SJ Cool Accordion with K2 module is used for K2 component. You can use the module of us with 4 eye-catching themes and many nice effects to change your site.
With K2 component, SJ Cool Accordion module allows you show many items including image and description. You can change exposition of description and image of items follow your ideas by choose one of 4 themes which we supported.
There're many helpful features in SJ Cool Accordion with K2 are waiting for you find out. For seeing how the module of us is enjoyable, let's to visit demo of SJ Cool Accordion with K2
Highlight Features
★ Compatibility:
- Responsive design
- Multi-browsers compatible
- Multi-Module on the same page
- Support Multi-Language
- Support SEO, pre- and post- text with each instance
★ Functionality:
- Support 4 Themes. You can see the screenshots below.
- Support to prevent conflicting
- Sort order Items by: Recently Added first, Recently Modified first, most popular, least popular, default ordering, random, title
- Limit the number of items to show to the module
- Support the link to image and title
- Support opening link in: Same Window, New Window, Popup
- Support some modes for resizing images: stretch, fill, fit, center
- Support to add comments at the top of module and the end of module.
- Limit the characters of the title/description
- Support to change the default category link to other link
- Support caching to make your website loads faster
Related Tags:
joomla module, joomla extension, k2 module, k2 extension, k2 displaying, k2 items, k2 item displaying, content showing, k2 showing, k2 item showing, k2 accordion, accordion, cool accordion
SJ K2 Cool Accordion
- Version:
- 1.3.0
- Developer:
- SmartAddons
- Last updated:
Aug 05 2020
4 years ago - Date added:
- Nov 19 2014
- License:
- GPLv2 or later
- Type:
- Paid download
- Includes:
- m
- Compatibility:
- J3