Membership Pro is the most powerful, features rich, easy to use membership/subscription extension for Joomla. It allows you to create and sell subscription plans, allows members subscribe for these plans and then give these subscribers access to restricted resources (articles, K2 items, videos, documents...) on your Joomla website.. Main features:
Create and sell subscription plans
- You can create both free and paid subscription plans.
- You can create plan which subscriptions will be expired after certain time (days, weeks, months, years) or lifetime subscription (never expired).
- You can also setup subscription plans which subscription will be expired at certain date in a year (for example, all subscriptions will be expired at 31-10-2015). That's called Fixed Expiration date feature in the extension.
- You can also setup recurring subscription plans(Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly). For recurring subscription plans, you can even setup trial price and trial duration. For recurring subscriptions, subscriptions will be renewed automatically without requiring any action from subscribers.
- You can categorize your subscription plans into different categories if needed.
Nice, clean, responsive layouts
- Support multiple frontend frameworks: Twitter Bootstrap 2, Twitter Bootstrap 3, Twitter Bootstrap 4, Twitter Bootstrap 5 and UIKIT 3.
- Different ways to display subscription plans to end users: Via menu item, embed the plans into a Joomla article using Membership Plans content plugin or display plans in a module position using Membership Plans module.
- Different layout to display subscription plans: Default (List), Columns (Grid), Pricing Table, Pricing Table Flat, Pricing Table Circle.
Custom, flexible subscription form
- Login box displayed on top of subscription form (optional) so that users who have existing account can login before continuing subscription process.
- Integrate with Joomla user registration (optional): Users can enter username and password and the system will create a Joomla account for him when he signs up for a subscription plan.
- Each subscription plan can has it own set of custom fields.
- Support 18 different types of custom fields: Textbox, Textarea, Dropdown, Multi-Select, Checkboxes, Radio, Date, Heading, Message, URL, Number, Tel, Password, File, Countries, States, SQL.
- You can choose which fields are showed/hided, require/not require on subscription form.
- You can create unlimited custom fields to collect more information about subscribers.
- With powerful custom fee field feature, the price which users have to pay can be calculated based on what options they choose on subscription form.
- Conditional custom fields feature is also supported.
- Validate custom fields data with multiple supported validation rules
Flexible renew options
For each subscription plan, you can define different renew options to allow subscribers to renew their membership. For example, if you have a subscription plan with subscription length is 30 days and price is 30$, you can define other renew options such as 10 days/10$, 20 days/20$... That make the system very flexible and allow subscribers choose the best option they want for the renewal.
Flexible upgrade options
You can define upgrade rules so that subscribers can upgrade his membership from a (lower level) subscription plan to a different (higher level) subscription plan.
Support 50+ payment gateways
- The most popular payment gateways: Paypal,, Eway and Offline payment plugins come with the extension by default
- Other payment gateways such as Paypal Pro, 2Checkout, Stripe, SIM (Server integration method), Mollie... are released as separate payment plugins. See to see list of available payment plugins.
- If you need a payment plugin which is not supported, you can contact us and we will give you quotation for the development.
Powerful Emails Notification System
- Notification Emails sent to administrator when someone register/ sign up for a subscription plan.
- Confirmation Emails sent to users when they subscribe for a plan or their registration is approved by administrator (in case they use offline payment)
- Reminder emails sent to subscribers X-days and Y-days before their subscription is expired so that they can renew their subscription.
- Notification email sent to administrator when subscribers cancel his recurring subscription.
- All email messages are customizable.
Group/Family membership
You can setup Group / Family Membership plans so that a user can sign up for that plan and add group/family members into the system. These members will have same membership/access level with group admin except that the could not add group members. You can limit how many members a group admin can add into the system for each plan.
Joomla User Groups integration:
- Assign subscribers to selected Joomla groups when they sign up for a subscription plan.
- Remove users from these group when their subscription expired.
- These groups can be configurable for each subscription plan
Different ways to restrict access to restricted resources on your site to subscribers
- Using Joomla core ACL
- Restrict access to part of Joomla articles.
- Restrict access to whole Joomla article (articles detail page).
- Restrict access to K2 items.
- Restrict access to any pages (urls) Please read the documentation at to understand how to setup this restriction.
Integrated with third party extensions
- JomSocical, Community Builder, Easy Social: Auto fill-in subscription form with data stored in user profile. Also there is a registration history plugin allows displaying registration history of a user in his profile.
- Integrated with newsletter extensions such as AcyMailing, Mailchimp so that when users sing up for a subscription plan, they will be assigned to the selected mailing lists and you can send newsletters to them later.
- Synchronize data with Joomla users profile, Community Buider Users, Jomsocial users and Easy Social database.
Subscriber can access to his membership profile and:
- Update his profile data
- Renew his membership
- Upgrade his membership
- Cancel his recurring subscription
- See his subscription history.
Backend management
- Flexible configuration.
- Create and manage plan categories.
- Create and manage subscription plans.
- Manage subscribers (find, create, edit, delete, approve, export subscribers to csv file).
- Import existing subscribers from CSV.
- Create and manage Custom fields.
- Create and manage Coupon codes.
- Set tax rates / tax rules
- Install(new payment plugin), change settings of the payment plugins which you use.
- Change, customize messages / email messages.
- Manage countries / states
- Manage and translate language items into different languages.
Built-in translation feature
Allow you to change language strings (without having to edit language files directly) and translate it to different languages (if your site is multilingual).
Other features:
- Tax support (including EU tax rules)
- Coupons
- PDF invoices
- Display subscribers in the frontend
- Captcha & SSL integration
- Membership ID
Membership Pro
- Version:
- 4.1.2
- Developer:
- Ossolution Team
- Last updated:
Jan 28 2025
1 month ago - Date added:
- Nov 19 2014
- License:
- GPLv2 or later
- Type:
- Paid download
- Includes:
- c m p
- Compatibility:
- J3 J4 J5