ReReplacer, by Regular Labs - Joomla Extension Directory



ReReplacer - search and replace in your websites output.

ReReplacer is a Joomla! component and system plugin that enables you to replace anything in your Joomla! site’s output with whatever you want.

ReReplacer will search the text (html) of your pages for your search request and replace it with what you have told it to do.
These replacements are on the fly. That means they are not permanent. They are done every time you request a web page in your site.

This gives you great possibilities and power to manipulate the output of your site.

Regular Expressions

You have the ability to use powerful regular expressions to search and replace. This opens up endless possibilities. You can do virtually anything with ReReplacer.

Why use ReReplacer?

You can use ReReplacer for all kinds of stuff like:
    ★ Create your own custom tags ([mytag]some text[/mytag] becomes some text).
    ★ Tweak the output of Joomla! without changing the core joomla or extension files.
    ★ Filter bad words on your site.
    ★ Temporarily hide text from your website, without actually removing it.
    ★ Remove redundant whitespace from your code, making your website load faster.
    ★ Use abbreviations in your content and replace them with the full text (J! becomes Joomla!, COMP becomes My Very Long Company Name®).
    ★ Quickly place whole blocks of text by only typing one word.
Like you can use [stats] and replace it with a piece of Google Statistics code.
Or [footer] to put a fixed bit of text under articles.
You can change the replacement in one place (in ReReplacer) and your whole website is updated!
    ★ etc...

What ReReplacer is NOT!

ReReplacer does not touch your database. The replacements are not permanent. So you cannot use ReReplacer to replace stuff for good. You can use my other extension DB Replacer for that.

It also does not touch the files. You cannot use ReReplacer to replace stuff in the (php) files of your site.

How to use it: https://www.regularlabs.com/rereplacer

Works perfectly. Both for simply replacing a word and for more complex things like translating words that don's have a language constant.
Ease of use
Even for more complex replacements, it is relatively easy to set up. (Pro version)
Did not need support until now. I have consulted the forum from time to time and found some answers to my questions there.
Perfect! Common substitutions are well documented with examples.
I used this to: Replace text, translate text, show/hide divs, buttons, icons and more for user groups.
Es lässt sich nahezu die gesamte HTML Ausgabe modifizieren. Bei der PRO Version lassen sich umfassende Bedingungen einstellen.
Ease of use
Im Grunde funktioniert es out of the box. Wichtig ist nur die Anordnung der Plugin-Reihenfolge wie empfohlen. Umsetzung ist logisch und gut.
Pro-Support=grandios. Bei Transfer von Production zu Live Seite gab es ein Problem mit der Datenbank, Peter v.W. von hat es sofort behoben!
Es könnten noch etwas mehr Regex-Beispiele angeboten werden, aber im Forum findet man dann auch fast alles, was man so braucht.
I used this to: Ersetzungen, die man - wenn überhaupt - nur durch PHP Overrides machen könnte, so aber viel leichter umsetzbar sind und dabei relativ update-sicher sind.
Té tot el necessari per adaptar la sortida de codi a les teves necessitats, inclús afegint codi PHP propi.
Ease of use
No és una extensió súper-senzilla perquè té moltíssimes opcions, i quant més flexible més complicat, però Peter ha fet fàcil lo difícil
Senzilla amb prous exemples com per ser autònom en l'ús de l'extensió
I used this to: Adaptar els valors de diversos Custom Fields depenent de l'usuari connectat (grup i nivell).

Amazing Support

Posted on 26 March 2021
A very useful utility that can be used for a whole host of purposes
Ease of use
Simple to use - didnt have to read the documentation to get the basic functionality working
Outstanding - I posted a suggested new feature on their forum and the next morning i had an email with a link to a new vsn with feature incl
Excellent - easy to read online documentation with tutorials, tips etc Found all the answers i needed
I used this to: Many, many things. e.g. Helpline Opening times (so i can change them across whole site quickly). Updating old terminology.
Alles wat de software moet doen dat doet de software en blinkt uit in gebruikersgemak
Ease of use
De software is simpel in gebruik, gemakkelijk toepasbaar en derhalve voor jou website helemaal top
Support is top, Peter geeft in de meeste gevallen zelf antwoord.
Ik kan niet anders zeggen dan dat dit heel goed voor elkaar is, helder, compact en begrijpelijk geschreven.
I used this to: Verschillende soorten van de Free software Modules Anywhere voor 6 totaal verschillende website's.


Posted on 16 June 2020
Wide ranging possibilities for inserting blocks of text, code, icons etc or for replacing multiple instances of outdated information.
Ease of use
Idiot proof. Clean, intuitive interface which just works the way you expect it to.
Not needed but from past experience you can certainly rely on Peter for swift support.
Again, not really needed but as with all Regular Labs products it's fully written up if you want it.
I used this to: To add font-awesome icons to a title field. The module in question simply wouldn't accept code in the title but ReReplacer sorted me out in minutes.
Perfect for my single issue.
Ease of use
Complex but the developer will show you the right settings very quickly
Very good
Very good
I used this to: I had a very unique issue with some shortcode displaying in my search results in the Joomla search component and was out of options besides spending $$$ to get a custom plugin. The Pro version fixed it perfectly. Extremely happy!
Amazing, you can do so much with it.
Ease of use
It feels like it should be so much harder to use, but it's just so darn simple.
As with all the Regular Labs extensions, great support.
Great documentation, as with the rest of the RL extensions.
I used this to: Basically every aspect of building my site, it comes in useful in so many ways.
This worked better than I had hoped on this project.
Ease of use
Once installed, this is the easiest to create temporary changes in my content.
Had a question I posted and Peter responded within a couple of hours on Saturday Night!
Great! Provided all the info I needed to implement this extension as required.
I used this to: I created a FAQ using Joomla categories and articles. I then wanted to have my FAQs open in modal windows based on key words within my Joomla articles. Using ReReplacer to locate and replace the key words with the Modals link to my Joomla articles, I now have the system working!
Permet de remplacer une chaîne de caractères (formelle ou une expression régulière) par une autre chaîne dans les pages produites par Joomla
Ease of use
Très facile à utiliser
La documentation est succincte, cependant claire et fonctionnelle. Quelques exemples simples et pratiques étayent le propos.
I used this to: Dans le flux RSS remplacer les liens relatifs, par des liens absolus. Dans les articles pour normaliser ma signature, je remplace {signature} par mon nom, le lien vers mon profil et vers la page contact. Je m'en sers aussi pour écrire mes liens.
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Articles Anywhere

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Cache Cleaner

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Content Templater

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DB Replacer

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Email Protector

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By Regular Labs
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CDN for Joomla!

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Conditional Content

Conditional Content

By Regular Labs
Site Access
With Conditional Content you can restrict or grant access to parts of the content based on a wide selection of conditions (based on device, user groups, date ranges, languages and menu items to name a few). Creating conditions is a easy as placing {show} or {hide} around your special content. For example, to show a piece of text only to guests (not logged in visitors), you can do this: {show...
Articles Field

Articles Field

By Regular Labs
Custom Fields
Articles Custom Field - With the Regular Labs Articles Field you can create links between articles. Articles Field is a Joomla! custom field plugin that greatly extends the capabilities of custom fields. With the native Joomla! lists fields, the values are only treated as plain text and cannot be linked to any other content. The Regular Labs “Articles Field” (articles) is a Joomla custom fi...
What? Nothing!

What? Nothing!

By Regular Labs
What? Nothing! does nothing... just nothing! Are you just like me and sometimes just want to do nothing, nothing at all? Well, that brought me to this revolutionary plugin for Joomla! All these plugins that are available do all sorts of stuff. All busy doing their thing. Adding functionality here. Manipulating html output there. Making your website better and better. Well, that's all good and n...
Quick Index

Quick Index

By Regular Labs
Article Elements
Quick Index - add a table of contents quickly in Joomla! With Quick Index you can easily add an index (Table of Contents) to your content. The index will be generated based on the headings in your content. Simply place {index} where you want the index to show. You can see Quick Index in action on this website on all the Tutorial, FAQs and Videos pages (at the top of the content). Quick Index o...
IP Login

IP Login

By Regular Labs
Site Access
With IP Login you can log into you Joomla frontend and/administrator side automatically by IP address. You can simply set up your IP address and a secret URL key in your user profile in the administrator. How to use it: https://www.regularlabs.com/iplogin...
Keyboard Shortcuts

Keyboard Shortcuts

By Regular Labs
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Keyboard Shortcuts adds quick access to actions via hotkeys for your Joomla site. Do you find yourself pressing CTRL+S or ⌘+S every time you want to save an article in Joomla? Doesn't work, right? Your browser just wants to export the page as html instead. Well, Keyboard Shortcuts changes this for you! Now you can use your trusted keyboard shortcut to 'Save' an article - as well as many other...


By Regular Labs
Article Elements
Tooltips - add tooltips in Joomla! With Tooltips you can use a simple syntax to give any piece of text or image a nice and simple tooltip. You can create these tooltips virtually anywhere in your site. So not only in articles, but also in modules and components. Syntax The syntax simply looks like: {tip title="Wow!" content="Now I can give something a cool tooltip!"}This t...
Better Frontend Link

Better Frontend Link

By Regular Labs
Article Preview
Better Frontend Link- link directly to the frontend page you need. Better Frontend Link changes the way the "Frontend" link in your administrator works. It will show you: The frontend equivalent of the page you're editing (article, category...). Any parent pages of the current item, such as the parent category pages of the article. The Homepage. How to use it: https://www.regularlabs.com/be...
Tabs & Accordions

Tabs & Accordions

By Regular Labs
Access & Security
Tabs & Accordions - make content tabs and accordions. With Tabs & Accordions you can make content tabs and accordions anywhere in Joomla! The syntax simply looks like: {tab Tab title="Title 1"} Your text... {tab Tab title="Title 2"} Your text... {/tabs} or: {accordion Tab title="Title 1"} Your text... {accordion Tab title="Title 2"} Your text... {/acco...


Regular Labs
Last updated:
Feb 20 2025
3 weeks ago
Date added:
Mar 12 2008
GPLv2 or later
Free download
c p
J3 J4 J5

Uses Joomla! Update System


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