
Unite Nivo Slider PRO
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Unite Nivo Slider PRO

By Unite Cms
1 Responsive Slider for Joomla. More than 100 custom graphical arrows More than 100 bullets Drag & drop control interface Dynamic images resizing Drag slider to re-size What you get is what you see interface Very flexible to every change Has the all features that Nivo Slider has Pure coding, no hidden links, every code is clear well documented 16 unique transition effects Simple clean & valid m...
Vik Restaurants
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Vik Restaurants

By e4j Extensions for Joomla
Booking & Reservations
VikRestaurants is an extension born to build a complete reservations system for your Joomla website. Designed for any kind of restaurant, from the most simple to the most classy one. Structured in two main sections: Restaurant and Take-Away. Create your Menus with the food that can be ordered online with Delivery or Pickup services. Draw your Rooms/Areas, compose and customize your Menus and draw...
Phoca Open Graph

Phoca Open Graph

By Jan Pavelka
SEO & Metadata
Phoca Open Graph Plugin is a Joomla! CMS Plugin. It allows adding of open graph information into site. Such information stored in meta tags can be then automatically displayed on e.g. Facebook while some visitior of the site commented e.g. article. Since version 3.1.1 Tweets with Cards feature is available, see demo: Phoca News...
Email Protector

Email Protector

By Regular Labs
Site Security
Email Protector - Safely cloak email addresses in Joomla! Email Protector cloaks email addresses in your Joomla! website, making them unreadable for spambots. Email Protector is a replacement for the Joomla! core email cloaking plugin. The core email cloaking plugin has a couple of issues and shortcomings. Email Protector solves these issues. NO MORE JAVASCRIPT ISSUES The core email cloaking p...
Instant Paypal

Instant Paypal

By J!Extensions Store
Payment systems
With this simple plugin your Joomla! CMS will gain ecommerce functionalities, integrating Paypal buttons inside contents with Paypal payments system. Now it integrates with the new PayPal Smart Payment Buttons to give to your buyers a simplified, streamlined and secure checkout experience! The plugin follow a simple syntax to embed products and Paypal buttons directly inside Joomla! contents. Bet...
Multiple Images for K2
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Multiple Images for K2

By Andrey Miasoedov
K2 extensions
With this plugin you will be able to add multiple images to your K2 Articles with the same way as in standard K2 item add form. It supports multiple images adding from admin panel and also from the frontend. Also with this plugin you will be able to add watermark to images and restrict uploads limit from frontend. It is possible to sort your images after upload and upload several images at once....
Speedy Translate
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Speedy Translate

By Solidres Team
Multi-lingual Content
Speedy Translate is a dedicated Joomla extension with the ultimate goal to make translating work in Joomla easier and speedier. Our motivation to create this extension is from the fact that building a multilingual site in Joomla is somewhat a confusing and time consuming task, even for an experienced Joomla users, let alone new users. If you have built a multilingual site with Joomla, you will pro...
Direct Alias

Direct Alias

By AlterBrains
Allows you to control menu item alias and have short SEF URLs without including aliases of parent menu items. Joomla native routing is not quite robust and you can't control how the SEF URL of menu item is built. You can only define menu item alias - a component of URL. By default aliases of Joomla menu items are relative: aliases of all parent menu items are auto-prepended to SEF URL. So child...


By Creative Solutions
Description AI voice generator with realistic text to speech. Generate lifelike text to speech (TTS) audio. Auto-convert content into natural audio, and embed via our players. Make your content more engaging with our voice solutions. GET STARTED IN MINUTES ➤ Create your free GSpeech account (no credit card required): ➤ Create a website:
Phoca Cart

Phoca Cart

By Jan Pavelka
Shopping Cart
Phoca Cart is a powerful e-commerce platform that makes it easy for businesses to sell their products and services online. With a user-friendly interface and a wide range of features, Phoca Cart streamlines the process of creating an online store, managing inventory, processing orders, and accepting payments. Phoca Cart is built on the Joomla CMS platform, which means that it integrates seamlessl...
Securitycheck Pro Control Center
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Securitycheck Pro Control Center

By Texpaok
Site management tools
Securitycheck Pro Control Center has been designed with one goal: to make Joomla! administrator's life easier. With Securitycheck Pro Control Center you will be able to: Manage all your Joomla! websites from a centralized console. Launch remote tasks and save time Check for vulnerable extensions, look for malware, check your files integrity/permission, delete logs captured by the Web Fire...
Trombinoscope Contacts Pro
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Trombinoscope Contacts Pro

By Olivier Buisard
Address Book
Trombinoscope Contacts Pro extends the Joomla! Contacts core component by adding views (directory listings, single contact pages with enhanced forms), plugins (front editing, extra fields, ...) and the already available and free module Trombinoscope Contacts. Present contacts in your projects and show business collaborator charts, school or sports team listings, testimonials, pet listings... in...
2J Slideshow
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2J Slideshow

By 2JoomlaNet
Slideshow - fully responsive, mobile optimized and can take on any dimensions, fullwidth slideshow with super eye catch effects! All slideshow content readable for search engines. Huge amount of the slideshow animation effects and custom transitions for all layers of slide. Easy customization of the slides with buildin slideshow slides editor. With slideshow you can show images, videos and captio...
Display Date + Time

Display Date + Time

By Web357
A simple, easy and nice display of the current date and time using AJAX scripting. It includes various display formats to choose from based on your preference. It supports all countries date and time formats. USEFUL PARAMETERS Before & After text (You can insert html text in front or at the end of date and time). Time Zone (You can use multiple copies of datetime module, from different time zon...
Custom Fields For All
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Custom Fields For All

VirtueMart extensions
Assign to your products any kind of custom field, like colors (color swatches), numbers, text and display it in multiple ways (color buttons, buttons, checkboxes, drop-down lists, etc.) Also translate your custom fields to your shop's languages while you create them. Assign to your products custom fields such as: ★ Colors, ★ Integer or decimal Numbers ★ Strings/Text Display your custom f...
JCE MediaBox

JCE MediaBox

By Widget Factory Limited
JCE extensions
JCE MediaBox is an extension for Joomla! for creating responsive lightbox-style popups for images, video and article content. With support for most common media formats, from images to video (mp4, wmv, quicktime etc.), Youtube, Vimeo, DailyMotion, and other content (pdf, html, external web pages, internal Joomla content), MediaBox can display using 6 different themes - Standard, Light, Shadow, Sq...
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By Joomlashack
Education & Culture
OSCampus is the best way to build an online training site with Joomla. OSCampus is incredibly robust and is already used by 1,000's of people every week. OSCampus runs the video training on OSTraining, and its architecture is the basis for Joomlashack University and the official training site! OSCampus allows you to publish online classes. You can use OSCampus to create classes with m...
KL Admin Skin
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KL Admin Skin

By KreativeLizard
Admin Styling
Rebrand your Website within Minutes! Highly customizable plugin that provides a rich toolset to customize your Joomla! administration look & feel. Save Time with a Simplified Customization The KL Admin Skin plugin is for those who want to give their websites a more personalised and unique administration area. With the help of KL Admin Skin and without any need of custom coding, in a couple o...