
News Display, Articles Display, K2 extensions

Latest News Enhanced is an all-in-one news/articles module presenting the latest, future (not pending), featured, popular or random articles in a consistent professional fashion.


  • multiple ways to select news articles (standard Joomla! or K2): by categories, tags, authors, date range, *** custom field ***,
  • exclude/include specific articles,
  • show related items (through keywords or tags matching),
  • configure items with images from the article or calendar,
  • link to articles from the title and/or 'read more' links (in full page or popup),
  • style items from a responsive-ready design,
  • use color schemes,
  • use a minimum width to limit how small an item can be when resized,
  • crop and resize the pictures to fit the configuration (thumbnails can be stored in /images),
  • style images with hover effects,
  • limit the into text to be shown,
  • add detailed information (author, hits, ratings, categories, date, time, keywords),
  • format dates and times,
  • add pagination,
  • supports Bootstrap 2 to 5,
  • enjoy a clean, easy to understand user interface,
  • cache the created on-the-fly stylesheets and scripts for faster loading...

Buy the extended version 'Latest News Enhanced Pro' for much more functionality!

More information at

Top extension

Posted on 20 January 2025
It has a lot of functions, even the free version which I'm using.
Ease of use
A lot of functions means a lot of settings.
Take your time to achieve your goal.
Had a problem configurating module and in a few hours had help and solution from the developer.
There's a good documentation on their website.
Examples, tutorials and troubleshoots.
Range is from novice to advanced user.
I used this to: I use this extension to show latest news in homepage in a fancy way.
J 5.2.3
php 8.3.14
Owner's reply: Thank you very much for the review, I really appreciate it :-)
It has a lot of functionalities, capable to handle a lot of modules, especially like the image and layout
Ease of use
Very easy indeed, just a bit to get used with settings Very easy indeed, just a bit to get used with settings
Excellent support Excellent support Excellent support Excellent support Excellent support
There is all you need to know in the docs There is all you need to know in the docs
I used this to: Free version for my site Free version for my site Free version for my site
Owner's reply: Thank you Shane for the review, I really appreciate it!

Excellent module de news

Posted on 14 August 2022
Super module pour afficher des listes d'articles, avec thumbnail , liens , catégorie, dans l'ordre, au hasard
Ease of use
Facile à paramétrer, très nombreux paramètres d'affichage, de sélection du contenu
Pas eu l'occasion de poser des questions. Le module fonctionne très bien, et la doc est limpide
Documentation en ligne très complète et accessible directement depuis le backoffice joomla
I used this to: Afficher les derniers articles publiés, et des articles au hasard sur le site des voileux associés, petite association, qui organise des sorties en bateau en Bretagne.
Owner's reply: Merci beaucoup pour vos commentaires, c'est sympa d'avoir pris le temps de noter cette extension :-)
Die Erweiterung kann vielfältig configuriert werden. Verschiedene Anzeigemodi, unterschiedliche Bildpositionen und Animationen sind möglich.
Ease of use
Latest News Enhanched ist nach einer kurzen Einarbeitung leicht zu bedienen. Zudem bietet der Programmierer umfassende Anleitungen an.
Der Support ist erstklassig. Es wird schnell auf eine Frage geantwortet und Probleme gelöst. Olivier ist zudem sehr freundlich.
Es gibt vielfältige und verständliche Dokumentationen und Tutorials auf der Programmierer-Webseite.
I used this to: Newsbereiche auf verschiedenen Webseiten, sowie als Slider für Kundenrezensionen.
Owner's reply: Thank you so much for the review! I really appreciate it.
Note that this review was meant for the pro version of the extension.
Lots of functions even in the free version.
Ease of use
Easy to set up and configure.
I had a question, answered very quickly.
Lots of tooltips and docs.
I used this to: Client needed latest news on his home page, Joomla module wasn't cutting it so installed this one.
Owner's reply: Thank you Mike, I really appreciate the review!

The best I could find

Posted on 07 December 2017
Lots of functionality, even the free version is very complete. Is able to deal with a lots of module instances on one page.
Ease of use
Very straightforward, lots of settings and customization. I used my own CCS to style everything to my customers' needs.
Never needed any support so can't really comment on this. Paid customers are able to use the forum for help so it seems well supported.
I can only comment on the tooltips inside the module editor and they seem clear enough for me.
I used this to: Local News Website in the Netherlands called Assenstad
Owner's reply: Thank you Stefan for the review!
Adds modern image and control over latest / newest articles - a lot of options to customize.
Ease of use
Play around a little bit and you learn everything
I used this to: Show the latest and related articles, both on com_content and other pages
Aiming to reduce my bounce rate and increase the time new visitors visit my site.
Note that if you use images it will slightly slow down site due to images. Thumbnails are large according to page insights
Owner's reply: Thank you for the review! I appreciate it.
Thumbnail sizes can be tweaked by using the picture quality parameters.
The heavier the original images, the heavier the thumbnails. If originals are light in weight, thumbnails tend to be lighter also.
Available soon: additional free plugins that will drastically reduce the image sizes by using external services available on the Internet.
Sehr gute Funktionalität. Sehr viele Einstellmöglichkeiten!
Ease of use
Viele Optionen, Handbuch vorhanden, bei witeren Unklarheiten wird sofort geholfen
Wenn man Hilfe braucht wird sofort geantwortet.
Handbuch vorhanden
I used this to: Homepage Newsflash

Great extension

Posted on 21 December 2015
Empowering customization, very generous extension
Ease of use
Easy to install
Well done!
I used this to: One year the old version, one month new version.
Owner's reply: Thank you for the review, that is great encouragement, I really appreciate!


Posted on 12 December 2015
Ease of use
Owner's reply: Thank you very much for the review, glad you like the module!
jQuery Easy

jQuery Easy

By Olivier Buisard
This plugin is meant to help clean and resolve front and back end issues when using instances of jQuery alongside the Mootools libraries. WHAT IT DOES OUT-OF-THE BOX calls jQuery and jQuery UI libraries from the Google CDN (with or without protocol) - but you can do it locally too, places jQuery libraries after MooTools calls for perfect compatibility, adds the noConflict() code alongside the j...
Trombinoscope Contacts Pro
Paid download

Trombinoscope Contacts Pro

By Olivier Buisard
Address Book
Trombinoscope Contacts Pro extends the Joomla! Contacts core component by adding views (directory listings, single contact pages with enhanced forms), plugins (front editing, extra fields, ...) and the already available and free module Trombinoscope Contacts. Present contacts in your projects and show business collaborator charts, school or sports team listings, testimonials, pet listings... in...
Latest News Enhanced Pro
Paid download

Latest News Enhanced Pro

By Olivier Buisard
Articles Display
Latest News Enhanced Pro is a full-blown component with blog views and an all-in-one news/articles module presenting the latest, featured, popular, future (even pending), related or random article snippets in a consistent professional fashion. It has tons of features and is extremely flexible. It is highly configurable and expandable but remains easy to use. Features: powerful selection of arti...
jQuery Easy Profiles
Paid download

jQuery Easy Profiles

By Olivier Buisard
Take jQuery fixing to the next level and use the full power of the Joomla! framework to create separate jQuery Easy configuration profiles. Fine-tune your jQuery requirements (including jQuery UI and Mobile) and only fix issues on pages that cause problems. And now, you can even limit the plugin's processing to the head area of your site pages! That will consume fewer server resources and improve...
Custom reCaptcha

Custom reCaptcha

By Olivier Buisard
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Custom reCaptcha is a plugin that gives you control over the look of Google's reCaptcha. It can replace the standard reCaptcha plugin packaged with Joomla! and adds solutions to make any version of the reCaptcha widget responsive. supports version 1 (outdated by Google), version 2 (no captcha reCaptcha) or the invisible widget, use test mode to try reCaptcha without getting domain keys (test key...
Truly Responsive Slides

Truly Responsive Slides

By Olivier Buisard
Create slideshows that are responsive, SEO-friendly and interactive by just using simple images, article content or K2 items. Features: - any image, standard Joomla article or K2 item sets can be used as source for the slides (selection through custom fields possible), - source images are used to create the slide's background, - source content is used as content for a slide, in any position, - cr...
Trombinoscope Contacts

Trombinoscope Contacts

By Olivier Buisard
Address Book
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Image from Article

Image from Article

By Olivier Buisard
Articles Sharing
Your articles do not contain images but you still want to be able to share them on social media? Do you want to control what will be shown in Pinterest, Google+ or Facebook? The 'Image from Article' plugin is here to help improve your links and stand out of the crowd. Features: - choose which categories can be altered by the plugin and/or select specific articles, - add the plugin syntax {imagefr...
Article Details

Article Details

By Olivier Buisard
Content infos
Override article information details and show them the way YOU want. Some features: - choose which categories can be altered by the plugin or use the plugin's syntax to individually target articles, - modify the article, blog/list (category) and featured views, - choose which elements to show (hits, author, rating - voting included, dates, times, categories, keywords, tags, links A..C, social, em...
Weblink Logos

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By Olivier Buisard
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Truly Responsive Slides Pro
Paid download

Truly Responsive Slides Pro

By Olivier Buisard
Truly Responsive Slides Pro for Joomla! is not your typical slider: it specifically targets websites that are responsive in design. It not only resizes itself, using the full potential of the well-known jQuery-built Flexslider, but it handles different image sizes depending on devices viewports for faster page loading. With Truly Responsive Slides Pro, you can now create slideshows that are frie...
Weblink Logos Pro
Paid download

Weblink Logos Pro

By Olivier Buisard
Weblink Logos Pro extends the Joomla! Weblinks core component by adding views (directory listings) and the already available and free module Weblink Logos. Present logos of your weblinks and paginate through them. Create bookmarks, sponsors listings... Requires the core Weblinks component to function (separate download found in the official extensions section) ! Features filter weblinks throug...
Article Details Profiles
Paid download

Article Details Profiles

By Olivier Buisard
Content infos
Use the full power of the Joomla! framework to create multiple Article Details configurations and design separate article details for different areas of your site. Features: use the plugin's syntax to target individual articles, setup multiple configurations (by creating module instances) and modify article, category blog and featured articles blog header and footer layouts, show different layo...
Newsfeeds for Latest News Enhanced Pro

Newsfeeds for Latest News Enhanced Pro

By Olivier Buisard
Extension Specific
Show RSS feeds through the module of Latest News Enhanced Pro v4+. Import one or several feeds into the module, Show feed title, entry categories, author, date, time and social media share links, Sort by date, feed, apply date range, Take advantage of the module functionality (layout styles, image and calendar headers, pagination, animation...). More information at

Latest News Enhanced

Olivier Buisard
Last updated:
Jan 31 2025
1 month ago
Date added:
Nov 19 2014
GPLv2 or later
Free download
Related extension :
Latest News Enhanced Pro
J3 J4 J5

Uses Joomla! Update System


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