ARI Social Harvester, by ari-soft.com - Joomla Extension Directory


Twitter display, Facebook display, Pinterest display, Instagram, Social Display

"ARI Social Harvester" extension is a responsive and mobile friendly extension which helps to show data from different social networks. Data can be shown in as a social stream or a wall.

Main features

  • Possible to show data from different social networks: Delicious, devianART, Dribbble, Facebook, Flickr, Google+, Instagram, Last FM, Pinterest, RSS, StumbleUpon, Twitter, Tumblr, Vimeo, YouTube;

  • The extension is a responsive and mobile friendly;

  • Possible to mix data from different networks in the same stream or wall;

  • Several widget instances can be shown on a page;

  • Supports themes: dark and light;

  • Can show content as a social wall or a stream;

  • Supports Joomla! 2.5 - 3.x;

  • A lifetime subscription. Can be used on any number of sites.

I am very satisfied.

Posted on 17 January 2015
It is simply an indispensable component for news sites and beyond. You can get a huge pile of last content on any topic. It's just great!
Ease of use
This is an easy program. The hardest part - to register the IPA, with the rest of the child to cope.
Support me just surprised! I wrote about the developer I needed in the future function, I got the final result the next day. Real support.
It's so clear that I did not use the documentation. A pop-up description of the settings to help you.
Value for money
For such an application is simply ridiculous price.
I used this to: My website where you can see the component. But there is shown a second great template - social wall, look at the demo site of the developer.
ARI Smart Book
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ARI Smart Book

By ari-soft.com
"ARI Smart Book" is a Joomla! flipping book extension which creates digital publications like books, magazines, booklets, portfolios, brochures and etc. Content is shown as flip book. It is possible to use any media content like images, videos, sound and other elements which can do content more user-friendly and attractive. Main features Possible to use rich content with audio, video, navigat...
ARI Sexy Lightbox
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ARI Sexy Lightbox

By ari-soft.com
Multimedia Display
ARI Sexy Lightbox is Joomla! lightbox module which provides possibility to show image galleries, Flickr galleries, Picasa albums, Joomla! articles and modules, external pages, HTML content, YouTube and Vimeo video, Flash files (SWF and FLV) in sexy popup. Main features Contains module with user friendly interface and plugins which provides ability to use the lightbox in any Joomla! content; Ca...
ARI Data Tables
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ARI Data Tables

By ari-soft.com
Data Reports
ARI Data Tables module converts HTML tables into powerful and functional tables with possibilities to sort, filter and paging data. It can also create different charts based on data from tables. The extension can load data from SQL databases and CSV files. Main features User friendly interface; Can load data from Joomla! database or from external database. Many different database types is suppo...
ARI Image Slider

ARI Image Slider

By ari-soft.com
Joomla! image slider module which is based on popular Nivo Slider jQuery plugin and provides possibility to create awesome image slideshow uses images from specific folder(s). Main features: * 16 transition effects; * No flash. Pure javascript and CSS; * Can sort images by file name, modified date or in random order; * Responsive; * Supports keyboard navigation; * Can show preview thumbnails; *...
ARI Cloud Carousel

ARI Cloud Carousel

By ari-soft.com
ARI Cloud Carousel module provides possibility to create pretty 3D image slider based on photos from specific folder(s) and supports integration with different Joomla! lightbox extensions. Main features * Accurate 3D perspective; * No flash. Pure javascript and CSS; * Optional auto reflections - no need to modify your images or add server code; * Can sort images by file name, modified date or i...
ARI Layer Slider
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ARI Layer Slider

By ari-soft.com
"ARI Layer Slider" is a powerful Joomla! slider extension which creates interactive and amazing presentations, scrollers and etc. It is possible to use any media content like images, videos, HTML5 content and other elements in slides. Moreover the component supports different visual effects: parallax, rotation, zoom, moving effects and others. This Joomla! extension contains a mighty WYSIWYG edito...
ARI Easy Slider
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ARI Easy Slider

By ari-soft.com
Articles Display
The extension has been updated. New version is compatible with Joomla! 3.0. ARI Easy Slider Joomla! module creates highly customizable content slider based on Joomla! articles. Main features: * User friendly interface; * Provides advanced filters for the selection of articles; * Can scroll items in vertical and horizontal directions; * Supports auto-slideshow mode; * Can stop slideshow on mouse...
ARI Fancybox
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ARI Fancybox

By ari-soft.com
Multimedia Display
ARI Fancybox v. 1.7.0 is available. It is compatible with Joomla! 3.0. ARI Fancybox is Joomla! lightbox module and plugin which provide ability to view image galleries, Flickr photos, external pages, HTML content and Flash objects in fancy popup. Main features: * User friendly interface; * Can display external pages, Flash objects, inline content, Joomla! articles and modules; * Provides abilit...
ARI Colorbox
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ARI Colorbox

By ari-soft.com
Multimedia Display
ARI Colorbox has been updated. New version is compatible with Joomla! 3.0. ARI Colorbox is Joomla! lightbox module which provides ability to display image galleries, Flickr and Picasa galleries, external pages, HTML content, Joomla! articles and modules in attractive popup. Main features: * User friendly interface; * Can display external pages and inline content; * Provides ability to create im...
ARI Quiz Lite

ARI Quiz Lite

By ari-soft.com
Education & Culture
ARI Quiz Lite has been updated. New version is compatible with Joomla! 3.0. ARI Quiz Lite is a simple Joomla! quiz component which provides ability of creating various tests to evaluate respondent's level of knowledge. It can help organizing quizzes on your Joomla! site. provides statistics of test results allows to group tests via categories provides 3 predefined types of questions question t...
ARI Sexy Lightbox Lite

ARI Sexy Lightbox Lite

By ari-soft.com
Multimedia Display
ARI Sexy Lightbox Lite has been updated. It is compatible with Joomla! 3.0. ARI Sexy Lightbox Lite is simple Joomla! popup plugin which provides ability to show images, external pages and HTML content in sexy lightbox. Main features: * Can display external pages and HTML content; * Supports 4 themes: white and black, Spanish black and white; * Customizable; * Works in all modern browsers....
ARI Docs Viewer

ARI Docs Viewer

By ari-soft.com
Social Display
"ARI Docs Viewer" extension helps to embed remote pages, Joomla! articles and files in the following formats into any Joomla! content: doc / docx - Microsoft Word Document xls / xlsx - Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet ppt / pptx - Microsoft PowerPoint pps - PowerPoint Slideshow odt - OpenDocument Text ods - OpenDocument Spreadsheet odp - OpenDocument Presentation sxw - OpenOffice.org Writer Document s...
ARI Pretty Photo
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ARI Pretty Photo

By ari-soft.com
Multimedia Display
New version of ARI Pretty Photo has been released. It is compatible with Joomla! 3.0. ARI Pretty Photo is Joomla! lightbox module and plugin which provide possibility for displaying image galleries, Flickr photos, external pages, YouTube videos, QuickTime movies, Flash objects, FLV and Vimeo videos, HTML content, Joomla! modules and articles in pretty popup. Main features: * User friendly inter...
ARI Slider
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ARI Slider

By ari-soft.com
Articles Display
ARI Slider v. 1.9.0 is ready. It is compatible with Joomla! 3.0. ARI Slider module creates apple-style slideshow based on Joomla! articles. Main features: Easy to use; Can choose menu navigation position, from 'top' or 'bottom' values; Can show next/prev navigation buttons; Scrolls Joomla! news with nice sliding effect; Supports navigation between menu items; Provides ability to specify what a...
ARI Zoom
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ARI Zoom

By ari-soft.com
ARI Zoom Joomla! extension lets you to show a magnifier window near the image(s). This extension provides ability for showing image galleries based on images from server, Flickr or Picasa service and adds magnifier window for these images. Main features User friendly interface; Provides ability for creating image galleries based on images from specific folder(s). Can generate thumbnails and cac...
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By ari-soft.com
The extension adds ability to create calendars with events and show them on Joomla! sites. It is possible to create events manually (recurrence events are supported) or create calendars which will use Joomla! articles, K2 items, data from CSV files or even SQL queries as events. Main features Responsive. Works fine on desktops and mobile devices Contains "Calendari - Calendar" module and plugin...
ARI Photo Gallery
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ARI Photo Gallery

By ari-soft.com
"ARI Photo Gallery" v. 1.4.0 is ready. It is compatible with Joomla! 3.0. ARI Photo Gallery extension creates slideshow based on images from specific folder(s), from Flickr or Picasa services. Main features: * User friendly interface; * Can display images in random order; * Support ability to sort images by name, date; * No flash. Pure javascript and CSS; * Can show photos from Picasa albums; *...
ARI Flip Book
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ARI Flip Book

By ari-soft.com
New version of "ARI Flip Book" is available. It supports ability to create books based on images from selected folder(s). Joomla! extension is used for displaying content in a flipbook view. It can be useful for creating products presentations, portfolio, showing latest news and others. Main features: * User friendly interface; * Can create books based on Joomla! articles or images from selecte...


By ari-soft.com
Menu Systems
New version is ready. It is compatible with Joomla! 3.0. Powerful Joomla! drop-down menu based on YUI menu widget. Main features: Highly customizable; Supports horizontal and vertical menu direction; Can be used for creating multi-level menu; Supports different sub-menus positions; Provides possibility to define start and end level of menu; Works in all modern browsers; Supports RTL languages;...
ARI Cloud Carousel Pro
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ARI Cloud Carousel Pro

By ari-soft.com
"ARI Cloud Carousel Pro" is a responsive and mobile friendly module which provides possibility to create amazing 3D image carousel using images from the selected folder(s). Main features * Responsive and mobile friendly; * Accurate 3D perspective; * No flash. Pure javascript and CSS; * Optional auto reflections - no need to modify your images or add server code; * Can sort images by file name,...
ARI Magnifier
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ARI Magnifier

By ari-soft.com
"ARI Magnifier" v. 2.3.0 is ready. It is compatible with Joomla! 3.0. ARI Magnifier module brings nice magnification effect to your images and view pictures in detail. You can load images from your server, from Flickr or Picasa. Main features: User friendly interface; Provides ability to create image galleries based on images from specific folder(s). Can generate thumbnails and cache data for...
ARI Quiz
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ARI Quiz

By ari-soft.com
Education & Culture
"ARI Quiz" is Joomla! quiz component which provides ability to create various tests, exams to evaluate respondent's level of knowledge. Main features provides statistics of test results allows to group tests via categories (supports sub-categories) supports ability to limit actions on backend for users from selected user groups provides number of predefined types of questions possible share re...
ARI Smart Content
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ARI Smart Content

By ari-soft.com
Multimedia Display
"ARI Smart Content" combines various Joomla! widgets like: accordion, table wrappers, tabs, popup, scrollers, news sliders, lightbox, graphs and charts, image galleries and many other with ability to show data from different sources: database, CSV files, Flickr and Picasa services, local images, Joomla! articles and K2 items and etc. In most cases you don't need technical knowledge to use the...
ARI Slick Gallery

ARI Slick Gallery

By ari-soft.com
The module has been updated. It is compatible with Joomla! 3.0. ARI Slick Gallery module provides possibility to create awesome photo gallery based on images from specific folder(s). Main features: * Shows photos in fancy way; * No flash. Pure javascript and CSS; * Can sort images by file name, modified date or in random order; * Provides ability to create your own themes; * Supports possibili...
ARI Image SlideShow
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ARI Image SlideShow

By ari-soft.com
"ARI Image SlideShow" v. 1.5.2 provides better FireFox support. "ARI Image SlideShow" provides ability to create slideshow based on images from specific folder(s), Picasa or from Flickr. Main features: * User friendly interface; * Can resize images and cache them; * Can display images in random order; * Support ability to sort images by name, date; * Provides possibility to define redirect link...
ARI Orbit Slider

ARI Orbit Slider

By ari-soft.com
New version of the extension is ready. It is compatible with Joomla! 3.0. Joomla! photo slider module based on Orbit Slider jQuery plugin and provides possibility to create awesome image slider based on images from specific folder(s). Main features: * 3 transition effects; * No flash. Pure javascript and CSS; * Can sort images by file name, modified date or in random order; * Provides ability t...
ARI Image Popup
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ARI Image Popup

By ari-soft.com
ARI Image Popup v. 1.4.0 is ready. It is compatible with Joomla! 3.0. Joomla! image lightbox extension which provides ability to show image from folder(s), Picasa and Flickr photos in attractive popup. Main features: * User friendly interface; * Provides ability to creating image galleries based on images from specific folder(s). Can generate thumbnails and cache data for decreasing server load...
ARI Paginator
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ARI Paginator

By ari-soft.com
Articles Display
New version has been release. It supports Joomla! 3.0. ARI Paginator is a Joomla! module which provides easy way to show articles preview with fancy sliding effect. It can be useful for showing events, news and other information. Main features: * User friendly interface; * Provides advanced filters for the selection of articles; * Supports auto rotation of pages; * Can specify number of article...
ARI Scroller
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ARI Scroller

By ari-soft.com
Articles Display
ARI Scroller is Joomla! extension creates nice scrolling area with specified HTML content. It can be used as module and plugin. Plugin with the folowing syntax: Content goes here...
ARI Org Chart
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ARI Org Chart

By ari-soft.com
Education & Culture
ARI Organizational Chart" plugin creates customizable org charts on Joomla! sites. Main features: Supports ability to use any HTML code for nodes content; Can be used to create family tree, organizational charts and etc.; Nodes can be expanded/collapsed; Styles can be changed via custom CSS rules; No flash. Pure javascript and CSS....
ARI Image Before After
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ARI Image Before After

By ari-soft.com
The extension creates a draggable slider to compare two images. For example show differences between original photo and processed version of it. Compare images of different versions the same product like previous and next generation of a car, phone and etc. Main features A fresh way to compare images and be interesting for site visitors Contains the module and the plugin which helps to embed t...
ARI Magnific Popup
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ARI Magnific Popup

By ari-soft.com
Popups & iFrames
ARI Magnific Popup does all what you need from Joomla! lightbox extension and even more. Features Can auto-convert existing links and open them into popup Create thumbnails and add lightbox effect for existing images Comes with editor plugin. It helps to generate shortcodes easy Show splash popup to attract your visitors Show YouTube and Vimeo videos. Load video thumbnails automatically Support...

ARI Social Harvester

Last updated:
Dec 22 2014
10 years ago
Date added:
Dec 20 2014
GPLv2 or later
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c m

This extension does NOT implement the Joomla! Update System


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