
Directory & Documentation, Print & PDF

Phoca PDF is a Joomla! component. It enables you to set and create PDF documents in Joomla!.

The whole Phoca PDF framework contains:

* Phoca PDF component
* Phoca PDF fonts
* Phoca PDF plugins

See more details here:
Phoca PDF

Phoca PDF Demo

5.1.2017 NEWS - ready for Joomla! 3.8.1

* Phoca PDF requires PHP 5 version installed on your server (because of newest TCPDF library)
* You can set e.g. footer or header information with help of HTML text editor (like FCK, TinyMCE, JCE,...), but be aware because not all HTML tags and attributes, wich an editor produces, are supported in PDF
* HTML code of your documents should be valid
* You can set different parameters for your PDF document, so after setting these parameters you should test creating of your PDF documents because of possible conflicts caused by setting some extra values (e.g. setting of small PDF format x large font size x large line height, etc...)
* You can set different font types for different parts of document (content, header, footer) but be aware, because PDF stores information about font types. UTF-8 fonts are supported and after storing information about all font types the size of PDF document can increase markedly
* CREATING PDF IS NOT SO SMOOTH AS CREATING HTML OUTPUT. PDF DOCUMENT IS NOT RENDERED IF IT DOESN'T GET CORRECTLY CREATED DOCUMENT HEADER. For successfully PDF creating, the site should not render any PHP error messages or any bad encoding characters before rendering PDF. If you get blank page while PDF creating, mostly this is caused by above described problems. In such case try to see your error log or check the encoding of included PHP files.

Joomla! 2.5 Demo

Joomla! 3.5 Demo

Allows you to add the PDF icon to your Joomla articles
Ease of use
Because of a complicated Joomla template, I had to modify the code we are supposed to edit, which is not really straighforward.
Gives you PDF generation for your articles.
As long as you stick to basic formatting the PDF looks fine. Otherwise - surprise
Ease of use
Mostly easy and intuitiv setup and usage for a basic system. Works out of the box.
Well suited for basic usage. Unfortunately the exact limits of 'basis usage' are left undefined. Behind them you are out of luck.
I used this to: I tried to use it to produce an on-the-fly PDF version of educational articles. Suitable for non interactive display: offline, hand outs in classroom, etc. Unfortunately the layout relied on stylesheets and carefully placed images. Could not make that looking good in the PDF.
Owner's reply: Hi, see the red box here:

Maybe you should read it before testing something what is really no possible with online tools :-(

Very rich in options: Tried with Joomla 2.5 - Nearly anything is possible. Can't wait for the version that works 100% with Joomla 3! (It is in beta as of this writing and still has some teething troubles)
After having bad experience with the Joomla PDF, this extention made my day.

Very customizable and easy to use.

I also like the function to set patterns to exclude text from the pdf document.

Thank you!

Excellent Extension

Posted on 25 August 2011
I used this extension for the first time today. Normally I have avoided using the PDF Button as Print serves my clients purposes.

It is easy to Install, very configurable. I found no problems. I have a bit of HTML/CSS but my client has none and he configured it in no time.

Great! But...

Posted on 12 May 2011
I have installed and used it. But what I am really looking was, the ability to convert a page which is not an article into pdf. I need to convert a custom HTML into pdf. But what this component does was no different with the inbuilt joomla pdf. What is the need for this component when pdf output is already there? Agreed that one can customize the pdf output, but i need was a code something like {phoca_pdf} URL {/phoca_pdf} that can be used on top of the inbuiltpdf
Owner's reply: Hi,

in Joomla! 1.6 there is no built in PDF solution.

See Phoca documentation site and forum site to get information about the difference between Phoca PDF and built in pdf solution in Joomla! 1.5, e.g.:

- configurable PDF document (over 40 parameters in Phoca PDF plugin vs. 0 parameter in Joomla! itself)
- using of own or selected fonts possible (important for multilanguage support)
- updated TCPDF library - more features in CSS and HTML translating (the article html site is converted precisely)
- plugin system - it means, you can create a plugin for your own features and you need not to care about all the PDF creating procedures
- solving IE bug (displaying PDF in Interent Explorer)
- etc., etc.

If you need to convert something to PDF where Phoca PDF plugin does not exist yet, such plugin must be done first. This is why Phoca PDF framework includes plugin system, so the framework can be extensible. :-(

To future review makers:

Please, read exactly what Phoca PDF does, before installing and please review the features of Phoca PDF not features which you think, Phoca PDF has.

PDF is not like HTML, it is very complicated system which is not easy to setup but if it has been setup correctly it can be really helpful.

Thank you for understanding


Bad Experience

Posted on 18 March 2011
I believe the reviews that this is a great application. Installed it and went through all the configurations, completely impressed. Went to my live site to check the changes and a fatal error of some kind made the entire site blank.

Scariest thing I've ever seen from an extension. Deactivating the components made it work again.

The forums report this problem, but I couldn't see an easy path out of it, so I uninstalled.
Owner's reply: Hi, if you get blank page on your site, you should enable php error reporting to get info from PHP which error caused it. On Joomla! site, many different extensions can be installed together (mostly it is not possible for one developer to check if his extension is not in conflict with 7000 other extensions). But getting PHP error is the best way to solve the problem.

PDF document needs to have clean header but if some other extension renders some error or warning, etc, the pdf document will be not rendered. Etc. Etc. So e.g. warning, bad encoding of other extension may not affect html output but it prevents from rendering PDF document. :-(

But all this should be solved in forum.

Great adon for Virtuemart PDF Invoicing!!

And it's very well explained and easy to install despite you have to hack some VM code ;-)

The only 'but' is that the email feature is not automatically included in the addon...

As Jan says: Email feauture is available for users who are regularly active in Phoca Forum, are regularly translating Phoca Extensions or have donated to Phoca Project...

Nice job!

Posted on 12 January 2011
Works great! I'm using together with the 'Phoca PDF VM plugin'. Perfect addon for my VirtueMart shop, i now have invoice as PDF :-) :-) :-)
This is a nice feature packed extension, however I noticed a couple of issues that prevent me giving it 5 stars.

1> PDF links can break with certain SEF settings (namely when enabling "add suffix to URLs).

2> When this extension is enabled, it is my experience that it can prevent the core search feature from working on certain searches (you get a blank white page).

The latter one is more of an issue for me, and I can't fathom why this extension would cause the search to fail for some phrases, but work fine for others.

It could be coincidence, but those failed searches worked fine when this extension was uninstalled which I did as I need my search feature working 100% more than I need this PDF extension.
Owner's reply: Hi, yes, before running the component and mostly the system plugin, the important notice of the component should be read.

Because in Joomla! 1.5 there is no option to set own link to PDF, the core PDF link needs to be found in the system and this link needs to be translated to link to Phoca PDF. And as there are numerous of SEF solutions and different link formats, it is very difficult to translate all the possible link formats. This is why the replacing is not working 100% (e.g. it can be stopped by not enough memory on the server - with fatal error)

In Phoca PDF settings you can set different search and replace methods.

If you get blank page, mostly some error is stopping the script and this should be found in errorLog or while enabling php error reporting, see:
Phoca Gallery

Phoca Gallery

By Jan Pavelka
Phoca Gallery is a Joomla! component. Modern and responsive gallery with many different detail methods. It is fully compatible with Joomla 4 - see Phoca Gallery and Joomla 4 Demo and Joomla 5. Parameters: more than 200 parameters which allows to stylize gallery many different ways Additional plugins: more than 10 plugins Additional modules more than 5 plugins External images: Picasa, Google+, Goo...
Phoca Download

Phoca Download

By Jan Pavelka
Phoca Download is a Joomla! component. It displays sections, categories and files which can be downloaded from the site. Downloaded files are listed in Statistics View (administration). Demo: Joomla 4 Demo Demo Plugin Demo Live Demo Joomla! 2.5 Demo: Joomla! 2.5 Demo Setting own style demo, Youtube videos in Phoca Download: Youtube videos in Phoca Download Demo
Phoca Favicon

Phoca Favicon

By Jan Pavelka
Phoca Favicon is a Joomla! component. It is a simple component that generates favicon on your Joomla! site. You can change the favicon of your site whenever you like. Requirements: - Joomla!1.5, 2.5, 3 (stable or any later version). - PHP 4.4.1 (or any later version) with GD library (graphics library for thumbnails creation). Documentation Frontend Demo Since version 2 (Joomla! 2.5, 3.x) Favic...
Phoca Maps

Phoca Maps

By Jan Pavelka
Maps & Locations
Phoca Maps is a Joomla! component. It is a component which displays maps on your site. The idea of using this component is a fast creation of map on your site. Just go to Extensions » Maps » New, click on Coordinates button, then click on the place in the map you want to display and save it. Finally create menu link to this map. If you need to set a marker or more markers, just go to Extension...
Phoca Cart

Phoca Cart

By Jan Pavelka
Shopping Cart
Phoca Cart is a powerful e-commerce platform that makes it easy for businesses to sell their products and services online. With a user-friendly interface and a wide range of features, Phoca Cart streamlines the process of creating an online store, managing inventory, processing orders, and accepting payments. Phoca Cart is built on the Joomla CMS platform, which means that it integrates seamlessl...
Phoca Top Menu

Phoca Top Menu

By Jan Pavelka
Admin Navigation
Phoca Top Menu module - a Joomla! CMS module which displays horizontal top menu in Joomla! administration. See video: Phoca Top Menu module - Joomla! 4 Phoca Top Menu module is based on Admin Top Menu module created by Clifford E Ford. In options, theme can be set....
Phoca Restaurant Menu Lite

Phoca Restaurant Menu Lite

By Jan Pavelka
Food & Beverage
Phoca Restaurant Menu is a Joomla! component. This component allows creating menu for restaurant, cafeteria, fast food, school canteen, buffet, bar, club, snack bar, wineroom, etc. Such menu can be displayed on a website, printed on a sheet of paper or emailed to customers. Menu output types: HTML - Tables (partially responsive) HTML - Bootstrap 2 (responsive) HTML - Bootstrap 3 (responsive) P...
Phoca GAE

Phoca GAE

By Jan Pavelka
Affiliate Systems
Phoca GAE is a Joomla! module which displays Google AdSense code on your site easy way. Don't waste your time filling out a lot of forms. Just copy your Google AdSense Code and paste it into your Joomla! site. This way the Google Search code and Google Calendar code can be added too. Requirements: - Joomla! 1.5 - Joomla! 2.5 - Joomla! 3 - Joomla! 4 - Joomla! 5 (Alpha) Documentation: http://www.p...
Phoca Facebook Comments

Phoca Facebook Comments

By Jan Pavelka
Social Comments
Phoca Facebook Comments Module is a Joomla! module which displays Facebook comments on Joomla! site. Users are able to comment the site on which this module is displayed. Joomla! 2.5 Demo Joomla! 3.x Demo How to moderate comments...
Phoca Gallery Tree

Phoca Gallery Tree

By Jan Pavelka
Phoca Gallery extensions
Phoca Gallery Tree Module is a Joomla! Module which shows a tree of galleries (categories) from Phoca Gallery component. Requirements: - Joomla 1.5, 2.5, 3, 4 or any later version - PHP 5, 7, 8 or any later version with GD library (graphics library for thumbnails creation). - Phoca Gallery with Slideshow component. Documentation:
Phoca Documentation

Phoca Documentation

By Jan Pavelka
Articles Display
Phoca Documentation is a Joomla! 1.5, 2.5, 3.x Component which displays Joomla's articles, categories (and sections) as a documentation site, e.g. as User Manual, User guide, etc. Documentation Download Joomla 2.5 Demo Demo...
Phoca Commander

Phoca Commander

By Jan Pavelka
File Management
Phoca Commander is Joomla! CMS component - it is dual panel file manager (like Total Commander, Midnight Commander, Krusader, ...) working in Joomla! CMS. See demo (video) Phoca Commander features: - Change Attributes (CHMOD) - Rename - View - Edit - Copy - Move - New Folder - Delete - Unzip (Unpack) - Zip (Pack) - Upload Inline actions: - View - Edit - Download Requirements: Joomla! CMS...
Plugin for Phoca Download

Plugin for Phoca Download

By Jan Pavelka
Phoca Download extensions
Phoca Download Plugin is a Joomla! Plugin which can display: link to Phoca Download Categories link to Phoca Download Category link to Phoca Download File link to previow a file link to play a file (video or mp3) (in popup or modal) player for playing video or mp3 Play a YouTube video Link to Phoca Download plugin Category Link to Phoca Download File in article content. See demo of the plugin...
Phoca Gallery Image

Phoca Gallery Image

By Jan Pavelka
Phoca Gallery extensions
Phoca Gallery Image Module is a Joomla! Module which shows image(s) from Phoca Gallery component in module positon. Random image or latest images can be displayed. Phoca Gallery Image Module replaces Phoca Gallery Random Image Module Demo - mosaic effect (in top right area): Demo - mosaic effect (on the right side): Demo - stand...
Phoca Gallery Menu

Phoca Gallery Menu

By Jan Pavelka
Phoca Gallery extensions
Phoca Gallery Menu Module is a Joomla! Module which shows a menu (horizontal or vertical) of galleries (categories) from Phoca Gallery component....
Phoca Upgrade

Phoca Upgrade

By Jan Pavelka
Phoca Upgrade System plugin is Joomla! CMS plugin which tries to transform Bootstrap 2 output into Bootstrap 3 output on Joomla! website. This is needed when Joomla! renders Bootstrap 2 output but your template is based on Bootstrap 3. Demo...
Phoca Open Graph System

Phoca Open Graph System

By Jan Pavelka
SEO & Metadata
System - Phoca Open Graph Plugin Phoca Open Graph System Plugin is a Joomla! CMS Plugin. It allows adding of open graph information into site. Such information stored in meta tags can be then automatically displayed on e.g. Facebook Be aware there are two different open graph plugins Phoca Open Graph Content plugin - this plugin works for content (articles) and display information of articles...
Phoca Cart Cart

Phoca Cart Cart

By Jan Pavelka
Phoca Cart Extensions
Phoca Cart Cart Module Phoca Cart Cart Module - a Joomla! CMS module which displays products ordered in Phoca Cart component in module position Phoca Cart component needs to be installed to run this module. Phoca Cart Info Page...
Phoca Collapse

Phoca Collapse

By Jan Pavelka
Phoca Collapse System Plugin is a Joomla! CMS Plugin. It adds the ability to hide Joomla subform content. So that subforms can be better sorted....
Phoca Gallery Search

Phoca Gallery Search

By Jan Pavelka
Phoca Gallery extensions
Phoca Gallery Search Plugin is a Joomla! CMS plugin. It searches Phoca Gallery images....
Phoca Panorama

Phoca Panorama

By Jan Pavelka
Phoca Panorama is Joomla! CMS component - it displays panoramic images or interactive virtual tours (e.g. made by krpano software) on Joomla! CMS sites. It includes categories view (list of categories), category view (list of panorama items) and items (panorama items) view....
Phoca Email

Phoca Email

By Jan Pavelka
Phoca Email is a Joomla! component. It has different functions: Phoca Email is newsletter component. Phoca Email is used as main newsletter component for Phoca Cart Phoca Email is used for sending emails from other components like e.g. sending Invoice, Delivery Note or Receipt from VirtueMart component Phoca Email can be used for sending emails from Joomla! administration site. If Phoca Email...
Phoca Gallery Plugin

Phoca Gallery Plugin

By Jan Pavelka
Phoca Gallery extensions
Phoca Gallery Plugin is a Joomla! Plugin to show categories or images of Phoca Gallery in an article content. Requirements: - Joomla! - Phoca Gallery with Slideshow component Documentation: Phoca Gallery plugin - documentation Usage (see Demo): Phoca Gallery plugin - demo - Joomla 4 Phoca Gallery plugin - demo - Wallpapers
Phoca Guestbook

Phoca Guestbook

By Jan Pavelka
Guest Book
Phoca Guestbook is a Joomla! component. It is a guestbook with Anti-Spam protection which can be used as guestbook or contact form. Contact form is protected by Anti-Spam methods and emails with contact content can be sent to selected user. Requirements: - Joomla! 1.5, 2.5, 3.10, 4.x, 5.x or any later version Documentation Demo (Joomla! 4) Demo (Joomla! 1.5) Demo Phoca Guestbook and Joomla! 2...
Phoca Maps Plugin

Phoca Maps Plugin

By Jan Pavelka
Maps & Locations
Phoca Maps Plugin is a Joomla! plugin. With Phoca Maps Plugin you can display one or more than one Google Map on your site (in the article). You can display the map or only link to selected map. When user click on this link, the map will be displayed in Modal Box window or in standard Popup window. Demo Joomla 4 Component Demo Plugin Demo Demo: Joomla! 3 Component Demo Component Embed Demo...
Chart Statistics for Phoca Download

Chart Statistics for Phoca Download

By Jan Pavelka
Phoca Download extensions
Phoca Download Chart Statistics Module is a Joomla! Module which displays Google Chart statistics of downloaded files....
Phoca Download Search

Phoca Download Search

By Jan Pavelka
Extensions Search
Phoca Download Search Plugin is a Joomla! plugin which allows you to search for files, categories or description of Phoca Download...
Phoca Download Finder

Phoca Download Finder

By Jan Pavelka
Phoca Download extensions
Phoca Download Finder Plugin is a Joomla! plugin which allows you to search for files of Phoca Download powered by Joomla! Smart Search (Finder) feature....
PCP - Phoca Cart POS Cash

PCP - Phoca Cart POS Cash

By Jan Pavelka
Phoca Cart Extensions
Phoca Cart Payment - POS Cash Plugin - payment method for Phoca Cart component - Point Of Sale...
Phoca Cart Feed Google Merchant

Phoca Cart Feed Google Merchant

By Jan Pavelka
Phoca Cart Extensions
Phoca Cart Feed - Google Merchant plugin - XML feed plugin for Phoca Cart component. Extends XML Feed with new Google Merchant elements....
Phoca Cart Mega Menu Content

Phoca Cart Mega Menu Content

By Jan Pavelka
Menu Systems
Phoca Cart Mega Menu Content Module - a Joomla! CMS module which displays content of e.g. Phoca Cart categories or brands which can be displayed in mega menu. Requirements: Joomla 3 or Joomla 4 or any later version PHP 7 (see requirements of your current Joomla!) Phoca Cart component....
Phoca Carousel

Phoca Carousel

By Jan Pavelka
Phoca Carousel Module - a Joomla! CMS module which displays horizontal image slider containing HTML parts and additional images. Requirements: Joomla! 3 or any later version PHP 5.3 (see requirements of your current Joomla!)...
Pcs - Phoca Cart Shipping Standard

Pcs - Phoca Cart Shipping Standard

By Jan Pavelka
Phoca Cart Extensions
Phoca Cart Shipping - Shipping Standard Plugin - shipping method for Phoca Cart component....
Phoca Cart PayPal Standard

Phoca Cart PayPal Standard

By Jan Pavelka
Phoca Cart Extensions
Phoca Cart Payment - PayPal Standard - payment method for Phoca Cart component. Phoca Cart component needs to be installed before using this plugin....
PCV - Phoca Cart Shipping Info

PCV - Phoca Cart Shipping Info

By Jan Pavelka
Phoca Cart Extensions
Phoca Cart View - Free Shipping Info Plugin - this plugin displays information about remaining cost for customer to avail free shipping in Phoca Cart....
PCV - Phoca Cart Default

PCV - Phoca Cart Default

By Jan Pavelka
Phoca Cart Extensions
Phoca Cart View - Default Plugin - plugin view method for Phoca Cart component. This plugin adds the option to run view events in Phoca Cart....
PCA - Phoca Cart Default

PCA - Phoca Cart Default

By Jan Pavelka
Phoca Cart Extensions
Phoca Cart - Administration Default plugin - plugin administration method for Phoca Cart component. It adds the options to use events whe saving Phoca Cart products or categories....
System - Phoca PDF

System - Phoca PDF

By Jan Pavelka
Print & PDF
Phoca PDF System plugin is a Joomla! plugin which tries to add PDF Print button to Joomla! article so the article can be generated as PDF with help of Phoca PDF component....
Content - Phoca Photo

Content - Phoca Photo

By Jan Pavelka
Phoca Photo Content Plugin is a Joomla! plugin which display images of Phoca Gallery in article styled by lightweight way (the same way like Phoca Photo component). The plugin is a lite and simple alternative to Phoca Gallery Content plugin. To display images in article quickly and easily....
Phoca Filter Options

Phoca Filter Options

By Jan Pavelka
Admin Navigation
Phoca Filter Options System plugin is Joomla! CMS plugin which adds the ability to filter parameters in configuration options. After installing and enabling the plugin you will be able to filter options of components or Global Configuration. See video: Filter Options - Joomla! 3.9 Filter Options - Joomla! 4.0...
Phoca Cart Feed Zboží.cz

Phoca Cart Feed Zboží.cz

By Jan Pavelka
Phoca Cart Extensions
Phoca Cart Feed - Zboží.cz plugin - XML feed plugin for Phoca Cart component. Extends XML Feed with new Zboží.cz elements....
Phoca Cart Sales Countdown Timer

Phoca Cart Sales Countdown Timer

By Jan Pavelka
Phoca Cart Extensions
Phoca Cart Product Scroller Module - a Joomla! CMS module which displays sales countdown timer - remaining days, hours and minutes of a special discount or sale event. See video: This module is a part of Phoca Cart extensions....
Phoca Particles

Phoca Particles

By Jan Pavelka
Personal Layout
Phoca Particles Module - a Joomla! CMS module which displays prepared HTML parts in module instances or articles. Data first, then design. Phoca Particles module works in the opposite way to page builders. In page builders you build the design, then add content. In Phoca Particles module you add data (content) and then you can change the design according to the needs. Phoca Particles Demo Phoca...
Phoca Cart Category Restaurant

Phoca Cart Category Restaurant

By Jan Pavelka
Phoca Cart Extensions
Phoca Cart Layout - Category Restaurant Plugin - plugin layout method for Phoca Cart component....
Phoca Cart Items Restaurant

Phoca Cart Items Restaurant

By Jan Pavelka
Phoca Cart Extensions
Phoca Cart Layout - Items Restaurant Plugin - plugin layout method for Phoca Cart component...
Phoca Desktop

Phoca Desktop

By Jan Pavelka
Admin Styling
Phoca Desktop System Plugin - a Joomla! CMS pugin which adds a desktop with shortcuts to the main administration panel. Requirements: Joomla! 4 or 5 or any later version PHP 7.2 (see requirements of your current Joomla!)...
Phoca Cart Finder Product

Phoca Cart Finder Product

By Jan Pavelka
Phoca Cart Extensions
Phoca Cart Finder Product plugin is a Joomla! plugin which allows you to search for products of Phoca Cart powered by Joomla! Smart Search (Finder) feature....
Phoca Cart Finder Category

Phoca Cart Finder Category

By Jan Pavelka
Phoca Cart Extensions
Phoca Cart Finder Category plugin is a Joomla! plugin which allows you to search for categories of Phoca Cart powered by Joomla! Smart Search (Finder) feature....
Phoca Cart SVG Scheme

Phoca Cart SVG Scheme

By Jan Pavelka
Phoca Cart Extensions
Phoca Cart SVG Scheme Module - a Joomla! CMS module which displays Phoca Cart categories and products in SVG scheme. See demo:
Phoca Cart View Conversion

Phoca Cart View Conversion

By Jan Pavelka
Phoca Cart Extensions
Phoca Cart View - Conversion Tracking Plugin - plugin that adds the conversion tracking code when the order is successfully completed in Phoca Cart...
Phoca Cart Shipping Zasilkovna

Phoca Cart Shipping Zasilkovna

By Jan Pavelka
Phoca Cart Extensions
Phoca Cart Shipping - Shipping Zasilkovna Plugin - shipping method for Phoca Cart component....
Phoca Cart View Google Conversion

Phoca Cart View Google Conversion

By Jan Pavelka
Phoca Cart Extensions
Phoca Cart View - Google Conversion Tracking Plugin - plugin that inserts Google conversion tracking code into the website....
Phoca Cart View Conversion

Phoca Cart View Conversion

By Jan Pavelka
Phoca Cart Extensions
Phoca Cart View - Conversion Tracking Plugin - plugin that adds the conversion tracking code when the order is successfully completed in Phoca Cart....
Phoca Cart View Shop Certification

Phoca Cart View Shop Certification

By Jan Pavelka
Phoca Cart Extensions
Phoca Cart View - Shop Certification Plugin - plugin that adds the Shop Certification code when the order is successfully completed in Phoca Cart....
Phoca Cart Image Photoswipe

Phoca Cart Image Photoswipe

By Jan Pavelka
Phoca Cart Extensions
Phoca Cart View - Image Photoswipe Plugin - this plugin creates Photoswipe modal window effect for Phoca Cart products in product detail view....
Phoca Cart Category

Phoca Cart Category

By Jan Pavelka
Phoca Cart Extensions
Phoca Cart Category Module Phoca Cart Category Module - a Joomla! CMS module which displays tree of Phoca Cart categories in module position. Phoca Cart component needs to be installed to run this module. Phoca Cart Info Page...
Phoca Download Button

Phoca Download Button

By Jan Pavelka
Phoca Download extensions
Phoca Download Button Plugin is a Joomla! plugin which enables a Phoca Download button in editor. With help of this button you can easily add Phoca Download Plugin code to your articles. Phoca Download Button plugin demo...
Phoca Gallery Finder

Phoca Gallery Finder

By Jan Pavelka
Phoca Gallery extensions
Phoca Gallery Finder Plugin (Images) is a plugin which allows you to search for images of Phoca Gallery powered by Joomla! Smart Search (Finder) feature....
Phoca Documentation Navigation

Phoca Documentation Navigation

By Jan Pavelka
Extensions Specific Non-sorted
Phoca Documentation Navigation Plugin is a Joomla! plugin which displays navigation for Phoca Documentation Component in articles....
Phoca Font Plugin

Phoca Font Plugin

By Jan Pavelka
Extensions Specific Non-sorted
Phoca Font Plugin is a system plugin. This plugin works together with Phoca Font Component. They add support for using downloadable fonts in your Joomla! site. You can upload and select your own .ttf or .otf font file in Phoca Font Component. Font included in this font file will be rendered by Phoca Font Plugin on your site (with help of @font-face rule). Demo Joomla! 1.5 Demo Joomla! 2.5 Demo...
Phoca Gallery Category Finder

Phoca Gallery Category Finder

By Jan Pavelka
Phoca Gallery extensions
Phoca Gallery Category Finder Plugin is a Joomla! plugin which allows you to search for categories of Phoca Gallery powered by Joomla! Smart Search (Finder) feature....
Phoca PDF Content

Phoca PDF Content

By Jan Pavelka
Print & PDF
Phoca PDF Content is a content plugin. It enables displaying of PDF icon in article, so such article can be "printed" as PDF document Joomla! 2.5 Demo Joomla! 3.5 Demo...
Phoca Gallery Slideshow bxSlider

Phoca Gallery Slideshow bxSlider

By Jan Pavelka
Phoca Gallery extensions
Phoca Gallery Slideshow bxSlider is a Joomla! CMS module which displays slideshow of Phoca Gallery images in module positon. It is a responsive slideshow module....
Phoca Gallery Button

Phoca Gallery Button

By Jan Pavelka
Phoca Gallery extensions
Phoca Gallery Button Plugin is a Joomla! plugin which enables a Phoca Gallery button in editor. With help of this button you can easily add Phoca Gallery Plugin code to your articles. Demo: Phoca Gallery Button Plugin demo...
Phoca Documentation Category

Phoca Documentation Category

By Jan Pavelka
Extensions Specific Non-sorted
Phoca Documentation Category Module is a Joomla! module which displays parent categories of Phoca Documentation component. Demo Categories View Demo Category View Demo Article View In Article View, the list of articles of the same category as the active article has, can be displayed...
Phoca CSS Flags Height

Phoca CSS Flags Height

By Jan Pavelka
Phoca CSS Flags Height system plugin - world flags rendered by CSS only. If you are displaying flags on your Joomla! site (e.g. downloading language packs for Joomla! extensions), it is not necessary to load all the flag images (e.g. over 100 images) on the site. Just install this plugin and paste the html with css classes to your article or other Joomla! parts. Flags are then displayed per CSS...
Phoca Email Newsletter

Phoca Email Newsletter

By Jan Pavelka
Extensions Specific Non-sorted
Phoca Email Newsletter module - a Joomla! CMS module which displays newsletter sign-up form in Joomla! CMS This module works together with Phoca Email component, see: Demo:
Phoca Download Category Finder

Phoca Download Category Finder

By Jan Pavelka
Phoca Download extensions
Phoca Download Category Finder Plugin is a Joomla! plugin which allows you to search for categories of Phoca Download powered by Joomla! Smart Search (Finder) feature....
Phoca Photo

Phoca Photo

By Jan Pavelka
Phoca Photo is Joomla! CMS component - it displays images on Joomla! site. It includes categories view (list of categories), category view (list of images) and image view. It does not include any administration features (images and categories should be managed by Phoca Gallery). It includes only frontend views, which load the content fast and easy on the site. It is a Bootstrap alternative to Pho...
Phoca Panorama Module

Phoca Panorama Module

By Jan Pavelka
Phoca Panorama Module - a Joomla! CMS module which displays panoramic image in module position. To use Phoca Panorama module on your website, Phoca Panorama component needs to be installed. Requirements: Joomla! 3 or any later version PHP 5.3 (see requirements of your current Joomla!) Phoca Panorama component....
Phoca Cart Cash On Delivery

Phoca Cart Cash On Delivery

By Jan Pavelka
Phoca Cart Extensions
Phoca Cart Payment - Cash On Delivery Plugin - payment method for Phoca Cart component. Phoca Cart component needs to be installed before using this plugin....
Phoca Cart Compare

Phoca Cart Compare

By Jan Pavelka
Phoca Cart Extensions
Phoca Cart Compare Module - a Joomla! CMS module which displays selected products of Phoca Cart to display them in comparison list. Phoca Cart component installation is required to run this module. Phoca Cart Info Page...
Phoca Cart Currency

Phoca Cart Currency

By Jan Pavelka
Phoca Cart Extensions
Phoca Cart Currency Module is a Joomla! CMS module which displays currency selector for Phoca Cart component in module position. Requirements: Phoca Cart component must be installed to run this plugin. Phoca Cart Phoca Cart Info Page...
Phoca Cart Filter

Phoca Cart Filter

By Jan Pavelka
Phoca Cart Extensions
Phoca Cart Filter Module is Joomla! CMS module which displays filtering form - to filter Phoca Cart products. Demo: To run this module, Phoca Cart component needs to be installed in your Joomla! site. Phoca Cart Phoca Cart Info Page...
Phoca Cart Product

Phoca Cart Product

By Jan Pavelka
Phoca Cart Extensions
Phoca Cart Product Module - a Joomla! CMS module which displays Phoca Cart products in module position. Requirements: Phoca Cart component must be installed to run this plugin. Phoca Cart Phoca Cart Info Page...
Phoca Cart Search

Phoca Cart Search

By Jan Pavelka
Phoca Cart Extensions
Phoca Cart Search Module - a Joomla! CMS module which displays searching form - to search Phoca Cart products. Requirements: Phoca Cart component must be installed to run this plugin. Phoca Cart Phoca Cart Info Page...
Phoca PDF PhocaCart

Phoca PDF PhocaCart

By Jan Pavelka
Print & PDF
Phoca PDF PhocaCart plugin is Joomla! plugin. It is a plugin to render Invoice, Delivery Note and Order as PDF document in Phoca Cart component. Requirements: (Phoca Cart component)[] - native e-commerce solution for Joomla! CMS (Phoca PDF component)[] - PDF component for Joomla! CMS...
Phoca Cart Wish List

Phoca Cart Wish List

By Jan Pavelka
Phoca Cart Extensions
Phoca Cart Wish List Module - a Joomla! CMS module which displays selected products of Phoca Cart to display them in wish list. Phoca Cart component installation is required to run this module. Phoca Cart Phoca Cart Info Page...
Phoca Photo

Phoca Photo

By Jan Pavelka
Photos & Images
Phoca Photo Content Plugin is a Joomla! plugin which display images of Phoca Gallery in article styled by Bootstrap (the same way like Phoca Photo component is). The plugin is a lite and simple alternative to Phoca Gallery Content plugin. To display images in article quickly and easily. Demo...
Phoca Cart Brands

Phoca Cart Brands

By Jan Pavelka
Phoca Cart Extensions
Phoca Cart Brands Module - a Joomla! CMS module which displays list of manufacturers (brands) in module position. Phoca Cart component needs to be installed before using this module. Phoca Cart Phoca Cart Info Page...
Phoca Cart Product Scroller

Phoca Cart Product Scroller

By Jan Pavelka
Phoca Cart Extensions
Phoca Cart Product Scroller Module - a Joomla! CMS module which displays product scroll slider of Phoca Cart products. Phoca Cart component needs to be installed before using this module: Phoca Cart Phoca Cart Info Page...
Phoca Gallery Content Slideshow

Phoca Gallery Content Slideshow

By Jan Pavelka
Phoca Gallery extensions
Phoca Gallery Content Slideshow Plugin displays a slideshow of Phoca Gallery images in content. - see the slideshow in main page - in content....
Phoca Gallery Slideshow Skitter

Phoca Gallery Slideshow Skitter

By Jan Pavelka
Phoca Gallery extensions
Phoca Gallery Slideshow Skitter Module is a Joomla! module which displays slideshow of Phoca Gallery images in module positon....
Phoca Gallery Simple

Phoca Gallery Simple

By Jan Pavelka
Phoca Gallery extensions
Phoca Gallery Content Simple Plugin is a Joomla! plugin which displays images from selected Phoca Gallery category in an article content a simple way....

Phoca PDF

2.0.1, 3.0.6, 4.0.1
Jan Pavelka
Last updated:
Apr 11 2023
1 year ago
Date added:
Feb 24 2009
GPLv2 or later
Free download
c p
J3 J4

Uses Joomla! Update System


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