
-Last year
-All time
Or in the "absolute time" mode:
-This week
-Last week
-This month
-Last month
-This year
-Last year
Show evolution of:
-Entry views
-Category views
-Tag page views
-Autor page (blogger) views
-Entry comments
-Entry votes
-New entries
Combine the list above with any of the possible filters:
-Current category/entry/tag/autor being shown
-Current category to which current entry belongs
-Current category (and its children categories) to which current entry belongs
-Current autor to which current entry belongs
-Specific category/entry/tag/autor
-Specific category to which current entry belongs
-Specific category (and its children categories) to which current entry belongs
-Specific autor to which current entry belongs
-All category/entry/tag/autor (equivalent to no filter)
Additionally, optionaly filter by user options:
-Current vieweing user (actions done only by that user)
-Specific user (actions done only by that user)
And, of course, combine the two lists above selecting your desired timeframe, to complete the chart's x-axis to show the items evolution:
-Last X days (define the number of days you want to consider)
-Last X months (define the number of months you want to consider)
Content Statistics for EasyBlog
- Version:
- 1.4.0
- Developer:
- JoomlaThat!
- Last updated:
Feb 25 2016
9 years ago - Date added:
- Nov 19 2014
- License:
- GPLv2 or later
- Type:
- Paid download
- Includes:
- p
- Compatibility:
- J3
This extension does NOT implement the Joomla! Update System