ochOpenGraph is a Joomla! plugin that helps you automatically implement the Open Graph protocol and TwitterCards, so you can control how your content looks when it's shared on social media.
ochOpenGraph - Take Control of How Your Content Looks on Social Media
Social media is a powerful tool for promoting your content, but it's important to make sure that your content looks its best when it's shared. ochOpenGraph makes this easy by automatically adding the necessary meta tags to your Joomla! articles.
Benefits of ochOpenGraph:
ochOpenGraph is packed with features, including:
- Support for Joomla! Custom Article Fields: This means that you can use custom fields to control the Open Graph and TwitterCards data for your articles.
- Support for the Joomla Core Menu manager: Easily add Open Graph and TwitterCards data to pages via the Joomla Core menu manager
- Built-in support for Econa Custom Fields: ochOpenGraph now supports Econa Custom Fields, which gives you even more flexibility in controlling your Open Graph and TwitterCards data.
- The ability to add Open Graph and TwitterCards to other web pages: You can use the {ochopengraph} tag to add Open Graph and TwitterCards to any web page, not just Joomla! articles.
- Image validation and fallback image support: ochOpenGraph validates the image resolution of your Open Graph and TwitterCards images. If the resolution is not good enough, ochOpenGraph will use a configured fallback image instead.
- Custom image support: You can select a custom image per article to be used as the Open Graph and TwitterCards image. This is a great way to use a professional image on social media, even if the image in your article is not suitable.
- Custom og:url support: You can set a custom og:url for an article via a Custom Article Field. This is useful if you have migrated a page to a new page and want to retain your Facebook share count and credits.
- Language support: ochOpenGraph comes out of the box with support for multiple languages, including English, Serbian, and Turkish. You can also create or improve your own language translation on Transifex.
- Version:
- 2.0.0
- Developer:
- Ruud van Lent
- Last updated:
Apr 30 2024
9 months ago - Date added:
- Dec 03 2016
- License:
- GPLv2 or later
- Type:
- Paid download
- Includes:
- p
- Compatibility:
- J4 J5