
Search & Indexing, Downloads, File Management

EDocman is the leading document and files download manager extension for Joomla. Building on top of Joomla Access Control Level System (ACL) feature, Edocman gives you a very powerful, flexible permission system which you can use to control who can access, download, manage (edit, delete, publish, unpublish) your documents from both front-end and back-end of Joomla site.
Main Features:

Nested Categories

EDocman allows you to organize your documents cross infinite categories and subcategories.

Hierarchical folders structure

Unlike other files download extension using just one folder to store all files, EDocman allows you to put your files in a hierarchical folder structure (the folder structure is based on the categories structure which you setup - each category will have it's own folder to store files as state above).

Easy, Powerful Documents Management

  • Each document can be assigned to one or different categories.
  • You can control who can view Documents via Access Level property of the document (Public, Registered, Special... and any custom access levels in your system).
  • You can control who can view Downloads, Edit, Delete, Publish, Unpublish the document via Permissions settings (Joomla core ACL)
  • You can assign document to one (or several users) and only the selected users will be able to view and download that document
  • Each document will be associated with one file. This file can be uploaded on create document form or choose from list of available files on your server or even from a remote server.

Different ways to import documents into system

  • Batch Upload allows uploading (support drag and drop) multiple documents into the system at once.
  • Batch Import allows importing existing documents on your server into the system at once.
  • Manual creating documents one by one (default option).
  • Auto Import Documents: You just need to upload documents to server (via FTP for example) and the plugin will auto scan and import these documents into the system.
  • Dropbox integration: Storing documents on Dropbox to reduce your hosting usage. And it's easy to connect Edocman with your Dropbox account.

Advanced, powerful and flexible permission system

EDocman fully supports the Joomla permission system(Joomla ACL). You can define add, edit, delete, upload and download permissions for categories and documents.

Permission Inheritance

In EDocman (and Joomla), permissions will be inherited, so you do not need to set access permissions for each document and/or category which makes managing your permissions a lot easier and faster:

  • Permission can be setup in Component Level, Category Level or Document Level.
  • Permission of the component will be inherited from Site permission setting.
  • Permission of the category will be inherited from the component permission setting.
  • Permission of the child-category will be inherited from it's parent category permission setting.
  • Permission of the document will be inherited from the main category which it is assigned to.

Nice, clean, responsive layout based on twitter bootstrap

That means your users can browse and register for your events on PC, Laptop, Ipad, Smart Phones
- Support both Twitter Bootstrap 2 and optional Bootstrap 3 support.
- Categories page to display list of categories (and sub-categories).
- Category page to display list of documents of a category. Different layouts available: Default (list) layout, Columns (Grid) layout and Table Layout.
- An optional layout switcher allows you to change the layout quickly from Grid to List and vice-versa.
- Document detail page to display information of document

Front-end managements

Users with proper permissions (setup by admin via Joomla ACL) can perform the following tasks in the front-end
- Submit New Document
- Edit, Delete, Publish, Un-publish Documents

Indexing PDF documents

EDocman has an Indexer plugin allows indexing content of PDF documents and make it searchable on your site.

Notify Users when document is uploaded/updated

EDocman Notification plugin allows sending notification emails to users from selected Joomla Groups when a document is uploaded/ updated to your selected categories.

Easy Linking / Display Documents into article

  • EDocman has an editor plugin which allows you to easy insert link to view / download a document into an article
  • EDocman has a content plugin which allows displaying all documents from a category into an article.

Collect users information before allow downloading documents

If you want, you can config EDocman to collect name and email of users before allow them to download a document. These collected users information then can be viewed in EDocman -> Downloads Logs feature of the extension

Emails Notification System

  • Notification Emails sent to administrator when someone upload document from front-end.
  • Notification Emails sent to administrator when someone download document from front-end
  • Notification Emails sent to users when someone assign a document to him.

SEF / SEO optimization:

  • Intelligent Joomla core SEF router generate friendly urls without having to use any third party SEF extensions.
  • You can set meta data (meta keywords, meta description) for each category and document

Download Logs

Allowing you to see who downloaded your documents, user's IP, user's web browser, download date.

Other features

  • Document Licenses
  • Document History
  • Media player
  • Document Lock status
  • Document sharing
  • Document limit downloads

Modules and Plugins

  • Modules to display Latest Documents, Most Popular Documents and Top Downloads document.
  • Search plugin which allows users to search for your documents via Joomla standard search.
  • Smart Search (Finder) plugin
  • Categories listing and Categories tree modules
  • Documents calendar module
  • Document tags module
  • Indexer plugin allows indexing content of PDF documents and make it searchable.
  • Documents Linking editor plugin provide an quick and easy way to link to a document from an article.
  • EDocman Documents Category plugin allows display all documents of a category in a Joomla article.
  • Document limit downloads plugin
  • JComments plugin integrate with JComments to allow users to post comments to you documents.
  • Sh404sef ext plugin for Edocman
  • Acymailing plugin
  • Falang integration


  • Compatible with Bootstrap 2, 3, 4, 5 and UIKIT
  • Compatible with Joomla 3.x and Joomla 4.x

Released notes

Version 1.25.8 Released on 15th August 2024
- Add option to duplicate documents
- Add option to filter documents by created date
- Add option to copy download links in documents management page
- Fix issues in previous versions

Version 1.25.7 Released on 01st July 2024
- Improve categories management function
- Improve Batch Upload function
- Improve layouts
- Improve tags module
- Improve plugin Action log
- Improve plugin gallery
- Improve plugin notification
- Improve Limit downloads/Upload
- Improve plugin System import
- Improve plugin thumbnail generator

Version 1.25.6 Released on 13th May 2024
- Update Edocman Dropbox plugin
- Improve Edocman Batch Upload function
- Improve Edocman Finder plugin
- Improve Edocman Documents module
- Fix previous issues

Version 1.25.5 Released on 06th April 2024
- Improve Edocman Dropbox plugin
- Improve Edocman Content link plugin
- Improve Edocman Check missing file plugin
- Improve Edocman Search plugin
- Improve Edocman PDF viewer plugin
- Improve Edocman Check missing file plugin
- Fix issues in previous versions

Version 1.25.4 Released on 02nd March 2024
- Fix serious issue when changing parent category
- Add Categories gallery layout
- Improve Documents Gallery layout (Columns layout)
- Improve Edocman Documents module
- Improve Edocman Tags module
- Improve Edocman Editor xtd plugin
- Fix issues in previous versions
- Improve Backend of component to compatible with Dark mode of Joomla 5

Version 1.25.3 Released on 16th January 2024
- Add document archived status
- Showing both published and unpublished documents at frontend with super user role
- Add indicator for unpublished documents at frontend side
- Add Human titles configure option
- Improve Documents download statistic chart
- Improve Edocman Categories, Documents and Tags modules

Version 1.25.2 Released on 07th December 2023
- Support Dark/light layout style (Frontend)
- Support Dark mode (Backend - Joomla 5)
- Add layout configure options
- Fix issue in Bookmark layout
- Fix issue on saving category
- Fix other minor issues

Version 1.25.1 Released on 01st November 2023
- Improve Edocman Indexer plugin (compatible with Joomla 5)
- Improve Edocman Download Log function
- Improve Edocman Action Log plugin
- Improve Edocman Search function
- Fix issues of Edocman component on Joomla 5 environment
- Fix issue in Edocman Search module

Version 1.25.0 Released on 14th September 2023
- Fully compatible with Joomla 5
- Add option to keep or remove folders when categories deleted
- Add tool to remove edocman documents in root folder manually
- Fix issue when save&close items at Backend
- Check file before downloading for viewing
- Improve security function

Version 1.24.7 Released on 01st August 2023
- Fix XSS issue on documents uploading

Version 1.24.6 Released on 08th July 2023
- Improve documents listing/ searching functions
- Improve Edocman Finder plugin
- Improve Edocman Categories tree module
- Improve Edocman Checkfiles plugin
- Add option to hide documents from online search engines
- Support m4a, oga files
- Fix issues in categories listing

Version 1.24.5 Released on 06th May 2023
- Add Mass Download at Backend side
- Add option to exclude categories in search
- Improve Sef function
- Improve Category tree module
- Improve Edocman Search module
- Improve GDrive integration plugin
- Improve Edocman Import plugin

Version 1.24.4 Released on 06th April 2023
- Add indicators to documents of Edocman Documents module
- Update GPX mime map
- Update attribute of column indexed_content in database from text to long text
- Improve frontend layouts
- Fix some minor issues

Version 1.24.3 Released on 07th February 2023
- Improve PDF Indexer plugin to add option to index content of pdf files without popen enable
- Improve CSV import to make it to work with PHP 8.x
- Improve MP3 player
- Fix login redirection issue
- Other minor issues fixed

Version 1.24.2 Released on 04th January 2023
- Improve Edocman Search function/layout
- Add option to exclude indexing all documents of specific categories (required update PDF Indexer plugin)
- Improve Edocman Statistic module (Backend side)
- Improve Edocman Tags module to check accessible documents
- Add Edocman Slider module for Joomla 4 (contact us to get the module)

Version 1.24.1 Released on 23th November 2022
- Improve Edocman Editor-xtd plugin
- Improve performance with third-party data storages
- Improve Search function
- Fix minor issues

Version 1.24.0 Released on 21th October 2022
- Add option to index content of PDF files on third party storages (Dropbox, Google Drive and Amazon S3)
- Add Joomla Editor-xtd plugins to add short codes of Categories and Documents into editor
- Add Joomla Login option (beside Edocman login in previous versions)
- Add option to select default listing type with "Default" theme
- Add document description tags in email content
- Fix the redrecting issue after saving document and category at frontend
- Fix issue when delete, publish documents in documents search result
- Fix document duplicate alias issue
- Modify search module to avoid XSS
- Improve Edocman Category and Document content plugins

Version 1.23.4 Released on 30th September 2022
- Fix XSS vulnerable issue in Search function
Version 1.23.3 Released on 05th September 2022
- Showing files based on selected category - Add document form (Backend side)
- Add option in categories to override number columns in Documents Default Grid and Columns layouts
- Add CSS Class field in categories
- Add Canonical tag in document details page
- Showing unpublished categories in dropdown select list Category with Administrator
- Fix issue in module Edocman documents

Version 1.23.2 Released on 01st August 2022
- Improve the Search layout and Search module
- Improve Edocman Editor-Xtd
- Improve Edocman Documents module - Adding exclude category IDs
- Improve Batch Upload function
- Improve Categories management function - Frontend side
- Add Checkboxes in User Documents list to allow user to delete documents
- Fix issue in Edocman Gdrive on PHP 8
- Fix issue with Checkboxes in Categories management - Frontend side

Version 1.23.1 Released on 23th June 2022
- Add option to track search phrases and make the create tags based on search phrases
- Improve Edocman Backend layouts
- Fix issue on Edocman Search module
- Fix Log issue in Categories layout
- Fix Language issue at Frontend side

Version 1.23.0 Released on 27th May 2022
- Improve Edocman Search layout
- Add option to export all documents to CSV file
- Improve modal boxes
- Add Download Trend graph at Edocman Dashboard (Joomla4)
- Improve Edocman documents module - add option to filter documents by User
- Improve Edocman Statistic module
- Improve Edocman Calendar module
- Improve Edocman TreeCats module
- Improve Edocman Content link plugin
- Fix various issues in previous versions

Version 1.22.0 Released on 05th April 2022
- Add option to filter missing files documents at Backend side
- Add option to disable download with specific documents when reaching number of download times
- Add option to create Link (Href) custom fields for documents
- Add option to filter/show tags in module: Edocman documents
- Implement Phoca2Edocman migration tool for Joomla 4
- Improve Edocman Finder plugin
- Fix issue in Edocman Dropbox plugin
- Fix issue in Edocman Document Expires notification plugin

Version 1.21.0 Released on 12th February 2022
- Retouch Joomla4 layouts
- Add options to move parent and sub-categories in Joomla4
- Fix issue on Categories Inherit access level
- Fix Joomla Check-in issue

Version 1.20.4 Released on 10th December 2021
- Fix issues from previous version

Version 1.20.3 Released on 04th October 2021
- Fix issue of Edocman on Joomla 4 environment

Version 1.20.2 Released on 24th September 2021
- Fix issues from previous version

Version 1.20.1 Released on 05th September 2021
- Fix issues from previous version

Version 1.20.0 Released on 19th August 2021
- Fully compatible with Joomla 4

Version 1.19.10 Released on 08th July 2021
- Add Edocman Form plugin which alllow to show Document details in Joomla article
- Add Download Chart view at Backend side
- Improve Edocman Gdrive plugin
- Improve Login to Download function
- Add function to remove data temporarily view folder
- Fix issue in Edocman Categories tree module
- Fix issue in Edocman Tags module
- Fix issue when changing category names
- Fix issue when changing main category of document
- Add configure option to show warning when user doesn't have permission to download document

Version 1.19.9 Released on 01st June 2021
- Add Mass Download feature
- Added a configuration that allows you to choose whether to append an unique number before or after the file name to avoid overwriting
- Add option to select access groups when add/edit document at frontend side

Version 1.19.8 Released on 02nd May 2021
- Add option to exclude documents from Indexing progress
- Add option to show Document (Document View url: Youtube, Vimeo) through modal popup
- Improve Edocman Tags module
- Improve Edocman Documents module
- Fix SQL issue on Edocman Documents Auto Import plugin

Version 1.19.7 Released on 26th March 2021
- Rename Category folder when its path changed
- Add Edocman Thumbnail Generator for PDF documents (Required ImageMagick library enabled)
- Add Default ItemID parameter for Edocman Editor-xtd plugin
- Add Breadcrumb for PDF Viewer layout
- Improve Login modal popup layout
- Add feature to view "Picture" documents through modal popup
- Fix issue on selecting Access groups on Ajax Upload function (Batch Upload)

Version 1.19.6 Released on 23th February 2021
- Compatible with Joomla 4 Beta 7 - Bootstrap 5
- Improve Edocman Content Link plugin - support Login to Download
- Add tag [CATEGORY] in all Edocman emails
- Fix Bulk Import issue

Version 1.19.5 Released on 14th January 2021
- Add PDF View plugin

Version 1.19.4 Released on 07th January 2021
- Fix issue on Add document on option to select existing physical file vs upload new file
- Support UIKIT3 library
- Improve Edocman Categories tree layouts

Version 1.19.3 Released on 27th November 2020
- Improve Router function
- Add Cache in Edocman Categories Tree module
- Fix issue on Edocman notification plugin when using Ajax Upload
- Add option to inherit access level of parent category when adding sub-categories (Backend side)
- Add option to allow administrator to upload file or selecting existing file when adding new document (Backend side)
- Fix some issues on Joomla4 beta

Version 1.19.2 Released on 20th October 2020
- Add Document rating feature
- Improve Edocman Editor-xtd plugin
- Add option to show Bookmark button in Documents listing
- Fix permission issue when adding document through modal window
- Improve Edocman documents module

Version 1.19.1 Released on 17th September 2020
- Improve Documents Bookmark layout (add Download and View buttons)
- Improve Edocman Tags module (add option to show/hide tags that having no documents are assigned)
- Improve Edocman Amazon S3 plugin
- Improve Edocman Action log to store Document view log
- Fix issues in previous versions

Version 1.19.0 Released on 01st August 2020
- Compatible with Joomla 4 beta
- Improve Joomla Search plugin
- Improve Joomla Editor-Xtd plugin

Version 1.18.1 Released on 08th July 2020
- Fix issue on adding Tags for documents at Backend side

Version 1.18.0 Released on 02nd July 2020
- Improve the way to add Tags for documents
- Improve Document Download Limit plugin
- mprove Edocman Categories Tree module
- Add option to Accept License one time
- Fix issue on Download function in Documents list
- Fix issue on Login to Download function in Documents Table layout
- Fix issue on User Documents function

Version 1.17.2 Released on 11th June 2020
- Add configure option to enable/disable removing non-utf8 characters in document filenames
- Add feature to resize thumbnail pictures based on coordinates of original photo
- Add "Ariel Label" attribute into Link tags in Edocman component
- Remove thumbnail pictures when their documents are removed

Version 1.17.11 Released on 11th May 2020
- Add option to allow user to add subcategories from frontend side
- Improve "Categories management" permission (ACL)
- Auto-generate thumbnail pictures with Photo documents
- Fix issue on Joomla4 alpha

Version 1.17.0 Released on 04th April 2020
- Add configure option to show/hide View button in Documents table layout
- Improve Ajax Upload function (Frontend side) to send notification emails after saving uploaded documents
- Add configure option to show/hide text "No available documents" in Category view
- Add option to sort documents by Publishing start date
- Add configure option to allow you to select Layout that user will be redirected after uploading documents (Frontend side)
- Add feature to enlarge photos of documents in listing pages
- Fix "Empty documents creating" issue when plugin Limit Downloads is enabled

Version 1.16.8 Released on 27th March 2020
- Fix SQL error in PHP 7.4.x and MySQL 8.x environment

Version 1.16.7 Released on 27th February 2020
- Add option to show number documents in Edocman Categories module
- Showing Created date, File size and Number download times in Documents Default layout
- Improve filter bar of Documents Management page at Backend side

Version 1.16.6 Released on 1st February 2020
- Fix issue on Edocman Breadcrumb
- Fix issue on Edocman Categories tree module
- Fix layout issue on Document modification form
- Improve Document Upload form

Version 1.16.5 Released on 13th January 2020
- Add publishing date filtering in Documents management page (Backend side)
- Add limit level option in module: Edocman Categories tree
- Fix issue on saving category (Backend side)
- Add option to show Joomla site name in Browser page title of Edocman layouts

Version 1.16.4 Released on 2nd December 2019
- Add option to show/hide number Download in the list
- Fix Download/View permission issue in document details page
- Offer option to migrate documents from DOCman extension and the physical files are being placed on third party storages

Version 1.16.3 Released on 4th November 2019
- Add options to show Hot and Featured documents in module Edocman documents
- Fix issue on loading Categories at frontend
- Fix minor issues in previous version

Version 1.16.2 Released on 16th October 2019
- Fix some bugs bugs from Edocman 1.16.1

Version 1.16.1 Released on 14th October 2019
- Fix some bugs bugs from Edocman 1.16.0

Version 1.16.0 Released on 10th October 2019
- Compatible with Joomla4 alpha
- Remove Joomla deprecated functions
- Import categories through CSV files
- Remove file extensions in document titles when using Batch Upload
- Add document titles automatically based on names of selected file
- Update Edocman Acymailing
- Add Document Download Password
- Improve User's documents layout - add filter option
- Add Empty documents in Category pages

Version 1.15.1 Released on 29th August 2019
- Add option to send notification email when the document is uploaded at frontend side
- Backup file: document.xml when you install/ update Edocman extension
- Backup and migrate English language files
- Fix issue on module: Categories tree

Version 1.15.0 Released on 12th July 2019
- Add option to clean Edocman temporarily folder
- Add option to make documents to inherit Owner Ids from Category
- Improve Edocman Editors-xtd plugin
- Fix browser page title issues on layouts: Categories and Category
- Improve Edocman Category Filter module
- Improve Edocman Category Tree module
- Improve Joomla Content plugin: Edocman Category
- Hide Edocman menus on modal popup (Backend side)

Version 1.14.0 Released on 7th June 2019
- Manage Categories at Frontend
- Add layout to list Just Updated documents in Edocman documents module
- List "No activity documents" in Statistic box at Edocman Dashboard
- Add option to link Document created user to Joomla User profile, CB or JomSocial
- Add option to index content of file: xls, xlsx
- Add view option in Tree View layout
- Add tag [DOCUMENT_LINK] in "New document uploaded" notification email to administrator
- Fix issue on creating Document aliases when using Bulk Import
- Fix issue on Document aliases generating

Version 1.13.0 Released on 5th May 2019
- Add Edocman User log action plugin (For Joomla 3.9.x)
- Add migrate tool from Phoca Download
- Add option to list related documents by Tags
- Add value for field: Path of Edocman category
- Show Link icon with External link documents
- Adjust CSS of Edocman component
- Fix issue with Sef links in Edocman documents module
- Fix JS issue on documents table layout
- Fix access level issue on Edocman Search module
- Fix issue on Edocman statistic module

Version 1.12.1 Released on 3rd April 2019
- Add new layout to show categories and documents
- Add canonical tag to avoid document links duplication

Version 1.12.0 Released on 12th March 2019
- Add Association documents option
- Implement Category Blog and Document Blog layouts
- Add Owner column in Documents list
- Add option to View/Edit/Delete documents in Documents table layout

Version 1.11.8 Released on 23th February 2019
- Fix security issue on Joomla SQL injection from previous Edocman versions

Version 1.11.7 Released on 11th February 2019
- Fix issue on download/upload documents when third party storage plugins (Dropbox, Gdrive, Amazon S3) are enabled but no parameters entered.
- Fix issue with foreign language packages of Edocman

Version 1.11.6 Released on 18th January 2019
- Add plugin to send reminder email when documents are about to expire
- Show alert when documents are about to expire

Version 1.11.5 Released on 13th January 2019
Add language packages
- Czech
- German
- Italian
- Hebrew
- Dutch
- French
- Spanish

Version 1.11.4 Released on 10th January 2019
- Improve Documents table layout
- Improve Edocman documents layout
- Fix issue on Publish/ Unpublish, Delete documents from frontend
- Fix Document Upload issue (1.11.3)
- Fix Media player issue

Version 1.11.3 Released on 7th January 2019
- Add new feature: Bookmark documents
- Add Upload limit plugin with option to limit number files and total size uploaded by users
- Fix Google viewer issue

Version 1.11.1 Released on 1st December 2019
- Add layout to list categories in table
- Add configure options to setup columns in Grid view of Default layout

Version 1.11.0 Released on 1st November 2018
- Add Ajax upload function at front-end side
- Add Sort function in User documents layout
- Improve UI on Documents table, Document grid and Document details layouts
- Add option to delete folder of category when it is removed
- Add option to show Error 404 when the physical file of document isn't exists
- Fix issue on showing number main categories per row

Version 1.10.0 Released on 1st November 2018
- Add Downloads limit plugin
- Add Categories tree module
- Add Configure option to choose List/Grid style of Default layout
- Show "missing file" icons in documents list

Version 1.9.14 Released on 15th October 2018
- Improve Documents column layout
- Fix Edocman - Joomla Search plugin to add document photo into search result
- Adjust Edocman category, document modification layouts

Version 1.9.12 Released on 25th September 2018
- Fix issue happens when saving document. The cause from Edocman Notification plugin

Version 1.9.11 Released on 20th September 2018
- Add option to allow user to exclude their email out of (new document uploaded/ document updated) notification emails
- Add Tags cloud module
- Improve Edocman documents module
- Add option to increase Version of Edocman documents
- Retouch Edocman Configuration page
- Fix Access permission issue (1.9.10)

Version 1.9.10 Released on 1st September 2018
- Improve access level to Categories and Documents
- Add Document gallery

Version 1.9.9 Released on 8th August 2018
- Integrate with Google Drive
- Add Related documents

Version 1.9.8 Released on 24th July 2018
- Improve Documents Columns layout
- Update document location when changing document category
- Add View option in plugin: Edocman Content link and Edocman Editors-Xtd
- Fix issue on Edocman Acymailing plugin

Version 1.9.7 Released on 29th June 2018
- Add option to allow user to view document through Google Viewer on any download permissions
- Add feature to search categories from Back-end side with any child levels

Version 1.9.6 Released on 15th June 2018
- Improve layouts
- Add Privacy checkbox in Document Download collect information
- Add configure option to show/hide Category in Document details
- Add configure option to limit description of categories, documents in listing pages

Version 1.9.5 Released on 3rd May 2018
- Compatible with Joomla 4 Alpha
- Compatible with Bootstrap 2 & 3 & 4
- Improving Back-end layout

Version 1.9.4 Released on 4th April 2018
- Add Edocman Calendar module
- Add Document owner group
- Showing Expired label in Documents management
- Show/hide Download and View buttons in specific categories
- Add option to assign uploader as owner automatically
- New more Edocman configure options
- Add [DOCUMENT_TITLE] tag into all email's subjects

Version 1.9.3 Released on 6th March 2018
- Add AcyMailing plugin
- Improve Edocman notification plugin to add option to allow administrator to send only published documents
- Add Auto Approval field for category

Version 1.9.2 Released on 17th January 2018
- Add Backend module: Edocman stats to show latest documents, most popular and most downloaded documents with number available categories, documents in Edocman system
- Add parameter into Amazon S3 plugin to allow you to enter location of your Bucket
- Add layout to list documents in alphabetical in Edocman documents module
- Fix Default license issue
- Fix issue Showing unpublished document at front-end side
- Fix Joomla Edocman Search plugin when it returns "End publishing" documents in Result page
- Fix issue on Modal Login to Download
- Fix Title Slider module issue
- Fix Sef issue when viewing document

EDOCMAN has everything packed to allow you to easily manage your document and downloads. Our support team is standing by to help you with all your questions. We offer a 30 days money-back guarantee.

Best Support on JED!!

Posted on 26 August 2024
Edocman offers unmatched functionality with seamless document management powerful search, custom permissions intuitive customizable displays
Ease of use
Edocman is incredibly user-friendly with an intuitive interface easy setup smooth document management making it perfect for all skill levels
Edocman's support is exceptional—fast, knowledgeable, and always ready to help with any issue, ensuring a smooth experience every time.
Edocman's documentation is thorough, clear, and well-organized, making it easy to find answers and get the most out of the extension.
Value for money
Edocman delivers exceptional value for money, offering robust features, reliable support, and continuous updates at a very competitive price
I used this to: I use Edocman to manage and organize a vast library of documents on my Joomla site. It simplifies file management with intuitive features like drag-and-drop uploading, custom permissions, and powerful search functionality, ensuring secure and efficient access for all users.
The functions are extensive and yet the extension is not overloaded. The advertising corresponds absolutely to reality. You get what you buy
Ease of use
The extension is easy to use and logically structured. I had no problems getting started.
The support is outstanding. I am not a professional. The developer responded to my questions very quickly, was very patient and extremely he
Value for money
The extension is worth every cent, especially when you consider the excellent support
I used this to: Document management, document display in the front end, indexing
It functions well overall, with various menu items and module options.
Ease of use
It is very easy to use and navigate the administrator side. Batch upload features are especially helpful.
Support is excellent, very responsive and knowledgeable, and extremely helpful in resolving errors.
Value for money
Fair price for the software, with a variety of configuration options and settings to tailor it to specific needs.
I used this to: Document manager for an internal employee portal on a client's website.
Edocman is full of great powerful features that will meet any project needs now matter how big or small. Th
Ease of use
The great support and documentation ensures for ease of use. Installation, configuration and general use couldn't be any simpler.
Should you require support, the Team provide fast, friendly and accurate responses making your experience even easier.
Edcoman is self explanatory, should you need any assistance the documentation is well explained and covers all the topics required.
Value for money
You get excellent value for money full of features and awesome friendly support.
I used this to: A client that is a council with a large requirement for managing and downloading documents.
Use several tools from "Ossolution Team", all tools offer extensive functions at a good price.
Ease of use
The products are easy to use, the installation works without any problems. Products are very well maintained and adapted to the new version.
Support requests are answered very quickly and problems are solved in a short time. This is how support should be for all products!
The documentation is clearly structured and very well organized, covering all areas of the software.
Value for money
Nutze mehrere Tool von "Ossolution Team", alle Tools bieten umfangreiche Funktionen zu einem guten Preis.
I used this to: I use the software for customer sites and my own websites to create member areas with Joomla.
The Component ans its Plugins is on board for a while so the Functionality is quite a lot and has evolved the last years.
Ease of use
The Setup Process is easy. You have to take a little time to preconfigure all the given options. The Rest is straight forward.
For me that is the essential Part of it: As i use also other Components of the Developer, i really can say that is top notch. Answ. are quik
The Documentation covers most of the Topics you´ll need and gives you a quick start. As the Component is easy to manage, i´ll seldom need it
Value for money
Best! You get a very good value for your money and a really good Support, too.
I used this to: Providing public documents for churches, schools, private, etc.
Also for my clients making them able to Upload their own Docs in Frontend.
The plugin is flexible and offers lots of good functions for a Joomla doc management system
Ease of use
It is easy to set up and use, once installed it is intuitive and you can quickly build up a document library and categorise them
First class support, I always like to work with Joom Donation and they respond to enquiries very quickly
Value for money
Very good value, the plugin is a small cost to solve a big problem
I used this to: Providing public facing documents for customers, and also a staff area restricted by password access
It works perfectly! They wanted to upgrade a multi-lingual website with over 1200 PDFs. INDEXING & SEARCHING ARE GREAT!
Ease of use
They will be uploading many more PDFs. I have tested it with two people they both found it easy to use.
The support is amazing. Mr. Dam is 12 hours away but managed to get back to me fast. Setup wasn't easy as I was new to Joomla. Not any more!
The documentation was good except sometimes my being new to Joomla made it a little hard to understand. Support made up for that.
Value for money
EXCELLENT! I would recommend to anybody who needs searchable and indexed PDFs. If it's a PDF with jpgs, the title is searchable.
I used this to: A website that wants international exposure. Will recommend and use again myself.


Posted on 02 February 2024
Does so many things. I use this document repository for everything. But the best thing is it integrates with JoomDonation's other components
Ease of use
Easy peasy to get up and running and configure. Very intuitive and easy to use.
Amazing support from Tuan and Dam - I've never been disappointed.
Satisfactory documentation. It covers everything and is easy to understand.
Value for money
None better. It does so much. I'd recommend it for any document use.
I used this to: I have two wildly different applications and eDocman works for both. One is for my students who upload homework to the site and the other is for a professional org that needs distribution control.
really a lot of features, I think I only use half of them. Doc for logged-in users based on ACL groups + admin menu + xtd-editor
Ease of use
create a folder (a category), adapt ACL group rights, add documents... it's intuitive, and the configuration page is very well designed.
Mr. Dam is available and responsive, always finds the answer to my questions. if necessary, exchange several times a day, always with soluti
A lot of information to handle a lot of cases. Very well explained
Value for money
value > quality > price > support > updates
affordable price for personalized results
I used this to: I used this software to: prioritize documents and make them accessible to logged-in users. Files are accessible according to the user's Joomla ACL group. In parallel, I use "Membership Pro" (also from Ossolution Team) to manage subscriptions. I recommend it!
Event Booking
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Event Booking

By Ossolution Team
Events Booking is the most powerful, features rich, easy to use Events Registration extension for Joomla. It allows you to create events(both free and paid), allows registrants to register for these events(Individual, Group registration or Shopping cart) and process payment via online payment gateways. Main features: Nested Categories Events Booking allows you to organize your events cross infin...
Paid download


By Ossolution Team
Shopping Cart
EShop is a powerful & responsive Joomla Shopping Cart / e-Commerce extension. It is built based on the standard Joomla! MVC structure with many great features, user friendly and easy to customize. You simply install, add products, enable built-in modules, payment plugins, shipping plugins and you are ready to start accepting orders. CATALOG FEATURES: ★ Catalog Mode ★ Quote Cart Mode ★ Unli...
Joom Donation
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Joom Donation

By Ossolution Team
Joom Donation is leading donation extension for Joomla. It allows you to collect donors information and get donation(one-time and recurring) from them through over 40 online payment gateways such as Paypal,, Stripe, Mollie, PayU, Square etc. If you need a donation solution for your site, look no further. Main features: ✔ Support both one-time and recurring donation ✔ Unlimite...
OS Property Real Estate
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OS Property Real Estate

By Ossolution Team
Real Estate
OS Property is best Joomla real estate extension. OS Property provides necessary flexibility and fully functional for creating real estate websites, property listing or rental websites with single, multiple user types or real estate companies. REAL ESTATE FEATURES ★ Easy to post real estate properties ★ Earning money from customer who want to use your Real Estate website ★ Advanced, Locat...
Membership Pro
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Membership Pro

By Ossolution Team
Membership & Subscriptions
Membership Pro is the most powerful, features rich, easy to use membership/subscription extension for Joomla. It allows you to create and sell subscription plans, allows members subscribe for these plans and then give these subscribers access to restricted resources (articles, K2 items, videos, documents...) on your Joomla website.. Main features: Create and sell subscription plans You can crea...
OS Services Booking
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OS Services Booking

By Ossolution Team
Booking & Reservations
OS Services Booking - the best Service & Appointment booking component is used for online services scheduling and appointments management BACK-END SIDE ★ Unlimited Categories, Venues, Services(Appointment types) and Employees (Staff) ★ Easy to manage Orders list, Categories, Venues, Services(Appointment types) , Employees (Staff) and Custom fields ★ Services (Appointments): 2 time slots su...
Payment Form
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Payment Form

By Ossolution Team
Payment Form (PMF) is a Joomla extension allows you create forms to collect customers information and get payment from them (for a service, for an event registration ...) via online payment gateway such as: PayPal,, Eway, WorldPay, Stripe.... Main features: ✔ Support different form types: ★ Free Form: Form with no payment needed. You can use this type of form to collect informa...
Helpdesk Pro
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Helpdesk Pro

By Ossolution Team
Help Desk
Helpdesk Pro is a professional Joomla 3.x, Joomla 4.x helpdesk/support tickets extension developed by Ossolution Team. Building on the top Joomla framework and Twitter Bootstrap, Helpdesk Pro not only provide you an easy to use, features rich, effective support tickets system but also a nice, clean, modern interface to end-users. Main features: Nested Categories: Helpdesk Pro allows you to add c...
Documents Seller
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Documents Seller

By Ossolution Team
Paid Downloads
Documents Seller (aka DMS) allows selling your downloadable products : Documents, Ebooks, Softwares, Joomla extensions, Joomla templates and get paid via PayPal,, Eway, MoneyBooker and Offline payment payment gateway. Note : Beside the core payment plugins which come with the extension by default, there are many extra payment plugins which support other popular payment gateways like...
OS PDF Indexer
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OS PDF Indexer

By Ossolution Team
Site Search
Documents Indexer is a Joomla extension to allow indexing and searching base on content of online documents of your Joomla site. Features : Indexing documents (pdf, doc, docx, xls, xlsx... etc) and save content of these documents into database for searching. These documents can be uploaded to different directories . Indexing all documents stored in a folder and all it's sub-folders within one c...
OS Calendar
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OS Calendar

By Ossolution Team
Extensions Specific Non-sorted
OS Calendar provides availability calendar feature for properties of OS Property. OS Calendar 6.0 even better, it allows administrator/ agent or owner to be able to setup price for their apartments, hotels, villas, holiday or camp site in their OS Property system. Main features: ★ Online Booking: Book Online: rooms, villas, apartments etc of properties. Detailed availability calendar with booke...
Mailer Pro
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Mailer Pro

By Ossolution Team
Mailer Pro is a Joomla 2.5, 3.0 extension developed by Ossolution Team to provide you a quick, easy, reliable way for sending mass mails to your customers/site users. With Mailer Pro, you can send emails to: -Users from certain Joomla groups. -Users returned from SQL Query (for example, customers who purchased certain products in Virtuemart or all registrants of a specific events in Events Booki...
EShop Free Shipping Pro
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EShop Free Shipping Pro

By Ossolution Team
Extensions Specific Non-sorted
This is a shipping plugin for EShop e-commerce extension. It gives you greater flexibility in determining when Free Shipping option is available to your customers. It supports a flexible and wide variety of criteria including: ★ Category Comparison: ANY, ALL, NOT, ONLY ANY, ONLY ALL, NONE. ★ Manufacturer Comparison: ANY, ALL, NOT, ONLY ANY, ONLY ALL, NONE. ★ Item Length/Width/Height ★ Num...


Ossolution Team
Last updated:
Aug 16 2024
3 weeks ago
Date added:
Nov 19 2014
GPLv2 or later
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c m p
J3 J4 J5

Uses Joomla! Update System


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